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Lawn Garden Pest Weed Control Horse Supplies For Sale In Spokane

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Monterey Bug Buster Ii Concentrate - 16 Oz.
Prices start at : 21.99 USD / each

Also controls aphids, catepillars, leafhoppers and other insects on vegetables, ornamentals and fruit trees. Quick knockdown with residual control - contains a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide.
Bonide Sucker Punch Knock Out Sprouts Ready To Use
Prices start at : 31.80 USD / each

Bonide Sucker Punch Knock Out Sprouts Ready To Use Bonide Sucker Punch Knock Out Sprouts Ready To Use comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Knock out sprouts with this ready to use spray, Simply spray on to control sprouts and sucker growth on apples,...
Rose Rx 3-In-1 Neem Oil Conc
Prices start at : 14.99 USD / each

Rose Rx 3-In-1 Neem Oil Conc Rose Rx 3-In-1 Neem Oil Conc, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help. This product can not be shipped to the following US States: AK & HI Size: 1 Pint
Spectracide Cutter Natural Insect Repellent
Prices start at : 7.20 USD / each

Includes A Natural Active Ingredient, Has Been Tested To Ensure It Is Effective Against Mosquitoes Repels Mosquitoes For Hours Protection For The Entire Family Deet-Free Made In The Usa Ingredients:Geraniol 5%, Soybean Oil 2%, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate .4%,...
Black Flag Concentrated Indoor Fogger
Prices start at : 10.50 USD / each

Black Flag Concentrated Indoor Fogger This concentrated fogger kills bugs by contact, leaving the room smelling clean and fresh. Does not stain or discolor furniture.
MESSINA Deer Stopper Ready To Use Bottle
Prices start at : 10.49 USD / each

Prevents foraging and entry damage caused by deer, elk and moose, Safe for use around fruits and vegetables, Made of organic ingredients, Covers approximately 1,000 square feet, Works by smell and taste, Putrescent Whole Egg Solids, Mint Oil, Rosemary...
Preen Lawn Crabgrass Control
Prices start at : 21.99 USD / each

Contains: Active Ingredient: Dimension 0.19%. Can be applied up to 4 weeks later than other crabgrass products. Covers 5,000 square feet. Size: 5M/15 lbs. Preen Lawn Crabgrass Control Prevents crabgrass and 40+ common lawn weeds including carpetweed,...
Liquid Copper Fungicide
Prices start at : 15.40 USD / each

Ingredients: Copper Octanoate (Copper Soap) 10%. Controls diseases on many common houseplants. Labeled for disease control on roses, fruits, vegetables, ornamentals and turf. Provides excellent control of blights, leaf spots, rust, mold, mildews, scab...
Weedbeater Ultra Concentrate
Prices start at : 20.99 USD / each

One pint treats up to 10,000 square feet. Performs in both warm and cool weather down to 45 degrees. It kills right to the roots with visible results in just 24 hours. Weedbeater Ultra Concentrate Weedbeater Ultra Concentrate.
Prices start at : 15.49 USD / each

When odor of product is diminished retreat. Greater than 91% repellency for rattlesnakes and checkered garter snakes. Apply around houses, cabins, trailers, garages, flower beds, barns, woodpiles, trash cans or anywhere snakes are undesired.
Spectracide Weed Stop Lawns Crabgrass Killer RTU
Prices start at : 14.30 USD / each

It kills over 250 types of weeds, including crabgrass. Spectracide Weed Stop Lawns Crabgrass Killer RTU Use the Spectracide Weed Stop for Lawns Plus Crabgrass Killer Concentrate Ready-to- Sprayto put an end to weeds in your lawn.
Greenview Crab + Fertilizer With Green Smart & DiMen\'sion
Prices start at : 59.99 USD / each

Prevents and controls crabgrass and other grassy weeds like foxtail, goosegrass, barnyard grass and annual bluegrass. Greenview Crab + Fertilizer With Green Smart & DiMen'sion Feeds, greens and thickens your lawn.
St. Gabriel Organics Milky Spore Powder
Prices start at : 87.40 USD / each

40oz -will treat up to 10,000 sq ft One 40 ounce container. Apply anytime the ground is not frozen. It targets and discriminately works to attack the white grubs of japanese beetles.
Natural Garden Weed Barrier
Prices start at : 13.60 USD / each

Size: 3 X 40 Foot Allows air and water through. Gradually decomposes. Lasts a full growing season. No clean up, tillable into soil. Natural Garden Weed Barrier Biodegradable paper mulch designed for annual gardens and plantings.
Monterey Nutgrass Killer Foil Pack
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / each

Monterey Nutgrass Killer Foil Pack A Selective Herbicide For Control Of Yellow & Purple Nutsedge and Horsetail Treats 1, 000 Sq Ft Ingredients:Halosulfuron-Methyl
Havahart Trap For Squirrels/Rats/Weasels/Chipmunks
Prices start at : 28.99 USD / each

Frequently, Wild Animals Stress & May Seriously Injure themselves as They Attempt to Escape. Product comes pre-assembled. For Wild Rabbits: use Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Lettuce, or Apples.
Zodiac Fleatrol Carpet & Upholstery Spray
Prices start at : 12.49 USD / each

Kills fleas, ticks, roaches, ants, earwigs, silverfish Kills flea eggs and flea larvae for up to 7 months Features and ergonomically-designed handle for easy application Leaves no visible residue Treats up to 300 sq.
Martins Eraser Foam Weed Killer
Prices start at : 19.34 USD / each

Martins Eraser Foam Weed Killer Martins Eraser Foam Weed Killer is an excellent product we know our customers will love. Waterproof in ten minutes after application. The Martin's Eraser Foam Weed Killer is convenient foam in a ready to use formula.
Sevin Insect Killer Ready To Use
Prices start at : 10.10 USD / each

For use on fruits trees vegetable gardens ornamentals shrubs roses and flowers. Sevin Insect Killer Ready To Use Sevin Insect Killer Ready To Use, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help.
Professional Squirrel Trap
Prices start at : 28.99 USD / each

Made by HAVAHART. Frequently, Wild Animals Stress Easily and May Seriously Injure themselves as They Attempt to Escape. Product dimensions: 17in X 7in X 7in. For Squirrels, the Best Bait to use is Cereal, Grains, Nuts, Sunflower Seeds, Shelled Corn, Apples,...
Typar Landscape Fabric
Prices start at : 68.99 USD / each

The fabric comes in smooth rolls and does not tear, fray or puncture easily but is easily trimmed with a utility knife or shears. A unique, lightweight landscape fabric that blocks weeds while letting water and nutrients in.
Tomcat Rat Killer II Refillable Bait Station
Prices start at : 20.60 USD / each

Rat killer with bromethalin Bait station is resistant to weather and to tampering by children and dogs Includes 1 refillable bait station and 15 bait refills Can be used indoors or out Made in the usa Size: 1 lbs.
Safer The Pantry Pest Trap
Prices start at : 8.10 USD / each

Includes Trap, Bait And Jumbo Bags To Hold More Beetles. Contains: R, Z-5-(1-Decenyl)dihydro-2(3h)-Furanone-Japanese Beetle Sex Pheromone0.017%eugenol-Japanese Beetle Floral Lure 25.233%geraniol-Japanese Beetle Florallure 10.698%.
Deadline Forceii Slug & Snail Killer
Prices start at : 12.20 USD / each

Force II slug and snail killer, Contains snare and a powerful attractant, Use to protect fruit, vegetable, flower and ornamental gardens, Provides up to 4 weeks plant protection and resists rain This product can not be shipped to the following US States:...
Single Door Live Trap
Prices start at : 23.99 USD / each

Spring loaded door, protected handle and automatic lock. 1/2 inch" X 1 inch mesh for small animals such as squirrels, rats and chipmunks. Manufactured from heavy duty galvanized wire mesh with steel reinforcement.
Citrus Fruit Nut Orchard insect Spray
Prices start at : 18.99 USD / each

Ingredients: Sulfur And Pyrethrin. Use up to the day of harvest. All natural ingredients. This product can not be shipped to the following US States: DC Size: 1 Quart Citrus Fruit Nut Orchard insect Spray Controls insects and diseases on citrus fruits...
Terro Outdoorinsect Control a
Prices start at : 7.79 USD / each

Product contains Tetramethrin 0.20%, Permetherin, 0.50%, Other Ingredients 99.30%. Terro Outdoorinsect Control a The Terro Outdoor Aerosol formula kills Ants, Spiders, Cockroaches, Carpenter Bees, Boxelders Bugs, and Other Home Invading Pests.