It also aids in the healing of rashes, paw abrasions, and superficial skin injuries in cats, dogs, cattle, and horses. Bag Balm moistens skin, making it soft.
It can be administered intravenously at 8-12 hour intervals. Treat calcium deficiencies in cattle, including milk fever, with AGRIpharm Calcium Gluconate 23%.
It is a natural oral drench that stimulates appetite, promotes gut health and immunity, and provides newborns with the energy they require. Start Strong for Calves stimulates a calf's appetite to get them up and drinking quickly.
✓ Administer 10 ml. orally immediately after birth (1 pump equals 5 ml.)
Neogen Corporation Instruments Iodine 1Gal for skin and umbilical disinfection wounds and teats sores, also used in treating minor cuts, bruises and abrasions.
It is used during the regular milking process and is useful in cases of high somatic cell count (SCC), injury, mastitis, or hemorrhage, QuarterMilker is the dairyman's assurance that affected milk is kept out of the milking system.
Each 10 ml tube of Pirsue contains the equivalent to 50 mg prilimycin hydrochloride. Infuse one tube into each affected quarter. Pirsue Sterile Solution is indicated for the treatment of clinical and subclinical mastitis in lactating dairy cattle associated...