Prices start at : 40.89 USD / each
For use on established Bahia grass, Bermuda grass, buffalo grass, centipede grass, fine fescues, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescues. This product is a triple-action formula, providing a crabgrass preventer, lawn fertilizer and broadleaf...
- ✗ Pet and livestock friendly
- ✗ Safe for Edibles
- Concentrated or Ready to Use: Ready to use
- Controls broad leaf: Yes
- Weed Type: Annual Bluegrass,Annual Ryegrass,Bindweed,Bitter Cress,Bulbous Buttercup,Bur Clover,Burweed,Chicory,Cinquefoil,Cocklebur,Common Burdock,Common Chickweed,Dandelion,Dead Nettle,Dog Fennel,English Lawn Daisy,False Dandelion,Florida Pusley,Goatshead,Hawkweed,Heal-All,Henbit,Kikuyu Grass,Knotweed,Lambsquarters,Lespedeza,Mallow,Matchweed,Mugwort,Mustard,Narrowleaf Plantain,Poison Ivy,Poison Oak,Pokeweed,Puncture Vine,Ragweed,Red Sorrel,Sow Thistle,Speedwell,Spurge,Spurweed,Tansy,Virginia Buttonweed,Virginia Creeper,Wild Carrot,Wild Garlic,Wild Morning Glory,Wild Onion,Wood Sorrel
- Indoor/Outdoor: Outdoor
Sterling Heights