Kills All Stages Of Most Insects Including Eggs Pyrethrins and Canola Oil Concentrate 16 Oz. Concentrate Ingredients:Pyrethrins, Canola Oil, Other Ingredients Monterey Take Down Garden Spray Monterey Take Down Garden Spray in stock and ready to ship.
Seed germinates 2 times faster and uses less water. No grass seed is more weed free. Super absorbent seed coating absorbs and realeases water even if you miss a day. Helps seedlings develop 25% thicker and deeper root systems.
One charge will spray up to 50 gallons and up to 1.75 hours of continuous spraying. Battery-Operated Backpack Sprayer Built-in carrying handle makes cap removal easy and carrying the unit a breeze.
This Lawn and Garden Dispenser can be use to apply the Milky Spore Powder, Insect Dust or Fertilizers St. Gabriel Organics Milky Spore Powder Dispenser St. Gabriel Organics Milky Spore Powder Dispenser.
Product contains 1.76% Pyrethrins and Geraniol. Metered Maximum Strength Fly Spray For Dispensers The Metered Maximum Strength Fly Spray delivers maximum kill and repellency of flying insects, including mosquitoes.
Blanketing foam reduces consumer exposure to insects while applying the product. Reaches nests up to 20 feet above ground.Contains: .2% Tetramethrin .2% Phenothrin. Allow additional time for delivery.
Termite & Carpenter Ant Contrl Kills exposed termites, exposed carpenter ants, carpenter bees and other wood infesting insects in and around the home. Labeled to control crawling insects such as, silverfish, crickets, spiders, millipedes and many more.
Monterey B.T. Concentrate Monterey B.T. Concentrate comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Kills catepillar-tpye insects but has no effect on birds, earthworms or beneficial insects when used as directed.
This product can not be shipped to the following US States: DC Size: 1 Quart Termite & Carpenter Ant Killer Termite & Carpenter Ant Killer in stock and ready to ship. Ingredients: 0.02% Deltamethrin.
Monterey Fruit Tree Spray Plus Concentrate Broad spectrum insecticide, fungicide and miticide that controls insects, diseases on vegetables, fruits, roses, flowers, etc. Made in the USA.
Ant Killer Granules Fast acting and long lasting (up to 4 weeks) control of ants, fleas, ticks, chinch bugs, crickets and more. Will treat 500 square feet. Can be used as a lawn insecticide to control surface insects such as, ticks, ants, billbugs, grubs,...
A complete liquid fruit tree spray containing: captan 12%, malathion 6%, carbaryl. It Controls both insects and diseases on fruit trees, flowers, evergreens and strawberries. 3% and a spreader sticker.
Garden Safe Garden Safe Garden Insect Killer RTU Kills on contact and can be used up to day of harvest. For indoor or outdoor use on roses, vegetables, houseplants, ornamentals, trees, shrubs and flowers.
One pound treats up to 1280 square feet. Product contains: copper sulfate 13.72% and carbaryl 1.25%. This product can not be shipped to the following US States: AK,AZ,CA,CO,DC,HI,ID,MT,ND,NM,NV,OR,SD,UT,WA, & WY Size: 1 Lb
For indoor or outdoor use, terro is the only liquid bait station available to consumers. With 11 cc s in each unit, it is ideal for large infestations. The same proven liquid formulation, in a convenient, pre-filled bait station.
Espoma Insect - Insect Spray Espoma Insect - Insect Spray, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help. Promotes Flowering Mix With Water Feeds Instantly No Measure No Mess
Place traps 18" or less from the ground, in sunny places. It is The most effective on the market. Place several traps around house. Outdoor use only. Bait requires a 24 hr activation period.
Kills and repels insects for up to 30 days. A long-lasting insecticide which controls over 55 different insects. For use on vegetables, roses and flowers. Provides residual control of insect pests for up to 4 weeks.
Insect Soap Concentrate Insect Soap Concentrate in stock and ready to ship. Inert Ingredients: 50.48% Total: 100.0%. Kills insects on contact, gentle on plants. Avoid application when leaf temperature is 90 degrees.
Ready to spray bottle. A broad spectrum insectidice, miticide and fungicide that controls numerous diseases as well as insects and mites. Use on vegetables, fruit trees, ornamentals, etc.
Quick Kill Outdoor Insect Killer Ready To Spray Quick Kill Outdoor Insect Killer Ready To Spray, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help.
Controls insects for up to 4 weeks and kills on contact. Labeled to control fire ants through mound treatment and also plant container treatment. Kills over 100 insects which affect lawns, roses, flowers, trees, shrubs, vegetables, fruits and nuts.