Treat calcium deficiencies in cattle, including milk fever, with AGRIpharm Calcium Gluconate 23%. It can be administered intravenously at 8-12 hour intervals.
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 12.75 x 9.91 x 7.92 inches.
Calves that keep drinking mature faster and are better able to respond to stress. It is the next generation milk additive that promotes immunity, stimulates appetite, and eases the transition to a grain diet.
✓ Helps overcome stress related to gut challenges
✓ Add directly to milk or milk replacer (0.34 lbs. per calf total over 42 days)
✓ Helps transition calves to a grain diet
✓ Promotes a balanced gut microflora
✓ Weight: Approximately: 9.24 pounds
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 9.85 x 8.4 x 8.25 inches.
Getting fresh cows on feed is one of the toughest challenges a dairy producer faces. Start Strong for Fresh Cows is a high-performance stress pack that rapidly restores vital nutrients, stimulates appetite, and promotes immunity immediately.
✓ Repeat after 12-24 hrs. if needed
✓ Helps restore vital nutrients to ease calving stress
✓ This product cannot be shipped to: CA
✓ Stimulates appetite & rumen function to get cows to feed quicker
✓ Administer 1 lb. per cow immediately after calving
✓ May be administered through water, as a drench or in feed
Hen Boost Probiotics from Animal Health Solutions contains important vitamins, electrolytes and enzymes specifically formulated for laying hens. Vitamins and electrolytes serve to balance nutritional needs, additional enzymes to help improve feed intake...
✓ Contains a source of live direct fed microorganisms
✓ The addition of enzymes help improve feed intake and digestion
✓ This product cannot be shipped to: CA
✓ A blend of micro-encapsulated probiotics, vitamins, electrolytes and enzyme for fowl
Neogen Corporation Instruments Iodine 1Gal for skin and umbilical disinfection wounds and teats sores, also used in treating minor cuts, bruises and abrasions.
When scours threaten, Fight Strong for Calf Stress is a natural capsule that supports a balanced gut microflora, promotes gut health and hydration to get calves up and drinking. This product utilizes exclusive oil and prebiotic technologies, along with...
✓ Promotes gut health & stimulates rumen function
✓ Stimulates quickly & naturally
✓ Weight: Approximately: 2.1 pounds
✓ Utilizes essential oil & prebiotic technologies
✓ 2.5 g. capsules (20 ct.)
✓ Administer 2 capsules orally during times of stress
Hair is eliminated with a quick pass of the wand without causing any discomfort to the cow. Udder Singe includes 28" wand, 15' hose, connector, valve, regulator, striker, and heat resistant glove.
We use this around our Dairy Farm, I also have horses and the flies are attracted right to the bait and we end up having a cement sidewalk that's covered in black of all dead flies! I plan to keep using this product especially when fly season is really...
Cattle and sheep - bacterial pneumonia (shipping fever) caused by Pasteurella multocida. Works for our sheep and not very expensive compared to other sellers Horses - strangles caused by Streptococcus equi.
✓ Weight: Approximately: .5 to 2.21 pounds depending on selected size
✓ Penicillin G Procaine - aqueous suspension injectable antibiotic
✓ Treats a variety of infections in a number of species
✓ Fast acting - noticeable improvement within 36-48 hrs.
✓ Restricted Drug (California), use only as directed