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How Fast Do Conifers Grow?
Juniperus scopulorum or Rocky Mountain juniper grows slowly to a mature height of 30 to 40 feet. The Pendula or Prostrata cultivar grows with a weeping habit to 10 feet tall or less.
Santa Monica
Fraser Fir vs. Balsam Fir
Both trees make excellent Christmas trees for their needle retention, deep green color, ideal shape and pleasing scent.Balsam firs are found in Canada and the northern United States.
Santa Monica
How to Kill Rose Slugs
One common pest is the rose slug, which will feed on any rose species, including the Carolina rose (Rosa carolina) and the Knock Out rose (Rosa Radrazz), both of which grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9.
Santa Monica
Poisonous Grape Vines
While some dogs have no adverse reactions after eating grapes or grape vine, others become extremely ill, so caution should be exercised. Grapes are easy to spot, and no part of the plant is poisonous to humans.Grape vines and other parts of the grape...
Santa Monica
Outside Plants That Require No Sun
According to Nature North, the downy yellow and the western Canada violets can adapt to sunny conditions and shady areas, but prefer the darker shaded area with rich moist soil. If the leaves are starting to change color despite being in the shade all...
Santa Monica
Fruit Trees That Like Wet Soil
Both of these scenarios can prove fatal to a tree. It has even proved itself capable of surviving flood damage. It can grow to a maximum height of twenty-five feet and tolerates wet, dry, and alkaline soil.
Santa Monica
Adaptations for Maple Trees
Their resilience is due to particular adaptations they have evolved. Sugar maples are more shade-tolerant than many other deciduous trees, meaning they can occupy habitats not suitable to other species and their seedlings can establish under the canopies...
Santa Monica
What Is the Best Climate for Growing Soybeans?
The best soil is loose, rich loam that is moist but well drained. Soybeans are a major crop in the United States and elsewhere in the world. Used in an increasing variety of products, soybeans will grow in many different climates, but like most plants,...
Santa Monica
What Is the Difference Between a Silver Maple Tree & a Red Maple Tree?
The MMPA says the bark of older silver maples takes on a "shaggy" describes the fall color of the silver maple leaves as yellow-gold and the leaves of red maple as a "spectacular crimson orange."
Santa Monica
Adaptations of the Sunflower Plant
Its leaf arrangement consists of opposite-facing leaves that grow along a tall stem structure, which provides a broad area for sunlight absorption.Sunflowers develop symbiotic relationships with insects.Sunflower plants develop symbiotic relationships...
Santa Monica
Pine Tree Facts for Kids
The white pine, which is the state tree of Maine, is the biggest pine tree in the Northeastern United States. Its tall, strong, straight trunks were used as ship masts in colonial times.
Santa Monica
What Is the Human Impact on the Tundra?
Recent human activities have largely undermined the habitat of the indigenous wildlife through pollution and overdevelopment.The overhunting of endangered species in the early 1900s resulted in the eradication of animals such as the musk oxen in the Alaskan...
Santa Monica
Coniferous Tree Facts
The cones are the reproductive organ of coniferous plants.Balsam firs are a coniferous tree which can reach up to two hundred years in age. Conifers harden in winter to prevent freezing and death in extreme cold.Coniferous plants are uniquely pollinated...
Santa Monica
Animals That Eat Rice Fields
In Thailand, the field rats also pose a problem for the rice farmers. These Asian birds make their nests in fruit trees or shrubs, and will leave the nest to feed on the rice fields.Mallards and wood duck live near a water source, and will often live...
Santa Monica
Prices start at : 10319 USD

22' Flat Deck Trailer with a set of fold down loading ramps. Perfect set up for hauling small equipment.


    • Wheels: All Steel
    • Stock Number: 6A006450
    • Number of Rear Axles: Tandem
    • Type of Neck: Fixed
    • Axle Type: Fixed
    • Composition: Steel
    British Columbia
    Growth Rates for Red Cedar Trees
    The U.S. Department of Agriculture explains that trees can adapt to a number of growth environments, including shade growth beneath large, established trees. Mature trees aged 50 and older are usually 40 to 50 feet tall though they may reach 120 feet.
    Santa Monica
    Nuts That Look Like Acorns
    Pin oaks grow faster than other oak species. The largest part of the acorn is dark brown to black and shiny. Oak trees produce acorns during autumn; one tree can produce thousands of acorns.
    Santa Monica
    Required toothed clubmoss plants or seeds
    Price : CALL

    Looking for a few toothed clubmoss seeds or live plants,possibly roots if rooting is an option . Interested in purchasing a small amount for planting. Must ship to canada, must be feasible for growth.
    British Columbia
    80 seat restaurant for lease
    Price : CALL

    Ready to go! Great view of mountains from spacious dining room. Large kitchen with walk-in cooler and freezer. For Lease, 80-seat dining room and modern kitchen, located on TCH, EXIT 115 Perth-Andover, N.B.
    New Brunswick
    Pineapples for sale in large quantities
    Price : CALL

    Contact us for more details on our price range per ton...we also supply in small quantities.we are suppliers of Pineapples from Cameroon and we export to USA,GERMANY,FRANCE,UK, CANADA and NETHERLANDS
    Kake II
    BC Pacific Golden Chanterelles, Porcini and Chic
    Price : CALL

    We are seeking buyers within Canada for weekly orders of fresh wild-picked mushrooms during the 2016 season (July-August). BC Pacific Golden Chanterelles, Porcini and Chicken of The Woods are some of the best wild mushrooms for the dinner table.
    British Columbia
    Dap-Fertilizers Chemicals
    Price : CALL

    With the reference online trade, We are British Agro Chemical Industry in United-Kingdom. We the British Agro Chemical/Dap-Fertilizers Company are dealings with Dap-Fertilizers, Chemicals, and Agro Chemicals with a moderate prizes.
    Resident Canada Geese
    You have probably seen them at your local park. These domesticated, enslaved decoys were known asFortunately for the geese, live decoy use was banned as unsportsmanlike and cruel by the mid-1930s.
    El Segundo
    How to Fertilize Spruce Trees
    It is also valued as an ornamental tree in landscaping. Apply one-third of the fertilizer around the tree in this area and work it into the soil.Dig holes in a circle around the tree.
    Santa Monica
    Is it Illegal to Cut Down a Magnolia Tree?
    Native species can be found as far north as Canada, however, and are well-suited to many environments. The U.S. Forest Service, as well as your state wildlife department, can provide you with the contact information for the Natural Heritage Program liaison...
    Santa Monica
    Flowers That Symbolize Freedom
    These roses have been mixed and matched to create the yellow rose hybrids we now enjoy.After World War II, Holland shipped thousands of tulip bulbs to Ottawa in order to thank Canada for their help in freeing their country from German occupation.
    Santa Monica
    Which Fiddlehead Ferns Are Edible?
    As they mature, the ferns become bitter and fully mature ostrich ferns -- unfurled -- should not be eaten. You may also blanche and freeze cleaned fiddleheads for future use.All fiddleheads must be steamed or boiled before eating.For sauteed or stir-fried...
    Santa Monica