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Lily Beetle

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Visitors Without Visas: Japanese Beetles
(Bracing myself for the e-mails!)The traps contain a combination scent of sex pheromone and floral (food) lure which is irresistible to the beetles. The stress of this type of damage weakens the plant's resistance, and it will often dieattack flower buds...
El Segundo
Is Your Furniture Being Reduced to a Pile of Dust by The Powder Post Beetle?
I am just worried that these wood burrowing beetles could have gotten into something else of ours...the pest control people said likely not, since (the beetle's larvae) are enjoying the wood they are in now.
El Segundo
Foreign Visitors Without Visas: Bugs, Borers, and Beetles
Since this new visitor is still somewhat of a mystery to entomologists, the need to document expanding ranges and habits gives home gardeners the opportunity to participate in the future control of the species.
El Segundo
Fata Morgana Double Lily
Prices start at : 5.49 USD / each

Instead you get twice the blooms. Standout yellow coloring! No stamens means no pollen. Mature height is just over 3 feet. Make sure to order plenty. Great in your garden or in cut flower arrangements.
  • Spread: 8-10''
  • Genus: Lilium
  • Colors: Yellow
  • Zones: 4-9
Lollypop Lily
Prices start at : 8.99 USD / each

Grows 30-40'' tall. It will be hard to find this Asiatic lily in any other garden. This recent introduction combines a rare color combination with outstanding growing characteristics and 4-5'' flowers.
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
  • Season Color: Summer
  • Zones: 3-8
  • Spread: 6-8''
Tiger Lily
Prices start at : 7.99 USD / each

Plant a quantity; have a mass display of hundreds of blooms highlighting your garden, starting this summer and for years to come. Unsurpassed for naturalizing. As they mature, each one is capable of producing up to 25 flowers, 3 to 5 inches across on...
  • Max Height (feet): 6
  • Plant Lighting: Full Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
  • Zones: 1-11
  • Colors: Orange
Ceres Double Lily
Prices start at : 5.49 USD / each

Can be planted in the sun or partial shade. For people who love dark pink flowers, Ceres is a must-have lily! Another pollen-free Asiatic Lily reaches for the sky at 3 1/2 feet tall.
  • Max Height (feet): 3
  • Season Color: Summer
  • Spread: 8-10''
  • Zones: 4-9
Victorian Veltheimia
At first glance, veltheimia is one of those flowers that might be called more interesting-looking than beautiful. They were popular parlor plants during the Victorian era, when parlors were on the chilly side.
El Segundo
What\'s That Bug? Dynastes tityus, the Eastern Hercules Beetle.
Gardeners often encounter unique and colorful insects in their gardens. Don't remove that old stump, plant something in the cavity and let the beetles have the roots. They're harmless and a wonderful addition to the ecology of your garden.
El Segundo
Caring For Voodoo Lilies: Growing A Peony-Leaf Voodoo Lily Plant
The flower is followed by a thick brown and green mottled stem that produces large umbrella-like foliage that resembles its namesake peony foliage.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Peony-leaf voodoo lily...
Alstroemeria, Summer Breeze
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / 1 Plant

Flowering from June to November, the compact plant habit produces tall upright stems that look stunning in a vase. Stunning fiery yellow blooms on top of slightly variegated dark green foliage, Alstroemeria 'Summer Breeze' is a perfect plant for floral...
  • Sun: Full Sun, Part Sun
  • Planting Time: Fall, Spring
  • Life Cycle: Perennial
  • Genus: Alstroemeria
  • Ornamental Use: Beds, Borders, Cut Flowers
Lilies that aren\'t lilies after all- Blackberry and candy lilies
If blackberry lilies and candy lilies are not lilies then what are they? However, germination can be unpredictable with these seeds. What they lack in size, canda lily flowers strive to make up in number.
El Segundo
Who Did That? Identifying Insect Damage
The worst feeling in the world is going out into the garden first thing in the morning, only to find that some ravenous critter has decimated a beloved plant or flower. If you wait until it warms up, they've retreated to the cool soil at the base of the...
El Segundo
Peace Lily Plants – Care Of Peace Lilies
Most commonly, these plants have dark green leaves and white “flowers.” But what most people think of as the flower is actually a specialized leaf bract that grows hooded over the flowers.Like many popular indoor plants, peace lilies enjoy medium...
Peace Lily And Dogs – Is Peace Lily Toxic To Dogs
The presence of peace lily and dogs can be an unfriendly equation. Determining how to deal with the problem also depends upon how successfully your dog learned from its lesson. The culprit is the presence of calcium oxalate crystals.
Drooping Peace Lily Plants: Tips On How To Revive A Wilting Peace Lily
Their feeding behavior on plant sap reduces plant vigor and disrupts the flow of nutrients and moisture to foliage, causing discoloration and wilting. While these plants are known for their ease of care, occasional issues may arise.
Voodoo Lily Info: Information On How To Plant A Voodoo Lily Bulb
Plant the bulb in a location with full or partial shade in spring after the soil has warmed to about 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The flowers produce a strong, offensive odor similar to that or rotting meat.
Tips On Watering Peace Lilies: How To Water A Peace Lily
Read on for the details of peace lily watering requirements.Poke your finger into the potting soil to determine if it's time to water your peace lily. If this is the case, repot your peace lily as soon as possible.If you forget to water your peace lily...
Peace Lily And Cats: Learn About The Toxicity Of Peace Lily Plants
A lovely plant with lush, deep green leaves,) is prized for its ability to survive nearly any indoor growing condition, including low light and neglect. You can also call the ASPCA's Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435.
Alstroemeria, Indian Summer
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / 1 Plant

Flowering from June to November the compact plant habit produces tall upright stems perfect for a vase. Beautiful sunset shades on top of neat dark green bronze foliage, 'Indian Summer' is a perfect plant for floral arrangements.
  • Genus: Alstroemeria
  • Bloom Season: Summer
  • Height: 26-30 inches
  • Spread: 20-24 inches
  • Ornamental Use: Beds, Borders, Cut Flowers
Lilies, Perennial Mixed
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / 10 Bulbs

The lilys' vibrant flower heads show various flower forms, some star shaped others rounded but when grown in a mass grouping, a very powerful display. Growing to almost 3', this rainbow of mixed colors provides vertical accents to nearly every garden...
  • Spread: 15-18 inches
  • Life Cycle: Perennial
  • Height: 26-34 inches
  • Resistant To: Cold, Disease, Drought, Heat, Humidity
  • Zone: 3-8
Peace Lily Pruning: Tips On How To Prune Peace Lily Plant
Sometimes leaves yellow and start to shrivel up. Once a stalk has made one flower, it won't make any more – after the flower fades, the stalk will eventually brown and die as well.
Brown Peace Lily Tips – Reasons For Peace Lilies Getting Brown Tips
Generally, experts recommend that you wait until the lily wilts slightly before watering it.When you give the plant too little water, the leaf tips may turn brown. Curiously, it causes the same symptom: peace lily with brown tips on its leaves.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Peace Lily Repotting – Tips On Repotting A Peace Lily Plant
Fill in around the root ball with potting mix, then firm the mix gently with your fingers.Water lightly to settle the soil, and then add a little more potting soil, if needed. Cover the drainage hole with a coffee filter or a small piece of mesh to keep...
Peace Lily Not Blooming: Reasons A Peace Lily Never Flowers
They are forced to bloom with gibberellic acid, a natural plant hormone that stimulates cell division and elongation.The plants used to be raised to maturity and natural flowering before the appearance of gibberellic acid.
Diseases In Spathiphyllum: Tips On Treating Peace Lily Diseases
Wait until you see the plant wilting before adding more water.Taking good care of your peace lily will mean it's less likely to suffer from pests and diseases. If its roots are also rotting, it likely has root rot.
Do Peace Lilies Need Fertilizer – When To Feed Peace Lily Plants
Do peace lilies need fertilizer? Either cut back or dilute the concentration.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });When it comes to fertilizing a peace lily, any good quality, water-soluble houseplant fertilizer...