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The Best Fertilizer for Plumerias
Of fertilizer for every inch of trunk diameter. Growing to 30 feet in height, the best way to get your plumeria to bloom is by applying fertilizer.The best fertilizer for plumeria trees is one that is high in phosphorous, such as 10-30-10.
Santa Monica
How to Cure Tomato Blight
Using a pressure duster, apply a thin layer of fungicide powder on the plant, dusting the tops and bottoms of leaves. Prior to treatment, fruit showing signs of blight infection should not be eaten or used for canning.Refrigerating fresh tomatoes diminishes...
Santa Monica
What Happens When Cutting the Tip off a Pine Tree?
Gardeners and arborists can speed this repair process by providing a temporary splint to support the developing new leader then removing adjacent lateral branches.Annual branch growth for a pine or other whorl- branched conifer is determined by shoots...
Santa Monica
The Average Size of Oak Trees
While they aren't the tallest trees around, they do grow to an impressive height.The oak tree is a deciduous type of tree that belongs to the beech tree family. The oak tree has many different types of species that grow all over the world.
Santa Monica
The Best Time to Trim a Blue Spruce
Use sharp, sterile shears to complete the cuts. These aging branches often shed its needles and begin to lose its natural bluish-green color. In order to promote a positive response, the blue spruce must have enough time to repair itself before entering...
Santa Monica
What Happens When Plants Have Too Much Water?
Crown Rot, Phytium and Phytophthora are just three diseases that are attracted to excess moisture. A dry plant can always be given more water -- but the presence of excess moisture can cause a number of health problems that are very difficult to cure.Giving...
Santa Monica
Does Antifreeze Affect Plant Growth?
They also showed a greater degree of pollen sterility, and yielded fewer seeds.In humans and animals, ethylene glycol antifreeze may cause severe damage, including damage to the brain, kidneys and heart.The Effect of Propylene Antifreeze on Grass and...
Santa Monica
The Maximum Growth Rate of Rhododendrons
Slower growing rhododendrons tend to be smaller cultivars while the fastest growers take up more space. Rhododendrons (Rhododendron spp.) are flowering shrubs that are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9, depending...
Santa Monica
How to Prune a TI Plant
It grows naturally not only in the Pacific Islands, but in tropical areas of Asia and Australia, and has become a popular houseplant. Occasional pruning will keep the ti plant healthy, neat, shapely, and within its boundaries.Begin with a pair of sharp...
Santa Monica
Fertilizer for Cedar Trees
On the other hand, fertilize cedars regularly if you want faster growth on young trees, if plants are growing in poor soils or if they need to repair damage. All these cedars can benefit from periodic fertilizer applications.Three true cedars are used...
Santa Monica
The Best Small Farm Tractors
Instead, the general purpose tractor is usually used for row crops. They pull a variety of attachments that do anything from harvesting crops to cultivating the land. However, if a farmer chooses to use only one small tractor, a tractor must be purchased...
Santa Monica
How to Induce Flowering in Dragon Fruit
Most dragon fruit plants flower during the summer months the weather in their native environment is warm. If the days are short in your area, you can artificially lengthen the days by shining lights on your plants for an extra hour or two, either before...
Santa Monica
How to Transplant Succulents
So the transplant location you choose for them should have good drainage. Dig about 2 feet deep in the entire planting area. Make the hole 12 inches in diameter and 12 inches deep.
Santa Monica
Recipe for Lawn Filler Sand & Seed Soil Mixture
Of filler mixture and use to fill in low or barren spots in the turf. Fill holes and areas to be repaired with the mixture. Take samples from several locations in the landscape, both sunny and shade areas.
Santa Monica
Will Palm Trees Grow Back if You Cut Their Trunks?
The individual stem trunk you removed, however, will not rejuvenate itself. On multi-stemmed palms, also called c, the plant will continue to grow if the trunk is severed, but it will rejuvenate new stems from the roots to replace the removed one.
Santa Monica
How to Tighten the Bands on an Oak Barrel
The compression tension of the hoops relies on the moisture level in the staves. Oak barrels made for aging wine and whiskey are often sold and repurposed as planters, rain barrels and containers for other liquids.
Santa Monica
How to Repair a Split Tree
That should hold it for a while, and some twine above the split could provide a little more support for the first year.APPLY GLUE -- With the support method determined, I opened up the split and used a popsicle stick to apply the glue to both sides of...
Santa Monica
How to Use Copper Sulfate to Kill Tree Roots
The smart move would be to call a plumber to ensure that your suspicions are accurate. A sluggish toilet can be one of the first indications that a tree's root system is growing into the sewer line.
Santa Monica
How to Make a Wood Slab From a Tree Trunk
Saw the trunk at an angle such as 45 degrees for an oval slab. Depending up their length and width they make variety of table tops, interior and exterior walls and even doors. As the wood grows thinner you will have to prop it up by places wood blocks...
Santa Monica
How to Attach Flower Boxes Without Drilling Holes
The solution is to shop around for the gadget that works for you.Purchase a window hanger for your box. Purchase window box hangers from a hardware store that attach to your railing securely.
Santa Monica
How to Repair a Broken House Palm Tree
Look for signs of recovery in two to three weeks. If the break is clean through, there is little you can do, other than hope the base of the palm will send up new shoots of growth below the break.Speed is critical when repairing a broken palm tree.Prop...
Santa Monica
Banana Pepper Facts
Banana peppers take up to 70 days to fully mature in the ground. Vitamin C helps the body make collagen, and it aids in the repair and growth of all tissues within the body, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.
Santa Monica
How to Cut Ceramic Pots
Cut down your clay pot with a carbide rod saw. Then gradually move to 200-grit, then 400-grit sandpaper to finely polish the edge. A carbide rod saw looks like a hacksaw, but the blade is made up of fine carbide grit, rather than metal teeth.Standard...
Santa Monica
Teak vs. Bamboo
The numerous species of bamboo come in a variety of sizes, ranging from dwarf types reaching only 1 foot high to species that grow 130 feet tall. The Tectona grandis, the most prominent teak species and the plant most people have in mind when they use...
Santa Monica
Lawn Care For Sedum: How To Grow Sedum In My Lawn
Thereafter, lawn care for sedum relies upon plentiful sunshine, occasional weeding and dry conditions. Let it dry out thoroughly between irrigations.In perfect growing conditions, sedum will take off rapidly and even plugs will root and spread.
Mazus Lawn Alternative: Tips For Growing A Mazus Lawn
In what areas can you use mazus as a lawn substitute and how do you take care of mazus lawns? Divide the plants in the fall or spring every 3-4 years to manage their rampant spread and maintain vitality in the growing mazus lawn.The care of mazus lawns...
Sedge Lawn Substitute: Tips For Growing Native Sedge Lawns
In order to mimic the feel of a lawn, you should pick low growing plants; but if you are feeling crazy, you can certainly mix it up. Most of the sedges grow in a clumping habit. Rhizome spreading plants will fill in any gaps over time, while clumping...