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Ligustrum Vulgare

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How to Cure Fungal Leaf Spot in Ligustrum
Much of the reinfection comes from diseased leaves that fall to the ground.Good cultural practices are a gardener's best bet against leaf spot diseases on a privet, starting with good watering habits.
Santa Monica
What Type of Fertilizer Do You Use on Ligustrum Shrubs?
Although not technically a fertilizer, compost improves soil's structure as well as its moisture and nutrient retention, and it suppresses plant-attacking pathogens. Don't overdo the amount, however, because excessive fertilizer leaches from soil and...
Santa Monica
How to Plant a Privet Hedge
The depth of the trench will depend on the size of the root ball of the privet you are planting. Spread the roots and insert the privet plants into the hole to the soil depth from the previous container or pot.
Santa Monica
The Best Shrubs for a Tall Screen Quickly
Fast-growing species up to 10 feet tall include althea (Hibiscus syriacus), American hazel (Corylus Americana), bridal wreath spirea (Spirea prunifolia plena), common elderberry (Sambucus Canadensis), common ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius), hardhack...
Santa Monica
Florida Anise, An Uncommon Evergreen Shrub
Fertilize in spring as growth begins with an all-purpose fertilizer and mulch well to maintain moisture and boost the organic content of the soil. If a hedge is desired, plant on 10-foot centers for compactness.
El Segundo
Types of Dwarf Evergreen Trees
Whether it is in the shape of a narrow spire, a pyramid or a roundish mound, a needled evergreen adds interest to the landscape. Plus, the diminutive size and slow-growth pattern of dwarf conifers makes them easy to transplant, if you are not pleased...
Santa Monica
Can You Graft a Lilac Tree?
Low temperatures and some frosty winter nights enhance the blooms that plants bear the next spring. Regardless of the types of plants grafted or the types of grafts used, the goal is the same: Producing a plant that has increased vigor, disease resistance...
Santa Monica
Companion Plants for Red Twig Dogwood
And hybrids) all grow well in moist, well-drained soil in full sun.The native cardinal flower flourishes in damp shade.For red twig dogwood plantings in partial shade, combine the shrubs with perennials such as primrose (Primula spp.), cardinal flower...
Santa Monica
What Plants Are Native to Germany?
Ligustrum vulgare, better known as the European privet, is Germany's native Oleaceae.Known as the broom rape or broomrape family, this group has 2,000 species and is composed mostly of shrubs and herbs.
Santa Monica