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Lawn Garden Weed Control Equine Equipment For Sale In South Carolina

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Bonide Burnout Ready To Use
Prices start at : 32.10 USD / each

Bonide Burnout Ready To Use Bonide Burnout Ready To Use comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Kills All Types Of Actively Growing Weeds and Grasses, Safe For Organic Gardening and For Use Around People and Pets Rainproof When Dry, Works At Temperature...
United States
South Carolina
Weed Prevention Plus For Lawn And Gardens
Prices start at : 29.99 USD / each

Tear off Bottom of Bag At PerForation and Pull Apart Resealable Closure to Expose Shaker Holes. Zip Seal At Bottom For Easy Storage. Hold Bag By Handle and Shake to Dispense. Size: 26" x 13" x 7"
United States
South Carolina
Crabgrass Preventer with Fertilizer
Prices start at : 53.99 USD / each

For cool and warm season grasses. Controls crabgrass and other weeds before they grow. Contains: Barricade Restricted Use in the following states/territories: AK, CA, DC, HI This product can not be shipped to the following US States: AK,DC, & HI
United States
South Carolina
Preen Garden Weed Preventer
Prices start at : 22.99 USD / each

Preen Garden Weed Preventer Prevents summer and winter annual weeds from growing in flower and vegetable beds and around trees. Apply any time: spring, summer or fall. Ingredients: Active Ingredient: 1.47% Trifluralin.
United States
South Carolina
Preen Lawn Weed Control Plus Crabgrass Preventer
Prices start at : 25.99 USD / each

Size: 5M/18 lbs. Preen Lawn Weed Control Plus Crabgrass Preventer Kills 200+ weeds including chickweed, white clover, henbit, poa annua, foxtail, and more. Prevents crabgrass. Contains: Active Ingredients: Dimension And Trimec.
United States
South Carolina
Chickweed Clover Oxalis Killer - RTU
Prices start at : 7.30 USD / each

No mixing, no mess. Kills chickweed, clover, oxalis, plantain, speedwell, canadian thistle, ground ivy, dandelion and many others. Rainproof within hours. Kills over 150 different, troublesome broadleaved weeds in home lawns.
United States
South Carolina
Bonide Revenge Ant Killer Dust
Prices start at : 14.99 USD / each

Bonide Revenge Ant Killer Dust Bonide Revenge Ant Killer Dust comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Indoor/outdoor waterproof dust provides 8 month residual action, Odorless and fast acting, Kills all ants, including fire ants, termites, and carpenter...
United States
South Carolina
Deer Stopper Ii Advanced Rtu Deer Repellent
Prices start at : 13.90 USD / each

Deer Stopper Ii Advanced Rtu Deer Repellent Advanced formula deer repellent covers 1,000 square feet. Works by smell, taste and feel. Made in the USA. Highly effective solution for preventing foraging and entry damage caused by deer, elk and moose.
United States
South Carolina
Black Flag Spider And Scorpion Killer
Prices start at : 6.40 USD / each

Black Flag Spider And Scorpion Killer Formulated to kill large spiders and scorpions on contact. Kills black widows, brown recluse, and wolf spiders.
United States
South Carolina
Havahart Spray Away
Prices start at : 57.99 USD / each

Releases a sudden burst of water combined with unexpected noise and motion to create a safe and effective deterrent. Havahart Spray Away Repels animals with sudden bursts of water from gardens, yards and ponds with an infrared sensor that detects motion.
United States
South Carolina
MESSINA Animal Stopper Reasy To Use Refill
Prices start at : 24.99 USD / each

MESSINA Animal Stopper Reasy To Use Refill MESSINA Animal Stopper Reasy To Use Refill in stock and ready to ship. Allow additional time for delivery. Prevents foraging, nesting and entry damage caused by small garden animals, including armadillos, beavers,...
United States
South Carolina
Ant Killer Granules
Prices start at : 10.99 USD / each

This product can not be shipped to the following US States: AK,CA,DC, & HI Size: 4 Pound Excellent product for household perimeter treatment applications and more. As a band treatment and for lawn use, 1 lb.
United States
South Carolina
Diatomaceous Earth Jug
Prices start at : 8.50 USD / each

Diatomaceous Earth Jug Diatomaceous Earth Jug is an excellent product we know our customers will love. Can be used indoors or outdoors as both a dust or a slurry. Made in the usa. Kills ants cockroaches earwigs silverfish beetles millipedes centipedes...
United States
South Carolina
Monterey Fruit Tree Spray Plus Concentrate
Prices start at : 20.50 USD / each

Can be used up to day of harvest. Omri listed for organic gardening. Made in the USA. Monterey Fruit Tree Spray Plus Concentrate Broad spectrum insecticide, fungicide and miticide that controls insects, diseases on vegetables, fruits, roses, flowers,...
United States
South Carolina
Single Door Live Trap
Prices start at : 23.99 USD / each

Size: 18" X 6" X 6" Manufactured from heavy duty galvanized wire mesh with steel reinforcement. 1/2 inch" X 1 inch mesh for small animals such as squirrels, rats and chipmunks. Spring loaded door, protected handle and automatic lock.
United States
South Carolina
Monterey B.T. Ready To Spray
Prices start at : 26.00 USD / each

Monterey B.T. Ready To Spray Kills catepillar-tpye insects but has no effect on birds, earthworms or beneficial insects when used as directed. Can be used on edible plants up to the day of harvest.
United States
South Carolina
Kleenup 41% Concentrate herbicide
Prices start at : 91.99 USD / each

Kleenup 41% Concentrate herbicide Kleenup 41% Concentrate herbicide, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help. One pint makes up to 10 gallons of finished spray material.
United States
South Carolina
Eraser 41% herbicide Concentrate
Prices start at : 16.49 USD / each

Eraser 41% herbicide Concentrate A post emergent systemic herbicide with no residual soil activity. Non selective broad spectrum control of annual and pernnial weeds woody brush and trees.
United States
South Carolina
Spectracide Immunox 3In1 Ready To Use
Prices start at : 8.90 USD / each

Spectracide Immunox 3In1 Ready To Use Prevents and stops a wide variety of diseases and insects on roses, flowers, and shrubs. Works against diseases for up to 2 weeks. Tested and endorsed by the american rose society.
United States
South Carolina
Cidekick-II weed killer
Prices start at : 25.99 USD / each

This product can not be shipped to the following US States: CT,DC,MA,ME,NJ,NY, & VT Size: Quart Use with weedtrine-d and shore-klear for control of duckweed, cattails, lilies, etc.
United States
South Carolina
ENVIRO PROTECTION Epic Dog Scram Granular Repellent Shaker Bag
Prices start at : 13.99 USD / each

Safe around pets, children and plants., Specially formulated to naturally train dogs to avoid treated areas., Unique organic formula provides strong, natural repelling power without harming people, pets or the environment., For outdoor use only., Dried...
United States
South Carolina
ENVIRO PROTECTION Epic Cat Scram Granular Repellent Shaker Bag
Prices start at : 15.49 USD / each

ENVIRO PROTECTION Epic Cat Scram Granular Repellent Shaker Bag ENVIRO PROTECTION Epic Cat Scram Granular Repellent Shaker Bag comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Provides 600 square feet of protection per pound, Specially formulated to naturally...
United States
South Carolina
Citrus Nut Orchard Insect Spray Concentrate
Prices start at : 15.99 USD / each

This product can not be shipped to the following US States: DC Citrus Nut Orchard Insect Spray Concentrate Citrus Nut Orchard Insect Spray Concentrate. Use up to the day of harvest.
United States
South Carolina
Revenge Granular Ant Bait
Prices start at : 8.99 USD / each

This product can not be shipped to the following US States: AK,DC, & HI Size: 1.5 lbs. Contains 5 percent Orthoboric acid. Also kills roaches, crickets, mole crickets, slugs, snails, earwigs and silverfish.
United States
South Carolina
Insect Control Ready To Use
Prices start at : 9.50 USD / each

Insect Control Ready To Use Insect Control Ready To Use, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help. Kills all stages of insects including eggs.
United States
South Carolina
Revenge No Escape Mini Fly Reel
Prices start at : 8.20 USD / each

Revenge No Escape Mini Fly Reel Revenge No Escape Mini Fly Reel comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! 81 ft of our superior non-drying glue with take up reel and mounting hardware.
United States
South Carolina
Permethrin 10%
Prices start at : 13.99 USD / each

Controls Listed: Flies, Lice, Fleas And Mites. Permethrin 10% Permethrin 10% is an excellent product we know our customers will love. Provides Knockdown, Broad Spectrum Insecticidal Effectivness.&Quo This product can not be shipped to the following US...
United States
South Carolina