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Chamomile Lawn Plants: Tips For Growing Chamomile Lawns
Once established, there is minimal need for care of your chamomile lawn. Indeed, the blossoms of chamomile plant are used in this manner as well as for cosmetic, decorative and medicinal uses, but did you know that some varieties of chamomile make an...
Deadnettle Ground Cover: Growing Deadnettle As Lawn Substitute
Similarly, deadnettle is easy to propagate by division.Deadnettle withstands drought conditions but performs best with regular water. Sprinkle the fertilizer on the ground around the plants and immediately rinse off any that falls on the leaves.
Liriope Lawn Substitute – Tips For Growing Lilyturf Lawns
Either variety is perfect as a liriope lawn the most common form of clumping lilyturf with many hybrids from which to a creeping form that will establish through rhizome growth.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Meadow Lawn Alternative: Learn About Planting A Meadow Lawn
Atakes about three years for the long roots to fully establish but the plants need water only for the first season and rarely require replanting.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });.
Habiturf Lawn Care: How To Create A Native Habiturf Lawn
Here's some scary facts about those traditional lawns: According to the EPA, lawn care equipment emits eleven times the pollution of cars and lawns in the United States use more water, fertilizer and pesticides than any agricultural crop.
Moss As Lawn Substitute: How To Grow A Moss Lawn
In hot dry periods, give them 2 inches of water daily in the morning or evening, especially for the first 5 weeks. Learn how to grow a moss lawn and see if it is the perfect option for you.Moss lawns instead of grass save on water, time and fertilizer.
Using Thyme For Lawn Substitute: Growing A Creeping Thyme Lawn
The next option is good old-fashioned, back breaking digging up of the sod. The idea here is to cut off all light to the grass and weeds underneath, basically smothering the plants.
Green Carpet Lawn Alternative: Learn About Herniaria Lawn Care
As a result, many gardeners are giving up traditional, resource-robbing lawns for low-maintenance, eco-friendly alternatives such as herniaria, also known as green carpet.It's hard to find fault with herniaria ground cover as lawn substitute.
Alternatives To Grass: Learn About Lawn Alternatives In Cold Climates
When you replace your lawn with plants that don't need mowing, you eliminate the exhaust that your lawn mower and string trimmer produce. Maintaining a lawn is a lot of work, and when you add up the cost of water,you'll find that it is also expensive.
Non Plant Alternatives To Lawn Grass
For instance,look right at home in a graveled landscape. Stones are also common elements ofare also popular and can greatly reduce the amount of lawn in your yard. They are easy to make and actually quite fun, so be sure to include the kids.Nearly any...
High Traffic Lawn Options: What Are Some Lawn Alternatives In Play Areas
A great option is to create a patio. Eco-Lawn includes English daisy,, strawberry clover, Roman chamomile and perennial ryegrass. You can do this with patio stones or bricks and line the perimeter of the patio with potted plant and tall grasses; this...
Blue Star Creeper Plant Care – Using Blue Star Creeper As A Lawn
Blue star creeper is fuller and healthier if it gets a few hours of sunlight every day.Additionally, gardeners should be aware that blue star creeper is non-native to the United States.
Wildflower Lawns: Tips On Growing Flowering Lawns
Wildflower lawns or areas of flowering lawn weeds can be charming and easy-maintenance once established.” may call to mind a scraggly, ugly plant that is hard to get rid of. Lawns can be deep and lush, but as every gardener knows, a beautiful lawn is...
Plant Alternatives To Traditional Lawn Grass
You can even mix in some flowers andWant to add a delightful fragrance? Native grasses can be mown or left alone to create the appearance of aAnother option for your lawn includes the incorporation of flowers, consisting of carefully placed beds or stunning...
Best Stepable Plants: Learn About Plants That Can Be Walked On
The springtime blooms are bluish-lavender with white centers.), suitable for zones 6 through 9, is an aromatic, evergreen stepable plant with tiny lilac blooms that show up in summer.
Using Lawn Substitutes For Your Yard
That being said, in areas like these you may want to be mindful of the blooms, which attract pollinating bees.Additionally, while it can handle foot traffic fairly well, mixing the white clover in with grass will provide even more stability.
What Is A No-Mow Lawn: Tips For Creating A No-Mow Lawn
They can be mowed if you prefer, but the beauty of the no mow lawn means they shine without cutting and the result is a natural landscape that blends into the surroundings.Use a balanced starter fertilizer at planting and a seasonal spring application...
Lawn Alternative Plants For The South: Alternative Lawn Ideas In Warm Climates
No one enjoys having to manage lawns when it's hot and sticky. Rake it smooth and level so you can place lawn furniture or a swing under the tree. In warm climates, mazus is evergreen, and it out competes weeds.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Grass Fungus Treatment – Learn More About Common Lawn Diseases
You can eliminate lawn fungus once you know what kind of fungus you have. Even with dethatching and proper care, it may take up to two years for this lawn disease to come under control.
Tips For Growing Grass In Shady Areas
A height of three inches is recommended for fescue and one inch above the norm for St. Augustine. For most of the country, fine fescues are the most tolerant ofIdeally, these shade tolerant grasses should be kept longer than their sunny counterparts.
How Do I Dispose Of Sod: Tips On What To Do With Removed Sod
You don't want any light to get in. Whether you take out sod to make way for a path or garden, or to start a new lawn from scratch, one question remains: what to do with dug up grass once you've got it.
Lawn Fertilizer Tips: When And How To Apply Lawn Fertilizer
It's a great place to roughhouse with kids and dogs, entertain guests, or simply sit and enjoy life. The label is your best guide to how often to apply the product and how much to use.
Thatch In Lawns – Getting Rid Of Lawn Thatch
You should do some research before you use a machine as incorrect use can injure the lawn. Rake the lawn thoroughly after dethatching.In about one week, apply one pound of nitrogen fertilizer per 1,000 square feet of lawn and water in completely.
Brown Lawn Care: Reasons For Dying Grass And How To Treat
A good soaking should help dilute the saline concentration, but you may have to. Grass naturally goes dormant after two to three weeks without water, and most lawns can tolerate drought for four to six weeks, although it will turn brown.
Does Artificial Turf Harm Tree Roots: Tips For Installing Artificial Grass Near Trees
In the south and southwest, many trees are accustomed to hot, arid conditions and will not be harmed by this. Good quality artificial turf will also look more like natural grass, so it is worth the extra cost.Even porous artificial turf can have its drawbacks...
Epsom Salt Lawn Care: Tips On Using Epsom Salt On Grass
Let's consider first what Epsom salt has been used for in the commercial farming industry.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Epsom salts have been used and studied for effectiveness on crops that were lacking...
Brown Lawn Fixes: How To Repair Patches And Brown Spots On Grass
If you find that your lawn does need some fertilizer, be careful to only apply the amount indicated by your test.Although brown spots in the lawn can be caused by many different problems, most will resolve themselves once you're properly caring for your...