Controls colorado potato beetle, japanese beetles, squash bugs, box elder bugs, sawfly larva and many more. Pyrethrin Spray Conc This formulation of naturally occurring pesticides is perfect for organic gardeners.
Covers 5,000 square feet. Contains: Active Ingredient: Dimension 0.19%. Can be applied up to 4 weeks later than other crabgrass products. Size: 5M/15 lbs. Preen Lawn Crabgrass Control Prevents crabgrass and 40+ common lawn weeds including carpetweed,...
Prevents new weeds from growing, it does not kill existing weeds. Apply any time: spring, summer or fall. Allow additional time for delivery. Prevents summer and winter annual weeds from growing in flower and vegetable beds and around trees.
Effective in burning off duckweed and watermeal mats. Submerged Weeds Submerged Weeds is an excellent product we know our customers will love. No residual weed control. Add non-ionic surfacant to enhance kill.
Provides up to 5 months of weed control. Covers 3,000 square feet. Preen Lawn Weed Control Plus Crabgrass Preventer Kills 200+ weeds including chickweed, white clover, henbit, poa annua, foxtail, and more.
Size: 15oz/100Ft Deer Stopper Barrier Ribbon System Kit includes: one 3/4x100ft ribbon and one 15oz. Deer stopper deer repellent/. Great around flower and vegetable gardens and other spaces.
Garden Safe Garden Safe Garden Insect Killer RTU Kills on contact and can be used up to day of harvest. For indoor or outdoor use on roses, vegetables, houseplants, ornamentals, trees, shrubs and flowers.
3% and a spreader sticker. The spray is Easy to use, mixes with water instantly with no pre-mixing. It Controls both insects and diseases on fruit trees, flowers, evergreens and strawberries.
Can be used indoors or outdoors as both a dust or a slurry. Diatomaceous Earth Jug Diatomaceous Earth Jug is an excellent product we know our customers will love. May be applied to growing crops livestock food and feed establishments.
It is Colored green to blend with foliage. Product is an Insecticide plus fungicide. Product is A specially formulated, completely organic, general purpose product designed for convenient consumer use as a dust or spray on vegetables, fruit and flowers.
Eraser 41% herbicide Concentrate A post emergent systemic herbicide with no residual soil activity. Ingredients: 41% Glyphosate Size: 1 Pint Non selective broad spectrum control of annual and pernnial weeds woody brush and trees.
Ingredients: Active Ingredients: Citronella Oil 0.8% Eugenol 0.2% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate 0.2% Cinnamon Oil 0.2% Geraniol 0.1% Other Ingredients: 98.3% (Water Lime). This product can be directly applied to plants and other objects.
For Control Of Bermuda Grass, Kikuyugrass, and Broadleaf Weeds In Cool Season Lawns Ingredients:Triclopyr, Oxy Acetic Acid, Butoxyethyl Ester Monterey Turflon Ester Concentrate Monterey Turflon Ester Concentrate is an excellent product we know our customers...
Short pre-harvest interval. Saves plants, vegetables, and fruit from pesky insects. Provides excellent control of leaf eating and sucking insects. Size: 1 Pound/3 Pack Sevin Dust 5% Sevin Dust 5% comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Great for use...
No grass seed is more weed free. Terro Ant Killer Liquid Baits Terro Ant Killer Liquid Baits is an excellent product we know our customers will love. Helps seedlings develop 25% thicker and deeper root systems.
All natural ingredients. Ingredients: Sulfur And Pyrethrin. Use up to the day of harvest. This product can not be shipped to the following US States: DC Size: 1 Quart Citrus Fruit Nut Orchard insect Spray Controls insects and diseases on citrus fruits...
ENVIRO PROTECTION Epic Snake Scram Granular Repellent Shaker Bag ENVIRO PROTECTION Epic Snake Scram Granular Repellent Shaker Bag, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help.
Will not harm established plants. Granular, easy to use formula. Recommended for use around ornamentals. Garden Weed Preventer with Treflan 1.75% Controls weeds before they germinate.
Shop our on-line catalog with over 120,000 products for you and your horse. ENVIRO PROTECTION Epic Dog Scram Granular Repellent Shaker Bag ENVIRO PROTECTION Epic Dog Scram Granular Repellent Shaker Bag, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer...
It has a heavy-gauge, serrated stainless steel blade with a polypropylene handle that can be sterilized. The flared handle ensures solid grip and red color for easy field identification.
Ingredients: Diphacinone (Anticoagulant) - Each Chunx Is 1 Oz. Size: 9 Pound Tomcat All Weather Bait Chunx Tomcat is tougher than a barnyard cat for controlling rats and mice. Tomcat baits are manufactured with human food-grade ingredients and enhancers,...
Sedgehammer can be used in residential, commercial and industrial sites for post-emergent control of select weeds. Sedgehammer Herbicide is a selective herbicide used for post-emergent control of Nutsedge and other weeds in turfgrass and landscaped areas.
25-year product is 1.9 Oz. per square yard polyester. Ideal for residential and commercial use. Allows air, water and nutrients to pass through the soil while controlling weeds. Easy Gardener Commercial Weed Barrier 25-Year Landscape Fabric Easy Gardener...
Can't find exactly what you are looking for? Rats and mice die in 4 or 5 days after eating. Hawk can kill rats and mice in a single feeding with its powerful anticoagulant bromadiolone.
Plus Turf Herbicide 13.5 Grams (2 Packs) By Sedgehammer + Best selling Sedge Weed(s) control with Surfactant for improved performance Best selling Sedge Weed(s) control with Surfactant for improved performance Plus Turf Herbicide 13.5 Grams (2 Packs)...
Ortho Weed B Gon Chickweed, Clover & Oxalis Killer for Lawns Ready-To-Spray is formulated to kill tough weeds in your lawn. Plus, the spray won?t harm your lawn - guaranteed!* No mixing and no measuring is needed.
✓ Kills weeds to the roots
✓ Rainproof in 6 hours
✓ Treats 6,400 sq. ft.
✓ Kills weeds, not your lawn when used as directed
Deer Ban Deer Repellent Capsules Deer Ban Deer Repellent Capsules comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Water activated, Bio-degrabable, Lasts up to 90 days - covers 400 linear ft, Works year round, Easy to use This product can not be shipped to...