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Livestock Feed Livestock For Sale In Maryland

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For Sale: 11 Longhorn Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

Some have been shown and are halter broke. All must be sold. If you want to start your own breeding program this is a very diverse herd with conformation,horn, color and pedigrees.
  • Number of Head: 11
United States
For Sale: 100 Holstein Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

We have in stock now milk bottle calves for sale both male and female ages between 2 weeks to 15 months.Some weaned others still on milk just depends on what you want,all prices $250 each including free shipping and delivery all states, More information,...
  • Number of Head: 100
United States
For Sale: 50 Angus Cows
Price : CALL

We are breeders of pure Angus cows for many years and we are looking forth in selling so for more information contact at 8504668022 rhanks
  • Number of Head: 50
United States
For Sale: 4 Wagyu Cows
Price : CALL

REGISTERED FULL BLOOD WAGYU AI breed to Michiyoshi 522c AA10 Bull FB21095 or Bar R 51L FB5213 FB18348 cow Fb30206 hiefer FB 21687cow FB 27061 hiefer $4500 each Confirmed 40 days pregnant 10/3/18 410-271-0249
  • Number of Head: 4
United States
For Sale: 4 Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

6 - 10 months old $800 to $1,000 based on size Calm temperament
  • Number of Head: 4
United States
For Sale: 24 Angus Cow/Calf Pairs
Price : CALL

24 commercial Angus pairs Moderate type grass fed genetics using a large percentage New Zealand and Wye bloodlines. Pairs consist of 8 first calf heifers, 10 less than 7 yrs and the balance older but productive.
  • Number of Head: 24
United States
For Sale: 4 Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

I have 2 registered weanling bulls {8 months old} Below are the 8 month old bulls: 1. Horned bull by Schu-Lar Red Bull out of a Boyd Worldwide daughter. Polled bull by MSU TCF Revolution 4R out of a MHT Choice Victor daughter, deep red, tons of body,...
  • Number of Head: 4
United States
For Sale: 4 Wagyu Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

4 registered FULL BLOOD WAGYU AI breed to michiyoshi 522c fb 21095 which is a AA10 bull or Bar R 51L fb5213 confirmed pregnant 10/3/18 at 40 days FB30206 cow FB18348 hiefer FB21687cow FB27061 hiefer $4500 410-271-0249
  • Number of Head: 4
United States
For Sale: 21 Jersey Cows
Price : CALL

All registered Jerseys, most polled. Can discount if you buy more than 2. Grassmilk, organic-certified cows for sale. 17 pregnant and short bred, due May-July, $2000 each. We have production records for all but one cow.
  • Number of Head: 21
United States
For Sale: 24 Angus Cows
Price : CALL

24 fall bred cows Moderate type grass fed genetics using a large percentage New Zealand and Wye bloodlines. Majority of the fall bred cows are less than 6 years of age. $1100 per bred cow take all
  • Number of Head: 24
United States
For Sale: 98 Hereford Bulls
Price : CALL

All bulls are Trich and Fertility tested. We specialize in supplying you with excellent gentle bulls that are cake broke and can be handled easily on foot or horse back, these are hardy south Texas bulls that will be able to stand up to and remain productive...
  • Number of Head: 98
United States
For Sale: 10 Jersey Cows
Price : CALL

Two just fresh, five confirmed pregnant for May/June calving, three in service, too short to check. Ten certified organic, 100% grassfed, registered Jerseys cows for sale. Six A2A2, four A1A2, some polled.
  • Number of Head: 10
United States
For Sale: 4 Angus Bulls
Price : CALL

4 Registered Angus Bulls. Low Birth weight, good growth, good carcass genetics Registration #'s: 1888 2945 1875 2688 1875 3422 1875 3424
  • Number of Head: 4
United States
For Sale: 100 Holstein Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

We have in stock now milk bottle calves for sale both male and female ages between 2 weeks to 15 months.Some weaned others still on milk just depends on what you want,all prices $200 each and we do delivery in all states, Looking for a monthly buyer.
  • Number of Head: 100
United States
For Sale: 4 Jersey Cows
Price : CALL

Three are naturally polled. Four certified organic Purely Pastured registered Jerseys for sale from our 100% grassfed herd. All are due in May to a polled A2A2 Jersey sire. These girls are due to calve outside of our February through April calving window.
  • Number of Head: 4
United States
For Sale: 40 Holstein Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

We offer pure breed animals All our livestock animals are vet checked, certified and all 100% healthy . Healthy Pure breed Holstein Heifer. Text to (704)326-0759 40 Holstein Milk Bottle Calves For Sale ()dairy calves - Jersey Heifer Dairy Cattle And Other...
  • Number of Head: 40
United States
For Sale: 10 Corriente Bred Heifers
Price : CALL

They are working cattle, not aggressive and easily handled. They have been used for roping and cattle sorting. We have 5 bred Corriente cross heifers and one bull. Three heifer calves and one bull calf.
  • Number of Head: 10
United States
For Sale: 3 Dexter Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Born in May, 2016. (lv msg) 301-990-4138 LHR Black Magic (ADCA #041255), Black, Chondro- non-carrier (HN), A2A2 milk LHR Persimmon (ADCA #041257), Red, Chondro- carrier (HC), A2N milk LHR Yale Aspen (ADCA #041256), Red, Chondro- non-carrier (HN), A2N...
  • Number of Head: 3
United States
For Sale: 3 Dexter Open Heifers
Price : CALL

(3) Open heifers, 2 red and 1 black, horned, ADCA pedigree, all vac., health cert., born May 12, 14 & 27, 2016. $1,250/ea for reds, $1,100 for black or $3,400/ all. (Capon Bridge, WV 26711) (lv msg) 301-990-4138
  • Number of Head: 3
United States
For Sale: 3 Dexter Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Perfect animal for small-scale farming. (3) Red heifers, PHA-free, horned, ADCA pedigree, all vac., health cert., born May 12, 2016 - $1,350, born May 19, 2017 and August 15, 2017 - $1,250/each or $3,650/for all (Capon Bridge, WV) (lv msg) 301-990-4138
  • Number of Head: 3
United States
For Sale: 12 Limousin Bulls
Price : CALL

Black Limousin very popular breed of beef cattle, known for their higher yield ratio of meat to carcass and their ability to produce lean, tender meat. Pure Breed Black Limousin mature bulls and bull calves for Breeding or Meat (Herd reduction).
  • Number of Head: 12
United States
For Sale: 3 Dexter Open Heifers
Price : CALL

2015 Dexter calves. Red bull calf born on April 2 -$1,000; on the picture his is just 4 mo old; should be an excellent herd sire; 2 heifers: red, born on April 6 - $1,200 and black, born on March 30 - $1,100 .
  • Number of Head: 3
United States
For Sale: 13 Angus Cows
Price : CALL

Most are unregistered. Herd of Angus cows for sale, only ever grass-fed. Priced per pound a head, or make an offer on all of them. We also have 5 bulls for sale, including 2 registered fullbloods.
  • Number of Head: 13
United States
For Sale: 1 Angus Cross Bulls
Price : CALL

$3000/OBO call donnie at 301-988-6614. Angus/Limousin cross bull. Sired by BR Midland. Gentle and broke to lead. Deep bodied and good on the move.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 1 Red Angus Bulls
Price : CALL

This bull rates in the top 38% and has all genetic testing completed. Current estimated weight is 1400 lbs. A LSF RAB Exclusive 2793Z progeny. Pasture raised, no GMO or hormones. Registered Red Angus Bull #3605866.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 1 Red Angus Bulls
Price : CALL

6 year old Red Angus registered bull. Turned out year round. Progeny sold as commercial feeder calves.
  • Number of Head: 1
United States
For Sale: 8 Corriente, Longhorn Open Heifers
Price : CALL

Corriente, Corriente/longhorn cross $625.00
  • Number of Head: 8
United States