For this reason, you should do your homework beforehand to find the type that works best in your area.Prior to laying sod, you should prep the site. Never allow the sod to dry out, as it will die quickly.Lay strips of sod on the prepared site, edge to...
Before you ever lay sod, make sure the pH is between 6.5 and 7.0.Water infrequently and deeply in the morning so grass blades have time to dry quickly. The affected grass blades may turn tan to pink in a circular pattern.
An attractive lawn edging can frame a landscape, define lines between beds and lawn areas and even highlight. These edging materials are less formal in appearance and blend in easily with most landscapes.ground covers, flowers and small shrubs fit into...
Fescues and perennial ryegrasses tend to be hardier. If it stays firm, it is dog urine damage.Another indicator that it is dog urine killing the lawn is that the spot will be a bright green on the edges while a fungus spot will not.freestar.queue.push(function()...
This lawn disease starts out as brown spots on the grass blades that move rapidly down to the crown. Water the lawn only once a week, if it has not rained in your area. Keeping the moisture level down will allow the grass to fight the fungus and eliminate...
How to get grass to grow in the shade has been a problem for homeowners since lawns became fashionable. For most of the country, fine fescues are the most tolerant ofIdeally, these shade tolerant grasses should be kept longer than their sunny counterparts.
Lay the sod, roots down, and water again.If you don't need new sod anywhere, you can use it as a good base for garden beds. Stack more pieces of sod on top of it, all face down. In an out of the way part of your yard, lay down a piece of sod grass.
Using a spreader provides more even coverage than fertilizing by hand. Hand fertilizing often results in burns where the fertilizer is concentrated and pale areas that don't get as much fertilizer as they should.Broadcast or rotary spreaders are easy...
Some types of grass don't produce thatch but others with thick stolens will trap their own leaves and stems.Overly thick thatch not only makes the lawn spongy but it can interfere with the plant's ability to gather air, water and fertilizer.
Water the grass thoroughly to bring it back to health and teach your puppy to relieve himself in a better spot.could be the result of a fungus. Pest-infested grass pulls up easily because the roots are damaged.
Dense tree canopies can make an area too shady for grass to grow. However, like anything,near trees is a specific concern. In the south and southwest, many trees are accustomed to hot, arid conditions and will not be harmed by this.
You are no doubt reading this on an electronic device, but before such wonders existed, many of us garnered our news and information from a newspaper. It really depends on what you are using the Epsom salt on the grass to correct.
Ensure the pH is above 6.0 and that there's ample nitrogen in the soil below your grass in the early spring, before the grass starts to grow, and any time your lawn looks sickly. When the thatch is always wet, you prevent the grass from getting the water...
But do you know how to turn a yellow lawn green again? Once you have identified the culprit, use an insecticide formulated for that pest.After you have figured out why your lawn is faded, it is time to figure out how to turn a yellow lawn green again.
What is lawn painting, and why would anybody be interested in painting the lawn green? Mow your lawn and rake up grass clippings and yard debris. It will look better and last longer.Paint your lawn on a dry, sunny, windless day.
Where trees cover a garden bed, soil can also be extremely dry. Then you can consider replacing those that need full sun with some that thrive in partial shade.Instead of considering a shady area a liability, why not try to turn it into an asset instead.
While you may be able to keep your kids and pets off a chemically treated lawn, a wild animal or a neighbor's pet cannot read the sign that says your lawn has been chemically treated.So instead of cringing at the glares you get from your neighbors with...
Worm mounds in soil are just concentrated nutrients and cause no harm to most plants. Worm castings in lawn area, however, cause more of an issue.They make the turf lumpy and uneven, and the grass around the area yellows and dies.
Then top dress the area with good quality soil and sow with seed that is appropriate for your area.Compress the area with a roller, which you can also rent. Simply punch holes as deep as possible in the turf layer and then rock the fork to enlarge the...
When you add larger, heavier sand particles to this scenario, it weighs down the clay particles, making them even more impenetrable by water and nutrients. Golf courses are built on sandy soil and specialized turf grasses that can thrive in sandy conditions...
Having a beautiful lush green lawn is a wonderful accent to your home and living space, and it can really make a difference in the appearance of your home. The most appealing lawn is the lawn that has no weeds sticking out of it.
This makes them easy to pull and eradicate, although doing so before they set seed is recommended.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Perennial weeds, on the other hand, have more extensive root systems,...
If moisture is present, the spores bloom and reproduce, creating patches up to six inches across.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });The mold spores may remain viable for many years until the proper conditions...
It may also be necessary to loosen up compacted areas in the lawn.For serious cases of algae, make a mixture of 5 ounces of copper sulfate and 3 gallons of water per 1000 square feet of turf.
Many lawn fans consider taking the time to roll out a grass lawn every spring to be an essential part of proper lawn maintenance. Rolling the lawn when it is dry, will not be effective in pushing the seed or grass roots into contact with the soil.Use...
Applying acan help strengthen grass, but avoid large applications of, especially in the spring – excessive nitrogen increases the growth of new, succulent foliage that will require more frequent cutting.
However, it seems to have little control on older larva, so knowing the sod webworm lifecycle is key to achieving control.Thirdly, use a pesticide labeled for effectiveness against the pests.