Step 3: Stop where branches fork, then pull end through the last layer to secure. Step 2: Cover balance of trunk being sure to overlap material about 1/2-inch. Features: • Protects against injury or damage • Recommended by American Nurseryman Magazine...
Any standard hand-held or backpack sprayer can be used. Avoid spraying desirable plants. Apply the mixed solution at 2.5 – 7.5 gallons per 1,000 square feet. 78% Product Label – PDF Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – PDF Grower's Tip: Best results...
Step 5: May be reapplied every 7-10 days for desired water clarity. Using too much is SAFE and will yield best results. Unique Features: • For hard-to-treat stagnant and unhealthy ponds • Contains a proprietary blend of natural bacteria • Non-Toxic...
Starts working within 60 seconds! BioSafe Systems GreenClean Algaecide works on contact to control algae in water gardens, ornamental ponds, fountains and other water features. Purchase by the case and save! Please call 1-800-289-6656 for pricing.
Ready-to-Use: Product Label – PDF Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – PDF Concentrate: Product Label – PDF Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – PDF User's Tip: This unique formula is effective in sunny, cloudy, hot or cool weather.
The forked tip and curved blade let you leverage stubborn plants — every inch of them — out of your garden. Blade Grower's Tip: Dig the tip into the ground around a plant's stem, push down on the handle, and the unwanted plant will pop out.
Features: • Rugged molded leather • Excellent stitching and rivets • Use with belt clip or belt loop (both included) • Belt clip built for performance • Compatible with most hand pruning tools Size: 8-7/8″ long Grower's Tip: For greatest comfort...
Reach saves your back • Brush tip delivers a perfect dose • No digging — just sweep back and forth • 1-year warranty Grower's Tip: Especially effective in hard-to-reach areas like cracks in sidewalks or at the foundation of buildings.
Ingredients: Feather meal, fish bone meal, potassium sulfate, magnesium sulfate, cottonseed meal, seaweed extract and seven strains of Pro-Biotic beneficial soil microbes, PLUS Ecto and Endo Mycorrhizae.
Features: • Rated #1 for stopping weeds by 8 university studies • Professional grade landscape fabric is for permanent applications • Moisture, fertilizers, air reach plants to allow for healthy soil • Durable, tear-resistant; won't rot or mildew...
Weekly doses will control algae growth and reduce maintenance. • Keeps ornamental ponds and water gardens clean and clear. • Will NOT color the water. Repeat dose every three days until algae is controlled.
8 to 12″ pots – Apply 4 tsp and water thoroughly. 55.0 Iron (Fe0) ….. Reduces soil pH and won't stain or burn like other iron products! Avoid rust spots on concrete. Contains 22% iron and 55% sulfur, more than the competition.
60.00% Product Label – PDF Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) – PDF User's Tip: PERSISTENT MOSS ON LAWNS is symptomatic of too much shade, acid soil and poor drainage. Available size: Quart (32 oz) Hose End — covers 500 square feet.
When used as directed, it will gently feed your grass and enrich your soil with beneficial microbe populations. Promotes a thicker, more luxurious turf — naturally! Features: • People and pet SAFE! • Blended with premium organic ingredients (includes...
Hover Flies – Adult flies feed on pollen and nectar, whereas larvae feed on all soft-bodied insects. In a garden or nursery setting hang at crop height equal distance from each other or in “hot spots” where pest manipulation is needed.
Grower's Tip: Apply to area with greatest water flow to ensure rapid movement and adequate mixing. High: Apply 7 tsp per 50 gallons or 11.6 oz per 500 gallons of water. Will NOT affect pH and is safe to people, pets and fish.
Using a push/ pull motion on the handle, the double-edged blade — with its patented rocker action — slices away weeds and other undesirable growth, without displacing topsoil. Features: • “Hula-Action” cuts forward & backward • 54-inch hardwood...
Made in Bozeman, Montana. Don't hold back — you're not going to break this garden tool! Benefits: • Handmade using time-honored blacksmithing techniques • Solid construction — absolutely no welds! • American hickory handle is exceptionally strong...
You'll need it for everything from cutting flowers to opening packages. Cutting string, trimming dead leaves and harvesting veggies shouldn't require a fancy tool. Features: • Handcrafted oak handle • Heat-treated carbon steel blade • Durable opening...
Also includes Biozome. Ingredients: Feather meal, bone meal and sulfate of potash. Provides a premeasured, “in-the-ground” nutrient delivery system that's effective and safe to use.
Long, blade is 6-3/4 in. This Hori Hori knife made by Oakridge Gardens will become your constant companion in the garden! It's more than a blade — use it as a seed planter, bulb digger, weed trimmer, root cutter and more.
Best for general, moderate gardening chores. Make sure you bag up or burn any infested branches or yard waste. Features: • Forged aluminum handles and steel blades • Swiss precision and quality • 8.3 in.
This product is formulated to work in both cold and warm water. Maintenance Dose: Add one spoonful for every 200 gallons every two weeks. End of Season Dose: Same as initial dose. Safe for fish, plants and wildlife.
Covers 15,000 square feet. Apply anytime during the growing season. Here's the secret of thousands of greenskeepers… Microp Organic Soil Builder consists of billions of single celled plants (microalgae), which when sprayed on the soil surface grow rapidly.