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Lavender Botanical Name

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Bird\'s Nest Sansevieria ‘Gold Hahnii\' (Sansevieria hybrid)
Prices start at : 16.95 USD / 4" Pot Size

This member of the Agave family is a low maintenance succulent that only needs watering once or twice a month and performs well in full sun-topartial shade. Grow in well-drained soil and bring soil to a state of dryness between waterings.
  • Hardiness Zone: 10
  • Minimum Temperature Indoors: 40
  • Bloom Season: Summer
  • Plant Type: Easy Grower
Culinary Lavender & Lavender Tea
Prices start at : 8.00 USD / 6 lavender tea bags

It has a unique and lovely floral minty flavor. Lavender may be used in cooking or made as a tea. Onederings Lavender Farm It aids in digestion and relaxation. Our favorite recipes are Lavender shortbread cookies (using about 2 to 3 teaspoons per batch)...
Santa Cruz
French Lavender Earl Grey Tea
Prices start at : 15.00 USD / 4OZ Tea

This is a great loose leaf tea to get you started in the morning or share with your friends in the afternoon. Sauvie Island Lavender Farm, Portland Oregon This one is my personal favorite! Aromatic French lavender buds are perfectly paired with the richness...
Santa Cruz
Mini Lavender  Batik Sachets
Prices start at : 11.95 USD / set of 4 sachets

Sachets vary in sizes but are all between 2"X3" and 3"X4". Our gifts are hand-crafted at our homestead from the finest natural ingredients and contain no chemicals or preservatives, just the natural goodness.
Santa Cruz
Mini Lavender Bouquets
Prices start at : 12.00 USD / Lavender Mini Bouquets

They are suitable for use as bouquets "as is", or separated to combine with other flowers in larger bouquets or centerpieces. Lavender Bouquets are delicate and require special packaging.
Santa Cruz
Wedding toss Lavender Bud ! Low shipping cost
Prices start at : 42.00 USD / 2 lbs.

One pound can fill about 36-40 3x4 sachets. For small wedding toss... It has become quite popular as a wedding throw or favor. Perfect for creating sachets which are a nice gift to give your guests as a remembrance of your wedding.
Santa Cruz
Pure Organic Lavender Hydrosol
Prices start at : 14.99 USD / 4 oz. Lavender Hydrosol

The hydrosol has a more earthy scent than the oil, and has a wide variety of uses, from a natural air freshener to a topical antiseptic. Many people use lavender at bed time for a good night's sleep.
Santa Cruz
Lavender Bouquet - Large
Prices start at : 22.00 USD / Lg Lavender Bouquets

This medium size is 12 - 18 inches long and tied with a blue ribbon. Lavender Bouquets are delicate and require special packaging. Dried Lavender Bouquets may be displayed individually or taken apart and combined with other dried flowers in arrangements.
Santa Cruz
Dried Lavender Bundles
Prices start at : 15.00 USD / Large Cellophane

You may also order "field" bundles (no wrapping) for all of those wonderful craft projects making soaps, wreaths, or potpourri. Arrange the bundle in a vase to release the calming scent of the lavender throughout your house or order one of the bundles...
Santa Cruz
Dried Fat Lavender Bundles. Beautiful Color !
Prices start at : 96.00 USD / 12 Grosso Bundles

Grosso is blue in color and has a pungent fragrance; it is good to tie on a sachet. Our mission at Purple Scent Lavender is to grow and use our lavender in an eco-friendly way. The Aroma of lavender is Romantic, Soothing, and Healing, Relaxing...
Santa Cruz
Lavender Essential Oil
Prices start at : 17.95 USD / 10 ml Folgate Lavender

Many people like to use it in their diffusers. In general, lavender essential oil has anti-microbial qualities, it aides sleep and relaxation, and it smells wonderful. There are many varieties of lavender used to make essential oil.
Santa Cruz
Lavender Dryer Bag Refills
Prices start at : 9.95 USD / 3 pk dryer refills

Blue Moon Lavender Dryer Bag Refills are conveniently packaged in a set of 3 unbleached "tea bag style" sachets. Our gifts are hand-crafted at our homestead from the finest natural ingredients and contain no chemicals or preservatives, just the natural...
Santa Cruz
Certified Organic Lavender Buds by the pound
Prices start at : 35.00 USD / 1 pound

Harvest: Summer 2016 Answers to FAQs: there are around 15 cups of lavender/pound. One of the better ways to determine how much you may need is to use rice to approximate the volume of lavender.
Santa Cruz
Lavender Eye Mask
Prices start at : 12.00 USD / lavender eye mask - various prints

Each one is filled with lavender buds and flax seed. If so then you will love how our lavender eye mask or pillow that soothes your tired achy eyes. It is a great gift idea! Every one needs (and deserves) to relax and rejuvenate.
Santa Cruz
Lavender Eye Pillow
Prices start at : 12.00 USD / Various prints

The flax seed gives the eye mask or pillow some weight that puts gentle pressure to acupressure points surrounding the eyes to relieve tension and calm active muscles while blocking out the light.
Santa Cruz
Certified Organic Lavender Oil
Prices start at : 55.00 USD / 4 oz. bottle

This certified organic lavender oil comes straight out of our purple fields and into the bottle. It's steam-distilled from our Grosso (Lavendula x intermedia) variety and is aged to a deep, rich, fullsome fragrance.
Santa Cruz
Lavender Flower Sachet Bag - Purple
Prices start at : 6.50 USD / purple lavender sachet

Lavender sachets are wonderful for drawers, campers, autos, suitcases or just grouped together in a basket on the coffee table. These bags are made out of cotton lavender print fabric and
Santa Cruz
Lavender in Wool Embelllished Heart sachet
Prices start at : 15.00 USD / Wool heart light pink

Heart sachets are made from wool and embellished with roses then embroidered detailing along with blanket stitch all around then filled with lavender.
Santa Cruz
Lavender Aromatherapy Heart Pillow
Prices start at : 22.50 USD / AR Heart Pillow

Lavender heart pillows are filled with fresh dried lavender from our farm, give it a gentle squeeze and smell the aroma. Suzanne makes them by hand with...Love! Our mission at Purple Scent Lavender is to grow and use our lavender in an eco-friendly way.
Santa Cruz
Organic Lavender Hidcote Giant Bundle
Prices start at : 9.50 USD / 7-8.5 oz. lavender bundle

Stem length 20-24 inches. 150-200 stems per bundle/7oz.-8.5oz bundle This lavandin came to our farm from Norfolk Lavender in England. Wonderful for flower arrangements! Approx. It has a great strong fragrance, fat blossoms and excellent color.
Santa Cruz
Lavender Dryer Bags
Prices start at : 7.75 USD / Dryer Bag

They make wonderful tub teas too. Fragrant lavender sachet is sealed into three reusable oversized, tea bags. Pat, our marketing director, sprinkles it on her carpets to fragrance the vacuum.
Santa Cruz
Large Dried Lavender Bouquet 2017 Crop
Prices start at : 24.95 USD / Dried Lavender Bouquet

18-20 inches long. Each bouquet comes with a 3x4 inch organza sachet bag to place any loose buds. Squeeze the sachet and place in a drawer, closet, or next to the bed to continue enjoying the heavenly scent of lavender.
Santa Cruz
Fragrant Lavender Sachet
Prices start at : 65.00 USD / 12 sachets

The soothing, healing and refreshing qualities of lavender have been known for millennia - dried lavender buds were found in the tombs of Pharaohs. The filled part of the purple organza sachet measures 5" wide and 3.75" tall.
Santa Cruz
Culinary Lavender (Ground) 2017 Harvest
Prices start at : 10.50 USD / 1 oz. in Tin

Thanks for your patience! Our culinary lavender blend adds a unique flavor that changes depending on the other ingredients in the dish. Our lavender is grown naturally with no pesticides or herbicides.
Santa Cruz
Lavender Flower Buds Herb & Lavender Seeds
Prices start at : 44.95 USD / 1 Pound

Hummingbirds, butterflies, and honeybees LOVE lavender! I combine shipping! Mix and match! Thank you! Organically Grown, Heirloom, Non-GMO Seeds and Herbs. Lavender flower buds are wonderfully relaxing, calming, and add an element of peace and enjoyment...
Santa Cruz
Organza Lavender Sachet
Prices start at : 10.00 USD / sachet 5

Colors are a light lavender or rich dark purple. Hang on a lamp shade to gather the heat of the light and impart the fragrance of lavender in your room or tuck them in your lingerie drawer or travel bag.
Santa Cruz
Dried Lavender Stems for Flower Arrangements
Prices start at : 15.00 USD / 1 Bundle/200 Stems

Lovely in a Tall Vase! Scent your home all year long with dried Lavender. Fresh Lavender and Lavender Wands in Season. Dried Lavender on Long Stems to Use in Flower Arrangements or Design Beautifully in Stand-Alone Arrangement.
Santa Cruz