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Lawn Garden Pest Weed Control Lawn Garden Supplies For Sale In Frisco

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Weed Barrier Pro For Gardens
Prices start at : 19.49 USD / each

To use, Remove grass & weeds, rake area, unroll fabric and cut as required around plantings. Secure fabric with dewitt anchor pins. For a finished look, cover with bark or mulch. It features Earthtone over black.
Monterey Nutgrass Killer Foil Pack
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / each

Monterey Nutgrass Killer Foil Pack A Selective Herbicide For Control Of Yellow & Purple Nutsedge and Horsetail Treats 1, 000 Sq Ft Ingredients:Halosulfuron-Methyl
Infuse Lawn/Landscape disease control
Prices start at : 20.40 USD / each

Residual action lasts for up to 4 weeks on certain diseases. Treats up to 3200 square feet. Infuse is a clear fungicide, no noticeable residue after spraying. Systemic-action give total plant protection.
Eraser 41% Systemic Weed Cntrl
Prices start at : 150.50 USD / each

With 41% Glyphosate, Eraser is a non-selective herbicide that is used to kill weeds and grasses in cracks of parking lots, driveways, flower beds and along fence rows. Eraser 41% Systemic Weed Cntrl Eraser 41% Systemic Weed Cntrl is an excellent product...
Preen Vegetable Garden Prevent
Prices start at : 46.10 USD / each

Sprinkle preen garden weed preventer evenly over the soil surface at the rate of 1 oz. Preen garden weed preventer prevents new weeds from growing, it does not kill existing ones. Preen Vegetable Garden Prevent Preen Vegetable Garden Prevent is an excellent...
Espoma Weed Preventer Plus Lawn Food
Prices start at : 15.99 USD / each

Made from corn gluten meal and covers 1,250 square feet. Size: 6 Lb Can't find exactly what you are looking for? It prevents dandelions, crabgrass and other weeds. Espoma Weed Preventer Plus Lawn Food Espoma Weed Preventer Plus Lawn Food is an excellent...
Deer Stopper Ii Advanced Rtu Deer Repellent
Prices start at : 13.90 USD / each

This product can not be shipped to the following US States: NM & WA Size: 32 Oz. Works by smell, taste and feel. Safe for use around fruits and vegetables. Made in the USA. Formula lasts for up to 30 days, regardless of weather including rain, snow and...
Super Brush Killer Bk-32 Conc
Prices start at : 13.50 USD / each

Can be applied using a tank-type sprayer, hose-end sprayer, watering can or undiluted depending on product use. Systemic action kills the entire plant including the roots. Use on lawns and ornamental turf.
Preen Garden Weed Preventer
Prices start at : 22.99 USD / each

Size: 5.625 Pound Apply any time: spring, summer or fall. Will not harm most established plants granular, easy to use formula. Ingredients: Active Ingredient: 1.47% Trifluralin. Recommended for use around ornamentals.
Welliver Stacks Pig Bird House
Prices start at : 38.99 USD / each

Color: Pink & Natural Welliver Stacks Pig Bird House Durable cedar construction and assembled with rust resistant screws. Single screw cleanout panel.
ENVIRO PROTECTION Epic Rabbit Scram Granular Repellent
Prices start at : 16.49 USD / each

ENVIRO PROTECTION Epic Rabbit Scram Granular Repellent Protects up to 1350 square feet, A green solution to rabbit damage, All organic - no bad odor!, Won t hurt animals or the environment, Long lasting, Water enhances the product, Dried Blood, White...
Welliver Mason Bee Frog House
Prices start at : 29.99 USD / each

Welliver Mason Bee Frog House Durable cedar construction and assembled with rust resistant screws. Fully functional bee houses featuring replaceable corrugated nesting tubes.
Liquid Fence Ready To Use
Prices start at : 11.49 USD / each

Shake well before each use. It is all natural biodegradable environmentally safe & will not harm the plants or animals. In areas where feeding pressure is intense apply once a wk for 3 wks then approx.
Havahart Deer-Off Concentrate
Prices start at : 149.30 USD / each

Apply between 36 and 90 degrees f. 1 qt yields 8 qts of ready to use spray application that covers approximately 4000 sq ft. 1 application lasts up to 3 months. Biodegradable and environmentally friendly to humans and animals.
MESSINA Plotsaver Starter Kit
Prices start at : 38.99 USD / each

Kit includes reusable plotsaver barrier ribbon and plotsaver deer repellent, Safe for people, wildlife, pets, plants and beneficial insects, Protects food plots of any shape and size, Easy to use, remove and reuse, Organic formula This product can not...
Terro Ant Killer Liquid Bait
Prices start at : 5.79 USD / each

Size: 2.2 Ounce With 11 cc s in each unit, it is ideal for large infestations. The patented design eliminates handling of chemicals and prevents drying out. Available in 6-pack bait stations.
Typar Landscape Fabric
Prices start at : 68.99 USD / each

A unique, lightweight landscape fabric that blocks weeds while letting water and nutrients in. Made from a unique, spun bonded textile, TYPAR Landscape fabric is lightweight and easy to install.
Weedbeater Ultra Concentrate
Prices start at : 20.99 USD / each

Can re-seed treated areas within 2 weeks. It kills right to the roots with visible results in just 24 hours. The ultimate systemic broadleaf weed killer for lawn and turf, is very effective on over 200 hard to kill weeds.
Single Door Live Trap
Prices start at : 116.99 USD / each

Size: 42" X 16" X 16" Single Door Live Trap 1/2 inch" X 1 inch" X 1 inch mesh for raccoons, dogs and other large animals.
Revenge No Escape Rat Trap
Prices start at : 6.19 USD / each

Revenge No Escape Rat Trap FSC certified pine wood base, large professional bait pedals with a well for liquids, and a V hook for securing bacon, cheese or cotton balls, and ""sure grip"" staples make these the best snap traps in the world.
Bonide Sedge Ender Concentrate
Prices start at : 21.95 USD / 16 oz. Concentrate

For pre-emergence applications, spray recommended rate evenly over entire lawn. The mode of action of this product involves uptake by both weed roots and shoots of existing weeds and prevention of growth by newly emerged weed seedlings.
Liquid Fence Dog & Cat
Prices start at : 14.80 USD / each

This product can not be shipped to the following US States: IN,NM, & PR Size: Quart Repeat as necessary. It will not stain them. Ingredients: Active Ingredients: Citronella Oil 0.8% Eugenol 0.2% Sodium Lauryl Sulfate 0.2% Cinnamon Oil 0.2% Geraniol 0.1%...
Greenview Crab + Fertilizer With Green Smart & DiMen\'sion
Prices start at : 59.99 USD / each

Zero phosphate formulation promotes clean waterways. Greenview Crab + Fertilizer With Green Smart & DiMen'sion Feeds, greens and thickens your lawn. Size: 15000 Sq. Ft. Prevents and controls crabgrass and other grassy weeds like foxtail, goosegrass, barnyard...
Citrus Nut Orchard Insect Spray
Prices start at : 20.99 USD / each

Use up to the day of harvest. All natural ingredients. Citrus Nut Orchard Insect Spray Citrus Nut Orchard Insect Spray comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Controls insects and diseases on citrus fruits and nuts plus vegetables, ornamentals, houseplants...
Daconil Fungicide Rtu Spray
Prices start at : 8.80 USD / each

Daconilfungicide stops these silent, creepy killers and protects against future disease on flowers, vegetables, shrubs, fruit, and shade trees. Concentrate is built for easy mixing, with the squeeze and measure top made for no messes.
Single Door Live Trap
Prices start at : 52.99 USD / each

Many of our products ship out the same business day! Single Door Live Trap 1/2 inch" X 1 inch" X 1 inch mesh for raccoons, turtles and foxes. Size: 32" X 10" X 12" Shop our on-line catalog with over 120,000 products for you and your horse.
Copper Dust plant disease control
Prices start at : 7.30 USD / each

Controls leaf spot, downy mildew, early and late blight, powdery mildew, anthracnose, scab and many more. Controls diseases on potatoes, tomatoes, fruits, flowering shrubs, shade trees and vegetables.