Monterey Liqui-Cop Concentrate Monterey Liqui-Cop Concentrate comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Liquid Copper Fungicide Spray For Disease Prevention On Fruit Trees, Nut Crops, Citrus, Vegetables and Ornamentals Very Economical Replacement For...
Monterey Nutgrass Killer Foil Pack A Selective Herbicide For Control Of Yellow & Purple Nutsedge and Horsetail Treats 1, 000 Sq Ft Ingredients:Halosulfuron-Methyl
It features Earthtone over black. Listing for 1 roll only. To use, Remove grass & weeds, rake area, unroll fabric and cut as required around plantings. Secure fabric with dewitt anchor pins.
Preen garden weed preventer prevents new weeds from growing, it does not kill existing ones. Sprinkle preen garden weed preventer evenly over the soil surface at the rate of 1 oz. Preen Vegetable Garden Prevent Preen Vegetable Garden Prevent is an excellent...
Do not apply to newly seeded lawns or areas underlaid by roots of desirable trees and shrubs. After 1 to 2 days, thoroughly water the lawn. Preen Lawn Weed Control Preen Lawn Weed Control, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is...
Natural Garden Weed Barrier Biodegradable paper mulch designed for annual gardens and plantings. Gradually decomposes. Allows air and water through. No clean up, tillable into soil.
Ingredients: Plastic, 4 Ounce Calibrated Cup. Cups are calibrated for teaspoon, tablespoon and ounces to provide a reusable measuring device. Measuring Cups Measuring Cups. These handy 4 oz.
Tear off Bottom of Bag At PerForation and Pull Apart Resealable Closure to Expose Shaker Holes. Product Covers 1,500 Square Ft. Product contains 100% Corn Gluten Meal 8-2-0. It is ideal for use under bird feeders and is safe for children and pets immediately...
Kill eggs, larvae and adults. Ingredients: 70% Neem Oil. For use indoors or outdoors on roses, flowers, fruit, vegetables, herbs, houseplants, trees, and shrubs. Easy on beneficial insects.
With 41% Glyphosate, Eraser is a non-selective herbicide that is used to kill weeds and grasses in cracks of parking lots, driveways, flower beds and along fence rows. This product works systematically through the foliage down to the root killing the...
Safe for fish, swimming, waterfowl and livestock. Effective herbicide treatment for emergent weeds along shoreline. Best kill when emerged weeds are actively growing. Throughly cover weeds for optimum kill.
Prevents new weeds from growing, it does not kill existing weeds. Ingredients: Active Ingredient: 1.47% Trifluralin. Recommended for use around ornamentals. Will not harm most established plants granular, easy to use formula.
Bonide Revenge Ant Killer Dust Bonide Revenge Ant Killer Dust comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Indoor/outdoor waterproof dust provides 8 month residual action, Odorless and fast acting, Kills all ants, including fire ants, termites, and carpenter...
Weed Whacker Jet Spray Weed Whacker Jet Spray in stock and ready to ship. Kills the weeds not the lawn. Allow additional time for delivery. Unique foam marks treated weeds. Kill broadleaf weeds down through through the root.
Pro Landscape Fabric 3.0 oz square / yard spun bond hydrophilic treated non woven, Saves big on watering by conserving soils moisture, Provides complete weed control, Install mulch bark or stone for a finished look, No herbicide retreating necessary,...
For non-selective control of herbacious broadleaf and grassy weeds. See results in less than an hour. This product can not be shipped to the following US States: MD Bonide Burnout Weed And Grass Killer Concentrate For organic gardening.
Foam application allows you to see where you have sprayed. Contact foam product allows you to apply directly to weeds in tough places. Waterproof in ten minutes after application. Kills weeds and Johnson grass down to the root.
Sorry no choice of which color will be sent. Color: Assorted Size: 14.18 x 1.57 x .52' BOND MFG Bloom Cushion Grip Weeder BOND MFG Bloom Cushion Grip Weeder, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help.
Contains: Active Ingredient: Dimension 0.19%. Covers 5,000 square feet. Size: 5M/15 lbs. Preen Lawn Crabgrass Control Prevents crabgrass and 40+ common lawn weeds including carpetweed, purslane, spurge, and more.
Contains: Barricade Restricted Use in the following states/territories: AK, CA, DC, HI This product can not be shipped to the following US States: AK,DC, & HI Contains Dimension - a selective turf and landscape herbicide from Dow.
Size: Quart Shop our on-line catalog with over 120,000 products for you and your horse. Safe for people and pets. See results in less than an hour. For non-selective control of herbacious broadleaf and grassy weeds.
Omri listed for organic gardening. Made in the USA. Allow additional time for delivery. Kills more than 100 listed insects. Can be used on day of harvest on vegetables, fruit trees and ornamentals.
Quick knockdown with residual control - contains a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide. Made in the USA. Allow additional time for delivery. Odorless and non-staining. Also controls aphids, catepillars, leafhoppers and other insects on vegetables, ornamentals...
Install bark mulch or stone for a finished look. Yd. Laminated spunbond non-woven landscape fabric. To use, Remove grass & weeds rake area unroll fabric and cut as required around plantings, secure fabric with dewitt anchor pins.
The fast-acting product produces visible results in just 8 hours. This product can not be shipped to the following Countries: CA Size: 32 Oz Spectracide Weed Stop Lawns Crabgrass Killer RTU Use the Spectracide Weed Stop for Lawns Plus Crabgrass Killer...
Works on permanent grass pastures, irrigation ditch banks, right of ways, ornamental turf and more. To control resprouting of freshly cut stumps. This product can not be shipped to the following US States: AK,HI, & NY Size: 32 oz
Visible results in 3 hours. Works only when it contacts foliage and deactivated when it hits the soil, making it ideal for use around flowers, shrubs, and trees. Spectracide Weed & Grass Killer - Spectracide weed and grass killer is a non-selective herbicide...