The 3 piece sweet iron wrapped O-ring snaffle molds across the horse's tongue while applying pressure to the lips and bar area for confident control. Tightening the curb will increase the leverage for both shoulder lift and rate.
The smooth glide elevating mouth piece increases pressure to the poll for added control and suppleness. Here tiny twists, very high ports, and highly complex mouthpieces are key components.
REINSMAN Stage A Traditional Loose Ring Copper Roller Snaffle REINSMAN Stage A Traditional Loose Ring Copper Roller Snaffle in stock and ready to ship. Copper is a soft metal, watch for excessive wear.
Weaver Ken McNabb Lifter 3-Piece Lifesaver Mouth - 7 Cheeks Weaver Ken McNabb Lifter 3-Piece Lifesaver Mouth - 7 Cheeks, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help.
✓ The lifter bit uniquely applies an even ratio of pressure to the horses mouth without needing to use any leverage
✓ Features football-shaped bit attachments to prevent any pinching
Readjust the curb for increased feel or additional control. Stage B is all about transition, with the introduction of leverage and curb pressure. Moving from Direct Reining to Neck Reining?
Weaver Ring Snaffle Bit with Sweet Iron Smooth Lifesaver Mouth with Copper Rings Weaver Ring Snaffle Bit with Sweet Iron Smooth Lifesaver Mouth with Copper Rings is an excellent product we know our customers will love.
Reinsmans Sweet & Sour Lifesaver mouthpiece tastes great and increases salivation for a nice supple mouth. This transition bit works very well with German Martingales. Though this bit is a popular style among Barrel & Polo horses, it has a wide range...
Abetta Connie Combs Gag Bit Abetta Connie Combs Gag Bit is an excellent product we know our customers will love. Color: Stainless Steel Size: 5 Has 9-1/2 Stainless steel Connie Combs Gag Bit Cheeks with an engraved cross and a Stainless steel 3-piece...
The cheek pieces are polished steel with decorative silver, and colored stone designs. Professional's Choice Feather Shank Lifesaver Professional's Choice Feather Shank Lifesaver, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing...
Develops the horse's proper headset and teaches him to carry the bit correctly. Rickey recommends using a firm leather curb strap or flat chain with this bit to allow the horse to feel and work off of the bit rather than react to the feel and pressure...
Gag bits aid in lifting your horse's shoulders, allow more flex in turning, and provide more control at a higher rate of speed, making them popular for barrel racing and other speed events.
The leather laced bicycle chain noseband works with the quick link comfort curb for front to hind control. This design is for horses that have alleyway issues, as it provides lateral control to help move the horse into forward motion.
Happy Mouth Pessoa Double Jointed Mouth American Gag Happy Mouth Pessoa Double Jointed Mouth American Gag, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help.
Metalab steel is manufactured on a base of 18 chrome high quality stainless steel and this by using the "Lost Wax" procedure. Metalab 17 MM Jointed Continental 4 Ring Gag Metalab 17 MM Jointed Continental 4 Ring Gag.
The Metalab Stainless Steel Full Cheek Jointed Gag Bit is designed with a solid, thin, 13 mm mouthpiece. Metalab steel is manufactured on a base of 18 chrome high quality stainless steel and this by using the "Lost Wax" procedure.
This is a bit with a longer shank, so it will give you more leverage to maintain rate and body position in turns with speed. Bit Level B View bit level information . Stainless steel mouthpiece.
Centaur Stainless steel Uxeter Kimberwicke Includes chain and clips. Lifetime guarantee against rust. Lost wax cast and hand polished from the highest grade of 18/8 Stainless Steel.
Coronet Robart Pinchless Weymouth with Ball Bit Coronet products are made of the finest metals and materials and are held to the highest standards of quality control. Close attention is paid to detail to make sure that all items will pass the criteria...
The 6” cheek has a 2 1/2” purchase and a 3 1/2” shank. Bit Level C View bit level information . A slight step up from the snaffle. This ratio (the difference in the length of the purchase and shank) and the swept back design of the shank make this...
It will rust when in contact with air and humidity. Centaur Blue Steel Oval Link Cheltenham Gag Centaur Blue Steel Oval Link Cheltenham Gag comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Centaur's Blue Steel bits are made of a technologically advanced version...