It also aids in the healing of rashes, paw abrasions, and superficial skin injuries in cats, dogs, cattle, and horses. Bag Balm moistens skin, making it soft.
Cutting edges overlap to insure a complete cut. They are made from the highest grade of hardened steel used for dehorner heads. Neogen Corporation Instruments Dehorner 13 In Barnes-Type Dehorners constructed with stainless steel cutting heads for smooth...
Oxytetracycline is an antimicrobial agent that is effective in the treatment of a wide range of diseases caused by susceptible gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Aspen Veterinary Resource Terra Vet 200 is a sterile, ready-to-use solution for the...
Minor cuts, bruises, chapping, skin irritation, wind and sunburn all contribute to cow discomfort. Dr. Naylor Udder Balm combines an antiseptic with an emollient ointment to keep teats and udders soft and healthy.
Although these gloves are mainly used on cattle farms, I find them very useful for field dressing wild game and particularly useful when cleaning fish in Florida when the sand fleas are biting
✓ 10.5 x 5x 2.8 In
✓ Made from high quality polyethylene fiber for maximum strength and optimal sensitivity
✓ This product cannot be shipped to: CA
✓ Weight: Approximately: 2.3 pounds
✓ The ideal shoulder length glove is designed for ob and ai use
Vitamins and electrolytes serve to balance nutritional needs, additional enzymes to help improve feed intake and digestion. Hen Boost Probiotics from Animal Health Solutions contains important vitamins, electrolytes and enzymes specifically formulated...
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 8 x 5.25 x 2 inches.
✓ A blend of micro-encapsulated probiotics, vitamins, electrolytes and enzyme for fowl
Restricted Drug in California - Use as directed. Aspen Veterinary Resource Ivermax (Ivermectin) Pour On 250 mL is for the treatment and control of gastrointestinal roundworms (including inhibited Ostertagia ostertagi), lungworms, grubs, horn flies, sucking...
It is also a mild laxative for the lubrication of the intestinal tract. Ideal Mineral Oil Light is used as a stool softner and is useful in the treatment of most types of colic.
This all-killed vaccine/bacterin is safe for use in pregnant cows. Protect healthy dairy cows, beef cows and feeder calves from IBR, BVD, P13 and BRSV with an injection of Boehringer Ingelheim Elite 9.
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 3.5 x 1.38 x 1.38 inches to 5.75 x 2.38 x 2.38 inches depending on size selected.
Advance Arrest stops scours fast! Ideal for calves, pigs, foals, lambs and kids. Rapidly provides the essential energy and microbials a young animal needs. Contains billions of fast-acting microorganisms to promote a healthy gut and enhance the immune...
Advance Arrest stops scours fast! Ideal for calves, pigs, foals, lambs and kids. Rapidly provides the essential energy and microbials a young animal needs. Contains billions of fast-acting microorganisms to promote a healthy gut and enhance the immune...
This combination of penicillin G procaine and novobiocin sodium is effective against major staph and strep pathogens. Treat sub-clinical mastitis in dry cows quickly and effectively with Pfizer Albadry Plus Suspension.
✓ Do not use less than 30 days prior to calving
✓ Hold milk 72 hrs. after calving
✓ For treatment of subclinical mastitis in dry cows
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 8 x 4.38 x 3.25 inches.