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Lawn Garden Weed Control Horse Tack For Sale In Texas

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Citrus Nut Orchard Insect Spray
Prices start at : 20.99 USD / each

Use up to the day of harvest. All natural ingredients. Citrus Nut Orchard Insect Spray Citrus Nut Orchard Insect Spray comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Controls insects and diseases on citrus fruits and nuts plus vegetables, ornamentals, houseplants...
United States
Pyrethrin Spray Conc
Prices start at : 17.99 USD / each

Pyrethrin Spray Conc This formulation of naturally occurring pesticides is perfect for organic gardeners. Labeled for the control of fire ants using the mound treatment method. This product can not be shipped to the following US States: CA & DC Size:...
United States
Spectracide Weed And Grass Killer RTU
Prices start at : 5.00 USD / each

Area may be replanted in 7 days. Works only when it contacts foliage and deactivated when it hits the soil, making it ideal for use around flowers, shrubs, and trees. Protect desirable plants and vegetation with a piece of plastic or cardboard.
United States
Weedbeater Ultra Rts
Prices start at : 36.99 USD / each

Performs in both warm and cool weather down to 45 degrees. Ingredients: Mcpc Mecoprop Dicamba And Carfentrazone Herbicides. One ready-to-spray quart treats up to 20,000 square feet.
United States
Monterey Turflon Ester Concentrate
Prices start at : 32.99 USD / each

For Control Of Bermuda Grass, Kikuyugrass, and Broadleaf Weeds In Cool Season Lawns Ingredients:Triclopyr, Oxy Acetic Acid, Butoxyethyl Ester Monterey Turflon Ester Concentrate Monterey Turflon Ester Concentrate is an excellent product we know our customers...
United States
Bonide Burnout Weed And Grass Killer RTU Pump N Spray
Prices start at : 46.50 USD / each

Bonide Burnout Weed And Grass Killer RTU Pump N Spray Bonide Burnout Weed And Grass Killer RTU Pump N Spray. For non-selective control of herbacious broadleaf and grassy weeds. For organic garding.
United States
Shoreline Weeds
Prices start at : 38.99 USD / each

Shoreline Weeds 1.5 oz per gallon of water plus tsp/gallon surfactant water.1 qt makes upto 25 gallons spray solution. Best kill when emerged weeds are actively growing. This product can not be shipped to the following US States: CA,CT,ME,MI,NH,NJ,NY,...
United States
Preen Lawn Broadleaf Weed Cntl
Prices start at : 26.99 USD / each

Can be applied anytime weeds are growing, spring, summer or fall. Apply to lawn to kill weeds. Preen Lawn Broadleaf Weed Cntl Broadleaf weed control controls a wide range of lawn weeds including dandelion, chickweed, knotweed, plantain, etc.
United States
Spectracide Cutter Backyard Bug Control Outdoor Fogger
Prices start at : 7.19 USD / each

Shop our on-line catalog with over 120,000 products for you and your horse. Spectracide Cutter Backyard Bug Control Outdoor Fogger Spectracide Cutter Backyard Bug Control Outdoor Fogger comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! To Enjoy Your Backyard...
United States
Amdro Quick Kill Lawn Insect Killer Granules
Prices start at : 22.20 USD / each

Amdro Quick Kill Lawn Insect Killer Granules Amdro Quick Kill Lawn Insect Killer Granules in stock and ready to ship. Also kills surface insects like ants spiders fleas and ticks..
United States
Captain Jacks Deadbug Brew Dust
Prices start at : 4.89 USD / each

Captain Jacks Deadbug Brew Dust Captain Jacks Deadbug Brew Dust. Provides excellent control of bagworms, leaf miners, beetles, caterpillars and colorado potato beetle. Excellent replacement product for rotenone insecticides.
United States
Garden Mulch
Prices start at : 4.50 USD / each

Garden Mulch Sun-Resistant Black Plastic Mulch Is Perfect For Small Gardens. Absorbs Sun S Warmth In The Spring. Specially Formulated To Block Light. Holds Moisture In The Heat Of The Summer.
United States
Monterey Ant Control
Prices start at : 8.80 USD / each

Monterey Ant Control Omri listed for organic gardening. Use for control of listed ants around the home. Use around vegetables, fruit trees, berries, flowers, lawns, trees and in gardens.
United States
Terro Spider Killer Aerosol
Prices start at : 4.89 USD / each

ONLY SHIPPABLE WITHIN LOWER 48 STATES IN USA. Ingredients: Pyrethrins, Permethrin. 12 week protection. Seeks out spiders where they hide. Available in 16 oz. Terro Spider Killer Aerosol Highly effective against spiders, scorpions, ants, cockroaches, crickets...
United States
Monterey Sucker Stopper Ready To Use
Prices start at : 33.99 USD / each

Use To Control Sprouts and Sucker Growth On Apples, Olives, Pears, Non-Bearing Citrus and Ornamental Woody Plants Spray On The Base Of Plant To Control Regrowth Of Suckers From Roots and Pruning Wounds Ingredients:Ethyl 1-Naphthaleneacetate
United States
All Season Hort Oil Concentrate Insect Control
Prices start at : 8.20 USD / each

It Will not stain and is Safe and pleasant to use. It Readily mixes with water for spraying. Product contains 98% petrolium oil. Product is A superior type parafinic oil spray to control over wintering eggs of red spiders, scale insects, aphids, bud moths,...
United States
Termite & Carpenter Ant Killer
Prices start at : 8.40 USD / each

Allow additional time for delivery. Quick acting, long lasting and odorless. Termite & Carpenter Ant Killer Termite & Carpenter Ant Killer in stock and ready to ship. New, advanced third generation pyrethroid technology.
United States
Clear Pasture Brush Killer
Prices start at : 116.00 USD / each

Apply clear pasture florally by diluting with water or as an oil-water emulsion. Refer to chart for mixing rates. Clear Pasture Brush Killer Clear pasture is a herbicide used to control unwanted woody plants and annual and perennial broadleaf weeds.
United States
Deflea Upholstery Spray Trigger
Prices start at : 8.99 USD / each

Deflea Upholstery Spray Trigger Deflea Upholstery Spray Trigger comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Natural product kills fleas & ticks!, For indoor/outdoor use!, Also effective on flies, ants, cockroaches, silverfish, & scorpions Size: 24 Oz
United States
Bio Spot Active Care Yard & Garden Spray
Prices start at : 15.49 USD / each

Call us at 1-800-8-SADDLE. Bio Spot Active Care Yard & Garden Spray Kills and repels fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, ants, crickets and other listed insects, For use on lawns, trees, shrubs, roses, and flowers, Provides up to 4 weeks control, Treats up to 5,000...
United States
Bonide Burnout Ready To Use
Prices start at : 32.10 USD / each

Bonide Burnout Ready To Use Bonide Burnout Ready To Use comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Kills All Types Of Actively Growing Weeds and Grasses, Safe For Organic Gardening and For Use Around People and Pets Rainproof When Dry, Works At Temperature...
United States
Household Insect Control Rtu
Prices start at : 12.90 USD / each

12 inches from surface, spray until surface is slightly moist. Great for indoor & outdoor control of any biting, stinging, flying, crawling, chewing, rasping, buzzing little nuisance bugs.
United States
Revenge Glue Board Rat
Prices start at : 6.59 USD / each

Revenge Glue Board Rat For rats, also catches mice, snakes, spiders, and other insects. Size: 7" X 13" X 1/16" Easy and ready to use.
United States
Eight Garden Granules
Prices start at : 7.99 USD / each

This product can not be shipped to the following US States: AK & HI Size: 3 lb Eight Garden Granules Eight Garden Granules. An outstanding garden insecticide - killing and repelling virtually any insect pest common to gardens.
United States
Compare N Save Indoor/Outdoor Insect Control Concentrate
Prices start at : 36.10 USD / each

Compare N Save Indoor/Outdoor Insect Control Concentrate Compare N Save Indoor/Outdoor Insect Control Concentrate in stock and ready to ship. Mole crickets, mosquitoes, scorpions, spiders, ticks, wasps, and other insect pests.
United States
Quali-Pro Msm Turf Herbicide
Prices start at : 22.99 USD / each

Specifically Targeted To Broadleaf and Grassy Weed Control On Ornamental Turfs. Used On Lawns, Parks, Cemeteries, and Golf Courses. Quali-Pro Msm Turf Herbicide Clean Pasture is an excellent product we know our customers will love.
United States
Bird-X Bird Proof Gel
Prices start at : 7.69 USD / each

Non-Toxic, Tacky Bird Repellent Gel Reduces Bird Damage Makes Surfaces Uncomfortable For All Pest Birds, Preventing Them From Roosting Use On Ledges, Sills, Beams, Signs, Statues and Many Other Out Door Sufaces To Prevent Pest Birds From Roosting Keep...
United States