Available size: 2-Pack DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Each wrapped bale includes a cork float and treats up to 1,000 gallons (2,000 gallons total). Step 4: Replace after six months of use. As the straw decomposes, it releases materials which control algae populations.
A second application should be made in 14 days. May be combined with soil applications for faster and longer lasting recovery. Water thoroughly after application and repeat every 3 months or sooner, if needed.
User's Tip: Use this valuable garden tool to improve seed germination rates. Use to wrap trees, germinate seed, protect plants and shrubs, screen wind and sun, prevent soil erosion and more.
The plastic shell can be recycled. Step 3: Replace every 30 days, and simply discard the used unit. Keeps water clean in large ponds. Contains packets of beneficial bacteria and enzymes.
Grower's Tip: Apply to area with greatest water flow to ensure rapid movement and adequate mixing. Once algae is controlled, apply once a week. Natural Algaecide for Ponds. Features: • Sinks to bottom — perfect for deeper waters! • Eliminates green...
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Broadcast 5-10 lbs per 1,000 square feet every 2-3 months. Grower's Tip: The higher nitrogen levels make it perfect for all heavy feeders such as corn and greens.
Great for backyard orchards! The HD Hudson Trombone Tree Sprayer uses powerful in and out pump action to shoot a steady stream up to 25 ft high. Always mix spray solutions according to product label instructions.
Sprinkle in cracks on sidewalks and driveways. Prevents crabgrass, dandelions and many other common weeds. Application Rate: Apply 5 lbs per 250 sq ft (25′ x 10′) to turf or garden soil.
Whatever woody plant you have, this handbook can tell you how to cut it into a healthy, appealing shape. The Pruning of Trees, Shrubs and Conifers (2nd edition) answers every aspect of those questions for more than 450 genera of trees and shrubs.
3.0% Inert Ingredients ….. Kills within hours and will not move through soil to injure nearby plants. Treated areas may be replanted five days after application. Do NOT apply during windy conditions that will carry spray to desired vegetation.
This easy-to-use Reel Mower Sharpening Kit will keep blades in top cutting form. However, periodic maintenance will allow you to keep the cutting action in superior condition and maximizes its efficiency.
Features: • Active ingredient d-limonene causes plants to dehydrate and die – rapidly • Scorching fast results visible in 2 hours • Safe for use around people, pets, livestock and wildlife • Completely biodegradable • Sprayed areas are ready...
Ready to finally upgrade from low-end tools? The FELCO 11 pruner is a next-generation model that takes the classic design to another level, handling thick branches with ease. Make sure you bag up or burn any infested branches or yard waste.
It features all-metal construction with replaceable parts. This reliable, effective design hasn't been changed in 30+ years. Best suited for general use and those with large hands.
Can be used in ponds and water gardens containing koi, goldfish and aquatic plants. If a second dose is necessary, wait 24 hours before applying. PondCare Accu-Clear quickly clears cloudy pond water by causing tiny suspended particles of dirt and debris...
Benefits: • Safe and natural cleaning power that lasts all winter • Works even under ice and snow • Provides cleaner water for fish all winter long • Primes a perfect environment for the spring, when fish are more active • Contains cellulase...
22.0% Ingredients: Elemental Sulfur and Iron Oxide. Available size: 7 lb Resealable Bag DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Lawns, Flowers, Vegetables and Ground Covers: Apply 3-1/2 pounds per 1,000 sq.
Place 3 to 7 (depending on trunk size) evenly — in a circle — around the dripline. Great for fruit trees! Features: • Feeds at the roots for 8 weeks! • Easy to use and mess-free • Ideal for ALL trees and shrubs • Will NOT burn • Promotes...
Imagine the comfort of a perfectly balanced tool with the backbone of a mule. FELCO 8 Pruners take the classic model #2 and goes one step further with more ergonomic handles. Diameter • For right-handed gardeners • 1-year manufacturer's warranty Grower's...
Features: • Reduces cloudy water and water changes • All natural formulation — can be used all-season! • Promotes water clarity and minimizes organic loads • Reduces the need for water changes • Lowers ammonia, nitrate and phosphate levels...
60.00% Product Label – PDF Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – PDF User's Tip: PERSISTENT MOSS ON LAWNS is symptomatic of too much shade, acid soil and poor drainage. No scraping required! Safer Moss & Algae Killer is a potassium based soap that works...
Features: • 10-in. Pull out this handy, curved Pruning Saw to tackle large branches, burly woody stems or your Christmas tree! The shaped wooden handle and durable blade will make your job that much easier.