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Large Square Bale Spear

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Asparagus.. A Spear Among Vegetables
I have personally found that breaking works best for me; you also naturally break the plant at its most tender point and therefore do not have the rough or chewy part of the stock.
El Segundo
What Are Hay Bales For?
Water logging hay bales in strategic locations near the shorelines of lakes, rivers or other bodies of water will form a nearly immovable barrier that will help control the force of wind and waves on the shoreline, which will lead to quick erosion.
Santa Monica
Straw Bale Greenhouse Building Plans
Top More Home & Barn Six Main Steps in Straw Bale Construction There are six main steps in straw-bale construction: Pouring the foundation, framing and adding the roof. Straw-bale walls are remarkably strong, provide better fire resistance, help alleviate...
Starting A Straw Bale Garden: How To Plant Straw Bale Garden Beds
Straw bale garden instructions say each bale will hold two or three. Growing root crops in a straw bale is more challenging.l to the top of the bale, before starting a straw bale garden.
Living Large
When I first moved in here, I had all kinds of fantasies for my urban farm. Some people around here managed to score anywhere from 3 to 5 acres for their urban farms. It was the first time I'd lived anywhere you could legally keep livestock, so my imagination...
How to Garden With Hay Bales
Water the bale with a fine spray to avoid washing off the soil.Spread the straw to create a hole, then place your plants in the hole. A garden you plant in hay will require constant weeding.
Santa Monica
The Red Spear-Tip Fungus Mushroom Found in Mulch
The scent draws in flies and others who feed on carrion. Mushroom scientists have yet to agree if they are the same species, but many use the terms "elegant" and "dog" mushrooms interchangeably.There is more to be offended by with the stinkhorn than its...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Strawberries in Hay Bales
If they are no longer heating and all danger of frost has passed, then you may begin planting.Transplant your strawberries into the bales, four to six plants per bale. Straw bales work well because they have fewer seeds in them, which results in fewer...
Santa Monica
Large Baby Chicks
The biggest is probably a male, based on the large comb that is already forming on his head. Every day, it seems like they are visibly larger than the day before. Since he is the only one who resembles Mr. Mabel , he was dubbed “Maybelline” a while...
Large Black Pigs
Conformation: The Large Black is a full-sized pig with intensely black pigment in the hair and skin. The large, drooping or lopped ears nearly cover the entire face down to the snout, covering their eyes completely and often obstructing their vision.
My Asparagus Is Too Thin: Causes For Thin Asparagus Spears
Don't worry though; most of the time skinny asparagus stalks can be resolved before your next growing season comes.Thin asparagus spears appear for a number of reasons, but the root cause is ultimately the same: the asparagus crown lacks the rigor to...
4 Tips for Safe & Efficient Hay Baling
Whether you enlist the help of your family and friends or hire helpers as necessary, you'll appreciate having a larger team of people. But it is difficult, especially if you produce the small square bales that are so convenient for many hobby farmers.
How to Plant Potatoes in Straw Bales
There is no need to dig into the ground.Cover the potato row(s) with at least 6 inches of straw. Straw makes a great cover for growing potatoes. The pieces can be placed directly on top of the ground.
Santa Monica
Growing White Asparagus
Light-Blocking Fabric For smaller patches, block out sunlight by erecting wire hoops over the area and covering them with light-blocking fabric or foil. More Growing Tips Do not try to blanch asparagus shoots until the plants are at least 3 years old.
Composting Hay: Learn How To Compost Hay Bales
The shorter front allows you to reach into the square to shovel andweekly and the higher walls help keep in the heat to make the materials rot faster.Once the compost is complete, you'll notice that part of the walls have begun to incorporate themselves...
Q&A With Straw-Bale Builder Andrew Morrison
The biggest issue is, of course, the larger footprint required to accommodate the thick walls, and on narrow lots, this can be a limiting factor for design opportunities. What are the best ways to get a permit to build a straw-bale building?
4 Reasons to Start a Hay-Bale Garden
Weeding Is Minimal If you feel that weeding your garden on a weekly basis is highly overrated—and who doesn't?— hay-bale gardening is right up your alley. The only drawback to hay-bale gardening is finding a helpful friend to physically install the...
How to Build a Compost Bin with Straw Bales
If your pile starts to smell, turn it—it's probably too wet and needs oxygen: Turning the pile will help speed the decomposition and manage odors. 12 bales, build a four-sided, double-layer bin.
How To Store Hay To Make It Last
If you decide to bale hay in large bales, wrap them with net wrap or plastic twine to reduce bale sag and help maintain bale shape. However, you'll need a tractor with a loader spike to move them.
How Does Straw Grow?
In northern states wheat is planted in the late fall and harvest the following summer around July. If round baling the straw, the full round bales are released into the field. He runs soil tests before planting seeds to find out if the soil needs any...
Santa Monica
Controlling Asparagus Beetles: Organic Treatment For Asparagus Beetles
Collecting berries at the end of the season can help keep spotted asparagus beetles at bay.If asparagus beetle on plants are severe and immediate control is necessary to save your asparagus, both pyrethrin and malathion can be used without causing serious...
How to Know When Asparagus is Spoiled
Fresh spears have no smell. Treat your family to its delicious, delicate taste by selecting only the freshest and best quality spears and tips and avoiding those that are spoiled.Check the asparagus spears to ensure they are firm and straight.
Santa Monica
How Large Will a Bromeliad Grow?
Many bromeliads adapt to the growing conditions imposed upon them by their environments.Large bromeliad species, such as Aechmea conifera, can grow up to 10 feet tall and wide. These plants grow well as container plants and occupy only a few feet of space.
Santa Monica
Pest Alert: Asparagus Beetles
If their damage were to ever get really bad, I could spray the developing spears with an organic insecticide based on the active ingredient spinosad, but, thankfully, I haven't had to deal with that yet because I cover the entire patch of emerging asparagus...
Agave 101, Part B: Selected Large Species
In a previous article I introduced the reader to the basics of Agave cultivation and a few of the more common species of Agave.In this one, I will touch upon several more species and add a few ideas about how to take care of these other species.This article...
El Segundo
How to grow: Apricot (Large) (Growing Guide)
Healthy apricot trees will bear for ten to fifteen years or more. Elsewhere prune apricots in late winter. Remove any fallen fruits as soon as possible. Keep the area beneath apricots mulched with wood chips, straw, or another mulch that helps maintain...
How to grow: Nectarine (Large) (Growing Guide)
Plum curculios feed on buds, flowers and unripe fruits. Elsewhere nectarines need full sun to limit disease and produce high quality fruit. Companions Garlic, Tansy, Dill, Chives, Cilantro and Nasturtium.