Minor cuts, bruises, chapping, skin irritation, wind and sunburn all contribute to cow discomfort. This easy-to-apply products maintains natural skin moisture while relieving soreness.
Bag Balm moistens skin, making it soft. It also aids in the healing of rashes, paw abrasions, and superficial skin injuries in cats, dogs, cattle, and horses.
When scours threaten, Fight Strong for Calf Stress is a natural capsule that supports a balanced gut microflora, promotes gut health and hydration to get calves up and drinking. This product utilizes exclusive oil and prebiotic technologies, along with...
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 8.2 x 7.82 x 6.4 inches.
To be used in disinfecting hard, non-porous surfaces of farm buildings and equipment which are for poultry and livestock production, veterinary clinics, kennels, and other nonlivestock buildings.
It is a protective dressing for minor cuts, skin irritations and abrasions. Container has sprayer. Cut Heal Liquid Wound Spray is first aid for horses and dogs.
Getting fresh cows on feed is one of the toughest challenges a dairy producer faces. Start Strong for Fresh Cows is a high-performance stress pack that rapidly restores vital nutrients, stimulates appetite, and promotes immunity immediately.
✓ Helps overcome fluid loss
✓ Weight: Approximately: 50 pounds
✓ Helps restore vital nutrients to ease calving stress
✓ Stimulates appetite & rumen function to get cows to feed quicker
✓ Administer 1 lb. per cow immediately after calving
Units come complete with hose, regulator for 14 oz. The soft flame provides a sensation of warmth and is painless to the animal. Unit is set-up in less than 2 minutes and hair removal is done by drawing a figure-8 pattern 4-7” below the udder for 2...
Each 52 g packet contains 46.8 g of levamisole hydrochloride activity. Easy to order, easy to mix, and and easy to administer. Used it with goats. Prohibit Soluble (levamisole hydrochloride) is a broad-spectrum oral dewormer for cattle and sheep effective...
✓ Powder formula for use as an oral drench
✓ Contains levamisole HCI
✓ This product cannot be shipped to: CA
✓ Treats and controls lungworms, stomach worms and intestinal worms
✓ 48 hour withdrawal in cattle, 72 hour withdrawal in sheep
With accurate adjustable dosing options, doses of 1-5 mL can be easily selected and administered. Whether used for vaccinations or medication, Neogen's repeater syringes have been trusted for over 30 years by veterinarians and livestock owners alike.
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 9 x 4 x 1 inches.
Hen Boost Probiotics from Animal Health Solutions contains important vitamins, electrolytes and enzymes specifically formulated for laying hens. Vitamins and electrolytes serve to balance nutritional needs, additional enzymes to help improve feed intake...
✓ Contains a source of live direct fed microorganisms
✓ A blend of micro-encapsulated probiotics, vitamins, electrolytes and enzyme for fowl
✓ The addition of enzymes help improve feed intake and digestion
✓ This product cannot be shipped to: CA
✓ Vitamins and electrolytes help balance nutritional needs, and help keep the bird hydrated