As such, it is an adequate perennial for USDA zones 3-9. Read on to learn more.are chosen for a variety of reasons. Divide the plants in the fall or spring every 3-4 years to manage their rampant spread and maintain vitality in the growing mazus lawn.The...
Some great sedge lawn alternatives to replace traditional turf might be:Each of these first three gets less than 18 inches tall with) is a sweet little 1- by 2-foot plant with deep green delicate blades.spreads by rhizomes which will quickly fill in a...
If one end dips when you let it go, it's probably out of balance. Before refilling the tank, add 2 ounces of Sea Foam Motor Treatment or other stabilizer to a gallon of gas for the new fill.
These chamomile lawn plants provide a low growing, creeping habit. How to grow chamomile as lawn replacement and other chamomile lawn care necessary to grow chamomile lawn plants is covered in this article.Growing chamomile lawns have a few advantages...
If you're concerned that the plant stings, don't be. However, the plant won't last long in climates warmer thanBefore you consider growing deadnettle in lawns, be aware that it has aggressive tendencies.
Start the plants out right and they will reward you with a sea of green strappy leaves that give texture to the landscape. Thereafter, the plants require infrequent watering.In addition to irrigation the first year, fertilize the plants with a good lawn...
Turning lawns into meadows provides shelter for wildlife,will prevent a multitude of headaches later on when it comes to meadow lawn care. Native meadow plants require plenty of light and air, so be sure you have an open, sunny area.Research the laws...
In this day and age, we are all more conscience of pollution, water conservation and the negative impacts of pesticides and herbicides on our planet and its wildlife. The main ingredients of these seed mixes are, and curly mesquite.
Weed moss as needed to keep competing plants out of the bed. There are several types of moss. That way you aren't working against nature and the plants are built to thrive in the local conditions, requiring less time to establish and even less time to...
Is becoming increasingly popular in an effort to reduce our dependence on water use. But, hey, patience is a virtue! Till the area when the process is completed and remove any big chunks of rock or root before attempting to transplant the thyme plugs.along...
This carpet-forming plant consists of tiny, bright green leaves that turn bronze during the winter months. It likes moist soil but won't tolerate soggy conditions. You can also plant seeds directly in the garden.
Maintaining a lawn is a lot of work, and when you add up the cost of water,you'll find that it is also expensive. Angelita daisy needs occasional watering in dry climates and frequentsp.) -These short shrubs grow about 2 feet tall and they are great for...
Add someand a few pieces of driftwood. Other plants that are tolerant of this type of mulching include:freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });in your front yard by applying a layer of pebbles and mixing in some...
Eco-Lawn includes English daisy,, strawberry clover, Roman chamomile and perennial ryegrass. A great option is to create a patio. Add a fire pit in the center of your patio and you're ready to grill and entertain.
Read on to learn more.) is a no-fuss plant that works well as a lawn substitute. The plant withstands heavy foot traffic and tolerates. The plant stands up well in extreme weather, although it can look a little ragged and worse for wear during cold winters...
Lawns can be deep and lush, but as every gardener knows, a beautiful lawn is both thirsty and labor-intensive. The odds are that wildflowers can grow in these areas, whereas a gardener would have to work effortlessly to keep a lawn alive in such inhospitable...
Ground covers can also add appealing texture, with some varieties having seasonal blooms and colorful fall foliage. If you have a shady site that doesn't take grass well, put in someis sometimes considered an invasive weed in the yard; however, this plant...
Creeping wire vine displays glossy green leaves. Walkable plants are often used as lawn replacements because they are tough, drought-tolerant, and require very little maintenance. This evergreen plant displays tiny blue flowers that last all summer.
Chamomile is an aromatic herb that is quite pretty to look at. If you live in an area that requires you to restrict your water usage or an area that has frequent ozone alerts, a lawn substitute may be your best option.You should not feel pressured into...
Try the new no mow lawn ideas in your garden for care free beauty.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });As with any turf project, it is necessary to prepare the site correctly prior to planting.
In warm climates, mazus is evergreen, and it out competes weeds.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });You can also use gravel or stones as lawn substitutes for warm regions.
Courtesy iStockphoto/Thinkstock With rising fuel prices, using a gas-powered lawn mower costs a little extra green this season. However, it was a series of partnerships that brought the idea of a lawn mower exchange to fruition.
The lawn will start to get reddish-brown rings and you will be able to see black “threads” on the crown of the grass.Necrotic Ring Spot grass fungus treatment is to dethatch the lawn vigorously.
This will allow as much light as possible to reach the growing grass.In deep shade where tree pruning is impossible or ineffective, shade loving ground covers such asmay be a more attractive solution.
It's important to move quickly, though, preferably within 36 hours, and keep the sod moist and in the shade while it's out of the ground.Clear the new location of vegetation, mix some compost into the topsoil, and wet it thoroughly.
Watering rinses the fertilizer off the grass blades so that they won't burn, and it allows the fertilizer to sink down into the soil so it can get to work. Most lawn seed is a mixture of several different types of grasses, and both spring and fall fertilization...
Rake the lawn thoroughly after dethatching.In about one week, apply one pound of nitrogen fertilizer per 1,000 square feet of lawn and water in completely. You should do some research before you use a machine as incorrect use can injure the lawn.