Espoma Organic Lawn Booster For early spring clean up Made from corn gluten meal Environmentally friendly, all natural, and long-lasting Feeds up to 5000 sq. Contains: Corn Gluten Meal Size: 30 Pound
Spread evenly around base of plant and work into soil 1-2 inches. Make 2 applications in the spring 4-6 weeks apart, beginning at first sign of new growth. The formula Feeds plants while providing six-week, all-weather protection from insects.
For the African Violet and other blooming plants. Allow additional time for delivery. African Violet Plus Liquid Plant Food 8-14-9 African Violet Plus Liquid Plant Food 8-14-9 in stock and ready to ship.
No stain formula. Monterey Dr. Iron Contains 22% iron. Won t satin or burn like other iron products. Made in the USA. Reduces soil ph, correct iron deficiency.
Helps build a nourishing environment that promotes beneficial microbial action. Specially formulated for trees and shrubs. Jobe's Organics Tree Fertilizer Spikes Jobe's Organics Tree Fertilizer Spikes in stock and ready to ship.
Ingredients: Contains Treflan Herbicide, 10-17-9 Fertilizer Of Nitrogen, Phosphorous, And Potash. Effectively combines the two steps of weed prevention and fertilizing into one easy step.
Made in the usa. Color: Terracotta Contains 1 trellis net 2 plastic outriggers with built-in caster sockets and 2 non-locking casters. The ideal environment for any crop especially tomatoes.
Established acid-loving plants should be fed twice yearly, spring and late falling new plants. Contains organic matter rich in vitamins and beneficial microbes to improve soil. Espoma Holly-Tone 4-3-4 Plant Food Great for hollies, azaleas, evergreens,...
A Source Of Bioavailable Organic Carbon Has Iron Reducing Properties Which Promote The Ferrous State Of Iron, Which Is More Easily Utilized By Plants Than Ferric Seachem Flourish Excel Seachem Flourish Excel, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent...
Meets the organic production standards of the maine organic farmers & gardeners association (mofga) and is permitted for use. A mild organic fertilizer charge creating a biologically diverse environment ideal for germinating seeds and rooting cuttings.
Monterey Fish And Guano Plant Fertilizer A Concentrated Fertilizer From Liquid Fish and Bird Guano 9-6-2 High Analysis Fertilizer Excellent For Houseplants and Outdoor Ornamentals Can Be Applied As A Soil Drench Or Foliar Spray Ingredients:Blood Meal,...
Feeds Plants From The Top Down Provides Nutrients Through The Leaves Increases The Density Of Plant Tissue Supplements Crucial Micro-Nutrients This product can not be shipped to the following US States: PR
Kelp meal can be used with lawns, flowers/gardens, and trees. For Flowers/gardens: 3lbs/100 sq ft. For Lawns: 10lbs/100 sq ft. For Trees: 1 lb/inch of tree diameter. Product is An excellent soil conditioner and a rich source of minerals & plant hormones.
Blooms will be more plentiful, fragrant and longer lasting. Growers have reported increased marketable yields and improved shelf life on fruits and vegetables. Neptune's Harvest Fish Seaweed Blend Fertilizer A perfect blend of fish hydrolysate and seaweed.
Bio-tone biologically enhances our natural plant food to ensure superior plant growth. Bulb-tone feeds slowly, safely, and will provide a long lasting food reservoir to ensure superior results.
It is absorbed by plants through their roots and leaves. It contains all the micro and macro nutrients that are found naturally in fish. It is made from fresh Atlantic fish remains and is made by a unique cold process that protects the vitamins, amino...
Use on flowers, fruits and vegetables. Apply at the rate of 1.4 lbs. Nutrient analysis is 0-45-0. Per 100 square feet and incorporate into the top 4-5 inches of soil. Stimulates root development and larger blooms.
Controls black medic, clover, common chickweed, dandelion, lambs quarter, plantain, ground ivy, oxalis and many more. Connect to hose for easy application. Allow additional time for delivery.
Ft; For new lawns: apply 25 lbs/sq ft prior to seeding; For planting trees & shrubs: mix w/backfill soil. For Flower beds: mix 4 lbs/100 sq ft into top 4-6" soil; For bulbs: add 1 tsp per bulb into hole before planting; For potting mixes: mix 1lb/cu.
Makes up to 30 gallons. Formulated for acid loving plants like holly, azaleas, rhododendrons, and camellias. Exclusive jobes biozome formula provides great results with less work. Jobe's Organics Organics Water Soluble Acid (Holly) 6-1-1 acid loving water...
Controls powdery mildew black spot and rust. For flowers fruits and vegetables. Use for early and late blight on tomatoes. Copper Soap Ready To Use Copper Soap Ready To Use, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to...
Ingredients: 3-10-3 Fertilizer Plus Vitamin B-1. Promotes greener, more vigorous growth. Can be used as a starter fertilizer when installing sod. Plant Starter Solution For use on fruit, vegetables, flowers, trees, and bedding plants to stimulate early...
Espoma Organic Traditions Garden Gypsum Loosens clay soils and helps improve water and air penetration. Aids in minimizing salt damage to plants, helps promote root growth and maximizes fertilizer effectiveness.
Will not shatter when dropped like typcial ceramic planters. Jobe's Organics Tomato Fertilizer Spikes Jobe's Organics Tomato Fertilizer Spikes. The beauty of ceramic but 4 times stronger.