Then use a measuring tape to estimate the site's rise (elevation gain) and run (distance from front to back). Raised Beds for a Sloping Vegetable Garden Building a terraced vegetable garden is basically making raised beds on a slope, and it's important...
A sharp manual lawn edger will take down most cool-season cover crops in a matter of minutes. I always grow one robust double row of sweet corn, which needs high levels of soil nutrients to produce well.
Fellow blogger Barbara Pleasant recommends gathering the first fruits of the season before they are mature, at the ‘breaker' stage when they show the very first hint of color. You will need to protect plants should a frost threatens while there is still...
Consider cutting back overhanging foliage and act promptly to remove spent crops so that those remaining enjoy plenty of sunshine and good air circulation. How do you keep your pickings coming?
Hold your nerve, and if your predatory platoon of frogs, hoverflies, ladybugs and so on is in place, you can achieve, if not an outright conquest, then at least peaceable relations with all the inhabitants of your garden.
Caterpillars prefer nasturtiums, so they'll be more likely to eat these instead of your cabbages. Winter cabbages are very hardy but during exceptionally cold weather they may need some form of cold protection such as a row cover tunnel or cloche.
Make the most of late summer's abundance by seeking out imaginative recipes to turn any gluts into delicious drinks. LED lighting is low cost, versatile and doesn't use much electricity.
Health-Boosting Daikon Radishes In China there is an old saying that “when the radishes are in season, the pharmacists can close their shops”. Watermelon radishes have stiff, serrated leaves that resemble those of turnip, and the only tricks to growing...
No matter how meticulous you are with planning crop timings, there's always going to be a hardcore of homegrown hooligans that arrive en masse, intimidating gardeners with more fresh produce than can be coped with! Common culprits include the likes of...
The roots will push up as they gain size, and garden-grown rutabagas tend to be more top-shaped than round. Harvesting and Storing Rutabagas Rutabagas make rapid growth once they become established, producing a profusion of leaves that show the plants'...
Only save seeds from heirloom varieties Saving Bean & Pea Seeds OK, so let's begin with the easiest of the lot: peas and beans! As the end of the season approaches leave some pods to dry out on the plant.
Once that's done, step back again and look over your tree. In summer small holes appear in the leaves. It's better to use a more powerful tool and make a clean cut than to struggle to force the blade of a lightweight tool through a thick branch.
These ones won't hang around for long – I've a cheek-flushing chili bean recipe I've been itching to try out! Nevertheless, with lots more fruits on the way, there will definitely be enough for drying and storing in a few weeks.
The best setups use drip irrigation or soaker hoses to deliver water right at the base of plants, near the roots. Allow plants to soak up the water they need to avoid wastage Use a Timer An automatic irrigation system, connected to a timer, will take...
Plant some seed potatoes in late summer and you could be enjoying a bonanza of earthy nuggets from late autumn right through to Christmas. Just imagine serving up your own tender new potatoes with the festive meal – what a treat! Second Crop Potatoes...
Thinning Other Fruit Trees Pears need less thinning than apples but will still benefit from having young fruits thinned out to give consistent harvests. Aim to leave about 4-6 inches (10-15cm) between individual apples of eating varieties.
Hanging up sticky traps is also a great way to monitor populations of whitefly early on in the season – act immediately when you spot them. And it gets worse. And if that's not enough, honeydew can attract diseases such as black sooty moulds on plants...
Feeding Not generally needed beyond annual topdressing with rich compost in spring. Harvesting Gather spikes of lavender flowers as soon as they open, and dry in small bundles before storing in an airtight container.
Frost tolerant Yes. If storing shallots, cure in a dry place for 10 days after pulling the plants. Planting and Harvesting Calendar < Back to All Plants Pests which Affect Shallots Aphids (General) Slug Snail Plant Diseases which Affect Shallots Allium...
Females lay eggs near the base of plants, and the larvae feed on the plants' roots. A small vacuum is a good way to collect cucumber beetles. Striped cucumber beetle [Credit: CamPixie ] Striped cucumber beetle [Credit: CamPixie ] Host Plants: On Crops:...
Frost tolerant Seedlings will survive light frosts, but older plants are easily damaged. Feeding Not generally needed. A fresh crop of plants can be planted in late summer for bloom in the fall.
Feeding Not generally needed. Frost tolerant Extremely cold hardy, even in harsh winter climates. They are also much loved by cats and dogs. Our Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area.
Feeding Not generally required. Harvesting Gather sprigs as needed in the kitchen. Planting and Harvesting Calendar < Back to All Plants Pests which Affect Lemon Balm Aphids (General) Slug Snail
Notes Tulips will return for several years where winters are cold, but may rot when grown in warm, moist climates. Perennial candytuft makes an ideal companion plant. Fertilize established clumps with a balanced organic fertilizer in the fall.
Feeding Mix a light application of a balanced organic fertilizer into the soil prior to planting. Frost tolerant None. Tall varieties make great cut flowers. Most gardeners buy ageratum seedlings, but only dwarf varieties are widely available as bedding...
Spacing Single Plants: 1' 7" (50cm) each way (minimum) Rows: 1' 5" (45cm) with 1' 11" (60cm) row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant Start seedlings indoors or start with purchased plants.