On a cold but sunny Sunday afternoon, inspiration struck! A trip to my favorite local nursery would lift me right out of my winter doldrums. I saw bougainvillea arching over huge peace lilies, and I breathed in the delicious scent of jasmine in bloom.
This intimate experience is accentuated when heading to the local nurseries for your gardening needs. Of course that is not all they sell; they offer the intimacy and the family aspect of purchasing accoutrements for the garden.
With names like Ohh-La-La, Magnifique and C'est Bon, it isn't hard to see why hibiscus lovers anxiously await new cultivars from Mr. Dupont.When Mr. Dupont Sr. retired from the florist industry in 1995 and began hybridizing hibiscus in 1997, he never...
That link will connect you to a source., Lincolnwood, Publications International, Ltd., 1998 The weather was very cold but dry, and a border of dusty miller gave a lovely frosted effect to an otherwise boring mulched bed.
And here it was at Lowe's! Big box stores sometimes offer up such unexpected treasures and at very reasonable prices. Had been to all the nurseries and garden centers within a 40-mile radius, searching for a particular petunia without success.Big box...
Some growers will even propagate a rose for you if they do not have it available, but they still would need a mother plant for this service. I'm fairly certain it was not available locally.
It is adaptable, low maintenance and fast growing.that grow like weeds and need little babying. The worst thing you can do for a sedum patch is to set the sprinkler regularly. There are many other easy care options available.
Keep the plants moist, although don't fuss over them. Perhaps, you would just like to enliven an area. If you are looking for a low maintenance plant that tolerates moderate to light traffic, look no further than growing a) lawn.
A sedge grass lawn uses a lot less water than turf grass and is adaptable to many sites and climates. They can offer a prairie or dune look, Mediterranean or even exotic landscape texture.
How to grow chamomile as lawn replacement and other chamomile lawn care necessary to grow chamomile lawn plants is covered in this article.Growing chamomile lawns have a few advantages over grass turf.
Alternatively, use a dilute solution of water-soluble fertilizer that you can spray directly on the foliage.Trim deadnettle after the first flush of blooms and again at the end of the season to keep the plant tidy and to produce bushy, compact plants.Don't...
Thereafter, the plants require infrequent watering.In addition to irrigation the first year, fertilize the plants with a good lawn food in early spring and mid-summer. It is adaptable to both sunny and partially shady conditions.
Plugs or starter plants work well for a small area, but seeds may be the best way to go if you're planting a large meadow.can help you determine the best way to remove existing vegetation and prepare the ground for planting.
While habiturf native grasses are specifically for Southwestern states, all of us can have low maintenance, chemical free lawns by abandoning the concept of the traditional lawn and growing native grasses and groundcovers instead.
Once the plants have established, they just need weeding and moisture.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Site preparation is the most important step.
Some people do mow the thyme lawn after flowers are spent, but it's okay to be a little lazy and leave the area as is. This method requires patience, as it takes two seasons to completely kill off the top and even longer to get all the roots.
This carpet-forming plant consists of tiny, bright green leaves that turn bronze during the winter months. Dividing the plant to cover a larger area is easy.produces tiny, inconsequential white or lime-green blooms in early summer, but the flowers are...
Moss can add a feeling of peace and tranquility to your landscape, especially when mixed with pavers or stones. Maintaining a lawn is a lot of work, and when you add up the cost of water,you'll find that it is also expensive.
They are also easy to apply and relatively inexpensive, depending on what you choose and how you use it.Stone surfaces complement most surroundings, can be mixed with other hard surface varieties, and can even serve as.
Once established it needs little summer water and, due to the clover, requires no supplemental fertilizer.Maybe you would like to have a smaller lawn. Do you like to entertain and grill?
Fortunately, wayward plants are relatively easy to pull.Blue star creeper requires very little care. Although the plant is very drought tolerant, it benefits from a bit of extra moisture in full sunlight or during hot, dry weather.An application of any...
It provides provide color, fragrance, and requires very little maintenance. Lawns can be deep and lush, but as every gardener knows, a beautiful lawn is both thirsty and labor-intensive.
There are many easy-care varieties available that hold up well to foot traffic. In fact, walking through these aromatic plants will actually trigger their pleasant scents. Ground covers can also add appealing texture, with some varieties having seasonal...
Blue star creeper isn't the perfect solution for every situation because this rambunctious plant can be invasive.(Speedwell) “Waterperry blue,” suitable for zones 4 through 9, is a stepable plant with deep green leaves that take on copper and burgundy...
Whatever your reasons are for wanting to replace your lawn's grass with something else, you have many options when looking at lawn substitutes.. The long-term cost savings of using a nonliving lawn substitute will eventually make up for your initial investment.Using...
There are available blends for your region which will give you the varieties of plants recommended for no mow lawn ideas in your zone.Sustainable turf plants such as fescue provide reliable solutions for energy conservation and reduced need for resources...
In warm climates, mazus is evergreen, and it out competes weeds.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });You can also use gravel or stones as lawn substitutes for warm regions.