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Lawn Garden Fertilizer Soil Treatments Equine Equipment For Sale In Wichita

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Systemic Granules
Prices start at : 15.20 USD / each

Systemic Granules Ready-to-use granules. This product can not be shipped to the following US States: NY Size: 4 Pound Ingredients: Active Ingredient Imidachloprid. Systemic-action give total plant protection.
Tomato Blossom End Rot Preventer R-T-U
Prices start at : 7.79 USD / each

It Controls blossom endrot on tomatoes and other vegetables. Contains Nutritional calcium. Tomato Blossom End Rot Preventer R-T-U This item Corrects calcium deficiency. Apply to developing fruit and foliage after periods of heavy rain or rapid growth.
Fox Farm Tiger Bloom Liquid Plant Food Concentrate
Prices start at : 59.99 USD / each

Ultra-Potent and Fast Acting Formulated For Soil and Hydroponic Systems Accelerates Fruit and Flower Development This product can not be shipped to the following US States: PR Fox Farm Tiger Bloom Liquid Plant Food Concentrate Fox Farm Tiger Bloom Liquid...
Clonex Clone Solution
Prices start at : 25.27 USD / each

Allow additional time for delivery. A clone specific nutrient formulated using a special blend of minerals and vitamins.. Clonex Clone Solution Clonex Clone Solution in stock and ready to ship.
Monterey Dr. Iron
Prices start at : 33.30 USD / each

Made in the USA. Won t satin or burn like other iron products. Reduces soil ph, correct iron deficiency. No stain formula. Monterey Dr. Iron Contains 22% iron.
Espoma Potash
Prices start at : 13.50 USD / each

Enriched source of potassium for plants Aids in developing plant vigor and disease resistance Contains: 0-0-60 Size: 6 Pound Espoma Potash Espoma Potash, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help.
Foaming Sprayer
Prices start at : 44.30 USD / each

5 convenient settings for control over the amount of foam/soap suds Color: Red Foaming Sprayer Foaming Sprayer is an excellent product we know our customers will love.
Espoma Organic Alfalfa Meal - 3 LB
Prices start at : 7.95 USD / each

Promotes growth and blooming for roses, flowers, vegtables, trees and shrubs. Tea fertilization rate. Espoma Organic Alfalfa Meal - 3 LB All natural organic source of nitrogen and potassium.
Monterey Fish And Guano Plant Fertilizer
Prices start at : 11.49 USD / each

Monterey Fish And Guano Plant Fertilizer A Concentrated Fertilizer From Liquid Fish and Bird Guano 9-6-2 High Analysis Fertilizer Excellent For Houseplants and Outdoor Ornamentals Can Be Applied As A Soil Drench Or Foliar Spray Ingredients:Blood Meal,...
Bontone Plant Rooting Powder
Prices start at : 5.19 USD / each

Size: 1.25 Ounce Ingredients: The Plant Hormone-Iba In A Ready-To-Use Powder. Labeled for use with cuttings from azaleas, mums, geraniums, pachysandra, poinsettias, and a wide range of other plants.
Espoma Garden-Tone 3-4-4 Plant Food
Prices start at : 19.50 USD / each

Provides safe, continuous feeding for all vegetable and deciduous plants. Contains organic matter rich in vitamins and beneficial microbes. Long-lasting, slow release. Espoma Garden-Tone 3-4-4 Plant Food Espoma Garden-Tone 3-4-4 Plant Food.
Cal-Turf Pro Chelated Calcium Limestone
Prices start at : 23.20 USD / each

Size: 1 Sq Ft Begins to neutralize soil acidity immediately, resulting in soil ph increases that can be measured in weeks. Allows a lawn applicator to use less products, savings time, labor, transportation and storage.
Rapitest Soil Tester
Prices start at : 16.80 USD / each

Size: 0.25" x 0.75" x 0.75" The Rapitest Soil Test Kit Includes 4 Individual Color Comparators For pH, Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash. The kit Contains Color Coded Test Tubes, as well as a Chart and Testing Capsules.
Jobe\'s Organics Water Soluble Bloom Burst Plant Food
Prices start at : 10.50 USD / each

Makes up to 30 gallons. Formulated for all annual and perennial flowers. Exclusive jobes biozome formula provides great results with less work. Jobe's Organics Water Soluble Bloom Burst Plant Food 3-3-3 bloom burst water soluble plant food.
Aquatic Potting Soil
Prices start at : 17.90 USD / each

Aquatic Potting Soil Composed of 90% inert components such as clay silt and silica forming the perfect combination for support of aquatic plants.
Neptune\'s Harvest Seaweed Plant Food
Prices start at : 111.99 USD / each

Reduces nutrient loss. Nursery quality blend. 100 percent organic. Neptune's Harvest Seaweed Plant Food Neptune's Harvest Seaweed Plant Food, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help.
Coop Poop All Purpose Garden Food
Prices start at : 7.89 USD / each

Coop Poop All Purpose Garden Food Easy to use and apply at any time.High performance improves soil health.Stimulates microbe activity.High in calcium.Low odor.Safe for kids and pets.
Espoma Organic Violet African Violet Plant Food
Prices start at : 5.59 USD / each

Espoma Organic Violet African Violet Plant Food Promotes Growth and Flowers Mix With Water Feeds Instantly No Measure No Mess
Greenview Weed & Feed 22-0-4
Prices start at : 37.99 USD / each

Shop our on-line catalog with over 120,000 products for you and your horse. Builds a better lawn. Zero phosphate formula. Feeds your lawn for 8 weeks. Size: 5000 Sq. Ft. All products are backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
Just Natural Organic Potting Mix
Prices start at : 6.99 USD / each

Check out our Deals and Sales - Unbeatable prices everyday. All products are backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. For All Herb and Vegetable Gardens and Similar Plants With Worm Castings For Improved Soil Structure.
Jobe\'s Organics Organics Water Soluble Veg/Tomato Plant Food
Prices start at : 10.40 USD / each

For use in watering cans and hose end sprayers. Exclusive jobes biozome formula. Jobe's Organics Organics Water Soluble Veg/Tomato Plant Food 3-0-4 all-purpose water soluble plant food.
Rose-Tone Plant Food
Prices start at : 20.00 USD / each

Rose-Tone Plant Food Rose-Tone Plant Food, if you are not 100% satisfied our excellent customer service is standing by to help. Add peat moss and 2 cups of rose-tone to the soil plantings.
Greenview Fairway Formula Weed & Feed & Crabgrass Preventer
Prices start at : 32.99 USD / each

Greenview Fairway Formula Weed & Feed & Crabgrass Preventer Greenview Fairway Formula Weed & Feed & Crabgrass Preventer comes with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Spring fertilizer 24-0-6 Eliminates lawn weeds, such as crabgrass, dandelions, viney weeds,...
Espoma Bulb-Tone 3-5-3 Plant Food
Prices start at : 16.99 USD / each

Bulb-tone feeds slowly, safely, and will provide a long lasting food reservoir to ensure superior results. It contains bone meal and other natural organics to meet the special nutritional needs of these plants.
Tomato Blossom Set Ready To Use
Prices start at : 9.39 USD / each

This product can not be shipped to the following US States: CA & HI Size: Quart Nearly every blossom will produce larger, meatier, almost seedless tomatoes, ripening up to 3 weeks earlier.
Prices start at : 20.00 USD / each

Apply in early spring, before growth starts; in the fall apply after the leaves drop, but before ground freezes. Formulated for planting and feeding shade, fruit and ornamental trees.
Jobe\'s Organics Science + Nature All Purpose Plant Food
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / each

Jobe's Organics Science + Nature All Purpose Plant Food Organics water soluble all purpose fertilizer, makes 40-gallon of fertilizer, Contains biozome plus proprietary blends of organic nutrients, bio-stimulants, Beneficial microorgamism to help soil...