Electric clutch Digital hour meter Tag: wb1 Exmark TTS481GKA48300 Full-floating UltraCut Series 3 48" triple blade cutting deck Kawasaki FS481V V-Twin engine Hydro drive with Enhanced Control System (ECS) Deck construction - 10-gauge top; 7-gauge side...
All parts being sold are new and have never been used. Sks is a manufacturer of aircraft tugs which utilizes john deere tractors in their patented line of tugs. You won't find these new parts at a lower price.
Battery Life No gradual drop in power, so you can work at full speed until battery is depleted. Power Switch Instant startup, just push the button and pull the switch lever. This battery-powered lawn mower is great for small to medium suburban yards.
10-1/2 x 5-6\" custom trailer, side & back load with tilt, excellent shape, must sell, only used for two 1 summer cutting season Custom trailer, side & back load with tilt, only used for two 1 summer cutting season
All parts being sold are new and have never been used. Sks is a manufacturer of aircraft tugs which utilizes john deere tractors in their patented line of tugs. You won't find these new parts at a lower price.