He deserves the chance to continue producing!!! Please give us a call for more info. Registered 75% Lim-flex bull of exception quality. He has been a great sire for us but we have to many of his daughters, and can only handle one bull.
Hauling available within 50 miles of Lebanon, OH (between Cincinnati and Dayton. Two sons of HSF Infocus, a black angus son of MYTTY Infocus. Bull # 2 is out of a Murray Grey cross bred cow, asking $2000.
He is 75% Limousin. 3 yearling bulls and a 3 1/2 year old bull for sale. All bulls are guaranteed sound and have registration papers. Very sound and deep bodied bulls. Scott- (903-491-2004) Spencer- (903-703-8933)
Scrotum size is 38. Lol Weighs around 2200 lbs. (use Vira Shield 6+L5, Covexin 8) was LongRanged 8/2/17. Easy to handle, and is called the Duke. And is a 2 1/2 yr. This bull is perfectly sound & loves his job.
3yr old Limflex Bull, Big Max 2, great big calves $1,600 1yr old Limflex Bull, Big Max 2, Black $800 1yr old Limflex Bull, Big Max 2, Brown $800 contact for more information - by appointment only
Offering 30 Registered Angus and LimFlex open fall heifers, born between September-November.$1,950/hd if you take them all. Offering a cooperative herd option with a calf buy back of $300/hd over top market price at weaning time along with free herd bull...
Heifer calf is halter broke, will make a great show prospect. 1 Limousin cow DOB is 3/1/2011. 1 Limousin cow with LimFlex heifer calf, Cow DOB is 2/2/09 and the calf DOB 9/22/15.
Limousin and Lim-Flex bulls for sale from 6-16 months old, all out of Wulf Cattle AI sires EPD's available upon request Contact Mark at (574) 528-1961 for more information Silver Lake, IN
Any questions call 7195233265 60 steers and 60 heifers Angus cross calves all given one shot, cattle master, 7 way, and multimin in June. Will ship directly off of there mother's. Calves should average around 525 asking 1.70 for steers 1.60 for heifers.
Angus, Red Angus, and LimFlex females! Opens, Breds, Spring or Fall we are offering it all! All females are out of top Sutphin sires! **$2,000/HD**Offering cooperative herd opportunities on all females that includes $300/hd premium calf buy back with...
Any questions call 7195233265 60 steers and 60 heifers Angus cross calves all given one shot, cattle master, 7 way, and multimin in June. Will ship directly off of there mother's. Calves should average around 525 asking 1.70 for steers 1.60 for heifers.
Selling 120 Registered Spring Bred Heifers out of the best genetics that the Angus, Red Angus and LimFlex breeds have to offer! These heifers were Ai'ed to industry leading calving ease sires such as Styles Cash R400, Vin-Mar O'Reilly Factor, Leachman...
If you want a bull to add pounds to your calves and sire excellent crossbred replacement heifers give us a call. 417-927-3413 or 417-448-7321 Semen tested & current on vaccinations.
AI'ed to breed leading sires! $1,800-$3,500 Call for in formation on Co-op opportunities of $300/hd per calf buy back and free herd bull usage! Grant Phares 316-259-1409 95 head of Angus, Red Angus and LimFlex bred heifers.
Call Grant Phares for more information! 316-259-1409 Cooperative includes a premium calf buy back program of $300/hd over top steer price at weaning time. Also, buyer will receive free bull power to breed females back each year.
400 bulls available for private treaty sale! Angus, Red Angus, LimFlex and Charolais out of breed leading sires! Come trich and fertility tested with a 90 day breeding guarantee! $3,100-$4,000 Call today for volume discounts! John 719-940-3729 or Grant...
Selling Registered Angus, Red Angus, Lim Flex and Charolais Spring bred females. Selling by age group and offering a limited calf buy back for each group of $300/ hd above top steer price at weaning.
Selling over 400 Registered Bulls! We are offering the nations top genetics via private treaty from the Angus, Red Angus, Charolais, LimFlex and SimAngus breeds. $3,500-$4,500 Volume Discounts Available! Please contact John Sutphin (719)940-3729 or Grant...
Selling 650 Angus, Red Angus, Lim-Flex, Charolais and Sim-Angus bulls! Big, stout coming two year old and yearling bulls semen and trich tested with a 90 day breeding guarantee! $3,000-$5,000 Call for more info! John Sutphin 719-940-3729 or Grant Phares...
Limousin, Lim-flex, and Angus cow/ calf pairs for sale. Both bull and heifer calves out of Wulfs Zookeeper and Wulfs Chili. 2-9 years old, priced accordingly. Also for sale: 2 cows due in July and 2 due in August
ZERO calving problems. •VERY gentle $1,800 a piece, negotiable 13 Angus/Limousin bulls for sale •7 black, 6 red •born in spring of 2015 •average weight 800+ •no growth hormones or supplements •only grass, cubes & salt •last year's bulls...