Bonide Sedge Ender Concentrate uses a combination of active ingredients to provide pre- and post-emergent control of sedges, crabgrass, annual and broadleaf weeds. Bonide Sedge Ender Concentrate is a flowable formulation (suspension concentrate) containing...
Spurge Power Broadleaf herbicide for residential lawns. Controls dandelions chickweeds clover oxalis spurge wild violet and many other broadleaf weeds.
Visible effects are usually apparent in 1 week and most weeds are killed in 1 to 2 weeks. Ideal for use when preparing flower beds, vegetable gardens, ornamental gardens, renovating lawns, or for multipurpose weed control.
Monterey Turflon Ester Concentrate Monterey Turflon Ester Concentrate is an excellent product we know our customers will love. For Control Of Bermuda Grass, Kikuyugrass, and Broadleaf Weeds In Cool Season Lawns Ingredients:Triclopyr, Oxy Acetic Acid,...
Pro Landscape Fabric 3.0 oz square / yard spun bond hydrophilic treated non woven, Saves big on watering by conserving soils moisture, Provides complete weed control, Install mulch bark or stone for a finished look, No herbicide retreating necessary,...
Monterey Liqui-Cop Concentrate Monterey Liqui-Cop Concentrate comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Liquid Copper Fungicide Spray For Disease Prevention On Fruit Trees, Nut Crops, Citrus, Vegetables and Ornamentals Very Economical Replacement For...
Contains: Active Ingredient: Dimension 0.19%. Size: 5M/15 lbs. Preen Lawn Crabgrass Control Prevents crabgrass and 40+ common lawn weeds including carpetweed, purslane, spurge, and more.
MOSS KILL LAWN GRANULE 20LB MOSS KILL LAWN GRANULE 20LB Kills lawn moss quickly. Applies easily with standard lawn spreaders. Turns lawns a deep green. Bag covers 5,000 sq. For use on lawns, around flowers and ornamental shrubs.
Bonide Sucker Punch Knock Out Sprouts Ready To Use Bonide Sucker Punch Knock Out Sprouts Ready To Use comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Knock out sprouts with this ready to use spray, Simply spray on to control sprouts and sucker growth on apples,...
Diquat Dibromide Aquatic Herbicide 2.5 Gallon- Kills Weeds Diquat is an industrial weed killer to control pond weed, pond algae, and other aquatic weeds. You will not find a safer aquatic herbicide to kill pond weeds and algae.
Use the highest rate for perennial weeds at or beyond the flower stage or when the plants have “hardened.” Use a 7-10% solution when maximum vegetative burndown, edging or foliar trimming is desired.
Contains the active ingredient: QST 713 strain of Bacillus subtilis. Use on roses, vegetables, fruits, flowering plants, trees and shrubs. DISEASE CONTROL GRDEN 32OZ RTU DISEASE CONTROL GRDEN 32OZ RTU Ready to use fungicide that attacks harmful garden...
Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 5.00 x 3.00 x 10.00 Inches
Earth Juice Just for Coir Bloom, Part B: Just for Coir Bloom is a Professional two-part hydroponic plant food developed for use with all grades of coconut coir and coir-based media.
Prevents black spot, powdery mildew and other fungal diseases on houseplants, shrubs, flowers, vegetables, and trees. Kills eggs, larvae and adult insects. GS plant Fungicide GS plant Fungicide is an excellent product we know our customers will love.
Aquathol Super K is not toxic to fish or other aquatic organisms and has a relatively short half-life in the water. Rate of use: 3.3-22 Lbs./Acre ft., depending on pest species Active ingredient: Dipotassium salt of endothall, 63% Aquathol Super K Granulated...
Tree Square, Size 3 x 3 ft., Material Polypropylene, Color Black Features DEWITT TS33S Tree Square, w/Slit, 3x3 Ft. Free Shipping on Orders $50 and Up from Zoro Item ships from Zoro in 1 business day and is typically delivered WITHIN 3 business days Tree...
✓ Free Shipping on Orders $50 and Up from Zoro
✓ Item ships from Zoro in 1 business day and is typically delivered WITHIN 3 business days
This natural color landscaping burlap contains a medium-duty fabric that helps to create an area that is free from weeds and debris so your plants and flowers can reach their full potential.
✓ Includes one roll of Deluxe Natural Burlap
✓ 3' x 24'
✓ Natural color
Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 2.50 x 3.50 x 35.00 Inches
Active ingredient: Carfentrazone with 2, 4-D, Mecoprop-p, plus Dicamba. See label for complete list of rates based on type of grass (cool or warm), and type of sprayer used. Ferti-lome Weed Free Zone Weed Killer Ferti-lome Weed Free Zone Weed Killer Weed...
Features: do not use above 85 degrees f formulation: carfentrazone with 24-d mecoprop-p plus dicamba rapid and effective weed control on tough weeds in turf grasses weeds controlled: clover,ground ivy, spurge and chickweed superior cool weather performance 16 oz.
Final Stop Weed & Grass Killer Spray is an effective herbicide containing natural ingredients that kills undersized weeds and grasses. Ingredients such as essential oils and organic acids work synergistically to naturally eradicate undesired growth.
Revenge Pantry Trap Revenge Pantry Trap in stock and ready to ship. These traps are non-toxic, odorless and capture pantry moths over a 3-month period. Allow additional time for delivery.
Kills catepillar-tpye insects but has no effect on birds, earthworms or beneficial insects when used as directed. Can be used on edible plants up to the day of harvest. Monterey B.T. Ready To Use Monterey B.T. Ready To Use, if you are not 100% satisfied...
Avoid glyphosate contact with desirable foliage and ornamentals. Eraser is pet safe. Eraser 41% Glyphosate (roundup-pro generic) is a systemic post emergent herbicide providing broad spectrum weed control.
✓ Glyphosate 41%
✓ Eraser 41% Glyphosate may be used in any area of vegetation. Care should be taken to ensure that non-target vegetation is protected from drift.
Use on edibles up to day of harvest. Kills whiteflies, melybugs, fungus, gnats, aphids, ants, thrips, mites, scale, and many others. Houseplant and Garden Insect Spray - Garden Safe brand.
Messina Rodent Stopper Ready To Use Bottle Prevents foraging, bedding and entry caused by mcie and rats, Covers approximately 1,000 square feet, Safe for use wround fruits and vegetables, Made of organic ingredients, Works by smell and taste, Geraniol,...
Diquat SPC 2LDiquat SPC 2L Herbicide offers fast, non-selective control of aquatic weeds. Control of aquatic weeds Broad-spectrum control of floating, submersed and marginal weeds Active ingredient: 37.3% Diquat dibromide Diquat Herbicide Aquatic - 1...
Contains: Barricade Restricted Use in the following states/territories: AK, CA, DC, HI This product can not be shipped to the following US States: AK,DC, & HI The perfect hervicide for all of your turf and landscape needs.
Quick Kill Outdoor Insect Killer Ready To Spray Quick Kill Outdoor Insect Killer Ready To Spray, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help.