Getting fresh cows on feed is one of the toughest challenges a dairy producer faces. Start Strong for Fresh Cows is a high-performance stress pack that rapidly restores vital nutrients, stimulates appetite, and promotes immunity immediately.
✓ Helps overcome fluid loss
✓ May be administered through water, as a drench or in feed
✓ Weight: Approximately: 50 pounds
✓ Repeat after 12-24 hrs. if needed
✓ Promotes health & earlier rebreeding
✓ Administer 1 lb. per cow immediately after calving
When scours threaten, Fight Strong for Calf Stress is a natural capsule that supports a balanced gut microflora, promotes gut health and hydration to get calves up and drinking. This product utilizes exclusive oil and prebiotic technologies, along with...
✓ Promotes gut health & stimulates rumen function
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 8.2 x 7.82 x 6.4 inches.
The Fight Strong for Cow Stress capsules help overcome stress in cows so you don't have stress! This is a natural capsule that stimulates rumen function to get cows on feed fast for superior health and productivity.
✓ This product cannot be shipped to: CA
✓ Administer 2 capsules orally during time of stress
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 10 x 9.9 x 7.9 inches.
✓ 32 g. capsules (130 ct.)
✓ Stimulates rumen function to provide more energy for production
Calves that keep drinking mature faster and are better able to respond to stress. It is the next generation milk additive that promotes immunity, stimulates appetite, and eases the transition to a grain diet.
This easy-to-apply products maintains natural skin moisture while relieving soreness. Dr. Naylor Udder Balm combines an antiseptic with an emollient ointment to keep teats and udders soft and healthy.
✓ For minor cuts, bruises, chapping, skin irritation, wind and sunburn
✓ Combines the broad spectrum sanitizing power of an iodine complex with detergents & phosphoric acid to clean & sanitize in one operation
✓ Can be diluted 1 ounce per 5 gallons of lukewarm water to make a 25 parts per million (ppm) solution for sanitizing previously cleaned food contact surfaces
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 11.25 x 5.6875 x 5.6875 inches.
All the qualities of Dynamint in a convenient hook bottle to hang in parlors and stalls! Dynamint is a true oil and water emulsion which quickly delivers healing and anti-bacterial properties through the skin and into the soft tissue.
Bag Balm moistens skin, making it soft. It also aids in the healing of rashes, paw abrasions, and superficial skin injuries in cats, dogs, cattle, and horses.
Blue Dynamint contains a temporary blue coloring agent which makes it easy to see which cows have been treated. Peppermint oil stimulates the circulatory and immune systems and adds a pleasant smell.
As Neogen Corporation Instruments Nfz Puffer Treatment 1.59 Oz treatment of eye and ear infections, as well as surface wounds, cuts and abrasions. THIS DRUG IS PROHIBITED FROM USE IN FOOD-PRODUCING ANIMALS.