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Why Every Hobby Farmer Needs a Farm Truck
You probably won't drive your tractor 20 miles to pick up a load of lumber or your new goats—your farm truck is obviously the better choice. As long as it's reliable and ready to handle all your tasks, you'll soon find it to be an integral and irreplaceable...
Repaint Your Cabinets for a Kitchen Face-lift
Tags hardware store , kitchen renovation , paint cabinets , repaint kitchen cabinets , sand Step 7 Reattach the hardware and hinges, and hang the doors. Allocate plenty of time for the process—it will more than likely take several weekends to complete.
Highway Bill\'s Farm-truck Exemption Awaits House Approval
“Subjecting family farmers and ranchers to costly requirements is an unnecessary burden we cannot afford.” A 90-day extension to the current bill has been approved through June 30, 2012, while the House finishes revisions to the bill.
Let It Tow: Choose the Correct Vehicle for Towing Your Loads
The preference for automatic transmissions is so great that many dealers offer manual transmissions only as special orders. Electric trailer brakes are required in most states for trailers with a gross weight of more than 3,000 pounds, though requirements...
Use Your ATV To Erect Farm Fencing
Rear-mounted ATV wire unrollers can be used to unwind multiple spools of wire as you drive along, making it much faster and easier to string the wires and secure them in place. An ATV with a trailer is perfect for hauling large amounts of soil to the...
Pioneer 500: Fun, Compact and Ready for Your Farm\'s Heavy Lifting
However, I do want to touch on the compactness of this vehicle. Get more farm-equipment buying tips from UTV Buyer's Guide Tractor Buyer's Guide Rough Cut Mowers 13 Tractor Terms to Help You Buy with Confidence Tags atv , farm chores ,...
Make-over Your Old Flowerpots: A Face-lift For Weathered Plastic
They sit empty and unplanted, simply because they are no longer attractive enough to welcome visitors to my front door. Among then, patio furniture and faded plastic storage bins.I like it, because for once in my life, all my flowerpots will match!
El Segundo
A Thanksgiving Tradition: Gratitude Journals
Just like our yearly garden journals help us keep track of our plans and dreams for the growing season, the commonplace book became a kind of journal, chronicling in varied detail the lives of those who passed by it and wrote inside it.
Herbicide-tolerant Corn Subject of Regulation Debate
Hamlin also stresses the significant difference between the potency of a defoliant formulated for military use and an herbicide licensed for agricultural purposes, saying that to conflate 2,4-D and Agent Orange is “a little bit like describing sushi...
Take Advantage of Free Compost
You'll have to do a careful inspection to be sure it's fully composted and perhaps ask a few questions if you are concerned about what was used to make it, but around here, it's usually a good-quality product—and the price certainly can't be beat.
Turn A Piece Of Wood Into The World\'s Simplest Wagon
Fortunately, a simple piece of wood can save the day! By wrestling or rolling heavy objects onto a large, flat piece of wood, you can easily use your tractor to tow the wood around like a wagon, moving tree stumps and rocks without causing as much damage...
Traveling with Livestock
« More Mondays with Martok » Tags livestock carriers Sheep must be wearing USDA-approved scrapie ear tags, or if they're micro-chipped, you must have your own micro-chip reader along on the trip.
5 Ways To Clean Up Your Perennial Bed
Here's a video that shows how to create a inexpensive peripheral staking system for perennials. Hard Pruning For perennials that have already finished blooming, a good haircut is often necessary this time of year.
Old Patio, New Patios
She's going to put in a patio where her pool used to be. I feel better about them not taking up space at the landfill, and it's going to save us a couple of hundred bucks in demolition costs.
Borage In The Fall Garden
I love to eat the leaves in my morning smoothies, and they go well with the apples that are at their best right now. So far, my carrots and beets are still wonderful fresh additions to the dinner table.
They have a taste unlike anything else. I recommend this method the first time you taste them, so you can appreciate their fine, unique flavour. It is one of more than 20 species that was included in the diets of early North American Indians.
El Segundo
Insect Hotels: The Perfect Overnight Stay For Beneficial Insects
These tubes become sealed compartments where they lay eggs to hatch the next generation. Indeed, many gardeners find that unused pots from previous years become a home for these fuzzy buzz pollinators .
The Dreaded Algal Bloom
Here's to clear water!Thumbnail and 'clear' water picture belong to Susanne Talbert, others were found on WikiCommons and are free use. Hopefully you are keeping your pond in good health and can minimize algae's impact, but in case you have a bloom this...
El Segundo
My imagination tells me that the lumps we find in bread puddings are the only remaining similarity to the old meat puddings.Most of my historical information about pudding comes from the.
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A Moveable Feast - Urban Farm Online
“Residents often have to drive 50 miles round trip to go to buy their groceries.” Gorge Grown came up with a solution: a mobile market that brought fresh produce to food deserts in the region.
Cucumbers, Cabbage, Fennel … Oh My!
I harvested the first cucumbers of the season tonight—39 beauties! I could barely lift the basket when I was finished. I think this is the latest I've ever had to wait and I think it's going to be a pretty crummy harvest from the looks of it.
Camellia sinensis: January is hot tea month!
Tea is bursting with anti-oxidants and healthful flavinoids. Study after study has shown tea to be protective against Parkinson's disease, effective at lowering blood pressure, or helpful with losing weight.
El Segundo
Wooden Spoons
The thin edge of the variegated pusher gets right under pancakes to flip them and the small bamboo spreader somehow scoops the right amount of soft cheese for a cracker. Still, that's just half the story for me.
The tete-a-tete daffodil - enjoy it twice, once in a pot and forever in your garden!
In particular, we often find t?te-?-t?te narcissus, in bud or blooming already, their cheery yellow flowers tempting us, quickening our heartbeats and lightening our steps. I'm Supermom, not Putter-around-the-house-with-bulbs-mom.
El Segundo
Cryptanthus - Dividing and Growing
Grouping plants together or setting the pots on a water-filled tray of pebbles will increase humidity. You may notice that the mother plant is still producing pups, and some of the pups have already bloomed and are making pups of their own.No roots had...
El Segundo
Use A Tractor To Remove Stubborn Fence Posts
Even with both of us tugging on the post, it refused to come out of the ground. On any farm, there are many jobs needing to be done on any given day, which is why properly managing time and effort is so important.
Ah, Spring!
Winter Aconite photo courtesy of Dave's Garden and member Larry DavidCorydalis lutea photo courtesy of Dave's Garden and member Equilibrium Those long-awaited harbingers of the spring garden are beginning to make their appearance here at Cottage-in-the-Meadow-Gardens:...
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