Prices start at : 44.13 USD / bag
This product kills over 200 broadleaf weeds like dandelions, clover, ground ivy, thistle, and chickweed, and prevents crabgrass and other undesirable annual grassy weeds. Formulated to be effective with cool and warm season grasses, Preen Lawn Weed Control...
- Application Type: Granular
- Coverage Area (sq. ft.): 5000 ft²
- Area of Use: Lawn
- Weed Type: Annual Bluegrass,Annual Ryegrass,Bindweed,Bitter Cress,Bulbous Buttercup,Bur Clover,Burweed,Chicory,Cinquefoil,Cocklebur,Common Burdock,Common Chickweed,Dandelion,Dog Fennel,English Lawn Daisy,False Dandelion,Florida Betony,Florida Pusley,Hawkweed,Heal-All,Henbit,Kikuyu Grass,Lambsquarters,Lespedeza,Mallow,Matchweed,Mouse-Ear Chickweed,Mugwort,Mustard,Narrowleaf Plantain,Poison Ivy,Poison Oak,Pokeweed,Prostrate Spurge,Puncture Vine,Ragweed,Red Sorrel,Sow Thistle,Speedwell,Spurge,Spurweed,Virginia Buttonweed,Virginia Creeper,Wild Carrot,Wild Garlic,Wild Morning Glory,Wild Onion,Wood Sorrel
- Safe for Edibles: No
- Controls broad leaf: Yes
British Columbia