Cottage Processing Tank *Capacity: 5000L * Automatic *Suitable for Cottage/Soft Cheese ABL Technology ltd is a dynamic company that provides global solutions for design and production of milk processing, milk production, food processing and packing equipment.
PICKUP FUEL JUMP TANK WITH PUMP, L Shaped, Fits In Front Or Behind Or Below Tool Box, Fits In Bed Of Pickup, Approximately 50 Gallons, 30" Wide, 25" High, 31" Deep
>>>THIS UNIT IS CURRENTLY RENTED>>> STOCK #D491 Monthly Rental $1,840 - DOT & License Plate Included Rent To Own $3,680/Month - 20% Down - 8 Months You Own It! Nationwide Delivery Available 1997 Polar 9200 Gallon Tanker, Steel Frame, Tandem Axle
This plant flowers on the previous season's growth and is adaptable to most soils but prefers well drained acidic soil. Do any pruning after flowering. This Spring Bloomer Creates a Blanket of Pure White Blooms! Pearlbush, Snow Day Blizzard, Exochorda...
It is also known as the Easter Rose because it blooms about Easter. If grown in sun, it does prefer protection from late afternoon sun , and will grow from full sun to full shade. It does not have any serious insect or disease problems.
This grass spreads quickly or slowly by rhizomes, depending on growing conditions. 'Northwind' grass was one of the many important tall-grasses that covered the U.S. prairies. It is a versatile grass as it tolerates a wide range of soil and climatic conditions.
These leaves make this ornamental grass stand out anywhere! Silvery white plumes rise 4 feet above the foliage in fall. In early spring remove the dead foliage before the plants begins new growth.
The slender, weeping leaves are silvery-green and turn golden bronze in fall. Planting too early in the spring may cause the roots to rot. The flowers are white fan-shaped plumes in fall that extend above the foliage.