Y-Tex large (4-star) ear tags are ideal for cattle use. Unique 840 series numbers are laser printed at the top of each visual ID tag, allowing room for you to write herd information below.
The ink actually penetrates into the plastic of the tag, forming a long-lasting bond. Resists U.V. fading. Fast drying and non-smearing. For use on black or other dark colored ear tags.
The long, ribbed neck prevents breakage and allows greater tag visibility. Please include imprint instructions when finalizing your order in the "special instructions" field. Add $5 freight charge per drop ship tag order.
DuFlex ear tags are designed for easy application, superior retention, and reliable performance in harsh weather conditions. DUFLEX SPECIAL IMPRINTS: Add $.15 per tag (per side) for special imprints including tags numbered on both sides, name/address/phone,...
DuFlex ear tags are designed for easy application, superior retention, and reliable performance in harsh weather conditions. DUFLEX SPECIAL IMPRINTS: Add $.15 per tag (per side) for special imprints including tags numbered on both sides, name/address/phone,...
Maxi tags are appropriate for beef and dairy cattle use. Male buttons included. Z2 No-Tear ear tags are applied with the Z2 No-Tear Tagger, featuring dual-action kickback jaw and flip-out pin which virtually eliminate ripped ears to promote healing.
Uses Pow-R-Cep applicator, sold separately. Measures 3/8" wide x 1-1/2" long on each side. Specify imprint desired: up to 19 characters on bubble side of tag; up to 9 characters on point side of tag.
If you request Rush processing, your order must also ship via Air Freight. Add $15 Custom Number Manipulation Fee if ordering non-consecutive management numbers. (When ordering buttons, black Y-Tex buttons are not recommended.) Add $5.00 freight charge...
The U-shaped plastic- coated wire is then placed through this hole and the tag placed over the wire. Apply at the junction of the neck and brisket; clip hair with clippers and punch hole through the loose skin with the applicator.
Z2 No-Tear 2-piece cattle ear tags are designed for ease of use, durability, and improved tag retention. 4.5" high x 3" wide. Z2 ear tags have flexible polyurethane panels that bend without breaking.
If you request Rush processing, your order must also ship via Air Freight. Add $15 Custom Number Manipulation Fee if ordering non-consecutive management numbers. (When ordering buttons, black Y-Tex buttons are not recommended.) Add $5.00 freight charge...
Made of soft, flexible material that won't curl, twist, crack or peel. Z-TAG SPECIAL IMPRINTS: Add $.20 per tag (per side) for special laser imprints including name/address/phone, brand, or logo.
Not recommended for dairy applications except dairy calves intended to go to feeder markets. Click to learn more about EID/RFID from Allflex A $15 drop ship charge will be added to each special order item.
He has Calving Ease and BirthWeight EPD's both within the top 25% of the breed and yet still ranks in the top 15% of the breed for Marbling, API and TI. Sired by CDI RimRock out of a Rhodes Red Angus female.
Registered low line angus bull DOB: 6/02/2013 Reg#: FM22336 Sired eleven calves from 2015 to present $2000.00 Located in Fort Worth, Tx Possible local delivery available
Thanks for looking Some are ready To Breed And some wil be ready next spring. All bulls are guarantee. Virgem Wagyu Bulls for sale. Prices: $3,500.00 to $4,000.00.
Cows are unregistered Red Devons. Calves born May-July 2015 Sire is a registered Red Devon bull double bred to the Rotokawa 688 bull. Perfect for crossing with your Herefords and Angus cows.
Have two bulls for sale also would be a good herd starting group. Bull is registered. Asking 2500 for each cow/calf pair or best offer. Registered Cows with mostly April calves, some may and june calves on side.
Pricing and Information available upon request. These donor cows are impressive in phenotype and on paper and will improve any cowherd. We have 60+ registered Brangus cattle for sale including 10-12 Cow Calf Pairs, Bred Heifers, Weaned Heifers/Bulls,...
24 fall bred cows Moderate type grass fed genetics using a large percentage New Zealand and Wye bloodlines. Majority of the fall bred cows are less than 6 years of age. $1100 per bred cow take all
Black Blaze faced - Purebred Simmental bull coming 2 years old DOB - 3/11/16 ASA# 3096922 KOZE Graded Miles Sired by NLC UpGrade Maternal Grand Sire: TLLC One Eyed Jack (Dam pictured) Calving ease, growth in a docile package (halter broke), this bull...
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or to schedule a time to meet. Bradford, has that wide look that everyone is looking for! He also looks a lot like Bevo with beautiful coloring.
Mini's will be around mid 30's (35-39 lbs). Fantastic carcass. Will add value to your mini-cows and produce extremely competitive show calves. 3 years old, proven bull, has bred our cows and we have a new bull.