ProVet-500 Plier has compound action for ease of use and minimum hand fatigue when tattooing hundreds of animals a day. The head holds five 3/8" digits. Special double-action construction provides a short easy pull causing needles to penetrate deeply...
Jar of black ink. Positive ear release prevents the points of the digits from scratching or blurring the tattoo mark. Designed so that digits cannot be placed upside down. Holds up to 4 digits with each digit inserted individually from the front--no blank...
Includes set of 3/8" digits (0-9) and a 3 oz. Positive ear release prevents the points of the digits from scratching or blurring the tattoo mark. One side can be used for your registration brand and the other side for number of the animal.
Tattoo Plier has 3/8" digits and comes complete with 3 oz. Rotary Tattoo Plier features tough heat-treated steel handles, brass digit plates with nickel-plated steel digit needles, nylon rollers and pawls.
The 5-chain Rotary Pliers shown above may be customized with any patterns of letters, numbers or blank spaces. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. Twelve spaces are available on each chain.
Strong, lightweight aluminum alloy pliers has the right sized head for small spaces such as ears of rabbits, dogs, cats and pigs. Kit includes pliers, set of #300 digits 0 - 9, 2 blanks and 3 oz.
Small tattoos are suitable for pets and small animals such as rabbits, cats and piglets. Up to 6 letters or digits may be used in the pliers. Alphabet Set of letters A - Z are used with the 3090 Pet Tattoo Pliers.
Make sure to order plenty. Standout yellow coloring! No stamens means no pollen. Mature height is just over 3 feet. Instead you get twice the blooms. Great in your garden or in cut flower arrangements.
Plant in April and get tons of blooms in June and July. This recent introduction combines a rare color combination with outstanding growing characteristics and 4-5'' flowers. 10-12 cm bulbs.
Bring the beauty of Lilies even to sub-zero areas. Even a few of these lovely Tiger Lilies will bring welcome color excitement to your garden, starting this next summer. Unsurpassed for naturalizing.
Attracts hummingbirds. For people who love dark pink flowers, Ceres is a must-have lily! Another pollen-free Asiatic Lily reaches for the sky at 3 1/2 feet tall. Shipped 12-14cm bulbs.
But, hey, any blooms that appear during the winter seem spectacular to me! And, as you can confirm from Kelley's photos below, veltheimia flowers are truly exquisite close-up. At first glance, veltheimia is one of those flowers that might be called more...
This odor may repel your neighbors, but it attracts pollinators to the plant. In tropical areas of zones 9-11, peony-leaf lily tubers will naturalize and also produce seeds that will self-sow.These seeds can also be collected to plant later.
Garden Alstroemeria will perform best in perennial plant border, but can also be planted in a container for display on a patio or balcony. Stunning fiery yellow blooms on top of slightly variegated dark green foliage, Alstroemeria 'Summer Breeze' is a...
Blackberry lilies and candy lilies- I've seen them in catalogs and passed them by, but why? Keep the soil surface and area at the base of the plant dry and don't mulch directly over the rhizomes of canda lilies, but do water in dry weather.
Fertilizing with a balanced fertilizer one to two times per year will be enough to keep the plant happy.Peace lilies also benefit from repotting or dividing when they outgrow their containers.
In most cases, the irritation is minor and home remedies can do the trick. If the animal shows signs of airway discomfort or if symptoms persist, however, it is time to call your animal doctor and seek treatment.
It is important to look for pest and disease issues, but the problem could also be cultural.are Aroids, which means they are known for their glossy foliage and characteristic spathe.
Choose bulbs that are at least the size of a softball to get flowers the first year.You will want to plant the voodoo lily bulb a good distance from your house so that the odor doesn't become too annoying.