The Land Pride RTR12 Reverse-Till Rotary Tillers turn the soil to prepare a seedbed for gardening or lawn seeding. Width: 79 1/4 in. Recommended HP: 25-60 hp Weight: 521 lb. Working Width: 74 in.
Ready to use on any farm. Call us at 800-489-3305 Rhinehart Equipment is an authorized Land Pride dealer. Only $695, Buy from the best. Well built attachment. New Land Pride BB1266 Box Blade Scraper.
The GS25 Series Grading Scrapers are ideal for renovating gravel driveways and roads, leveling construction and turf sites, and cleaning barns and chicken coups. Nor does it require the tending of tractor 3-point lift controls to maintain grade that a...
Our BB15 offers five different working widths to choose from. • Category 1 3-Point Hitch With Quick Hitch Capability • Heavy 4” X 4” X 5/16" Front Beam With 5/16” X 1” Shank Hole Reinforcement • Strong Bucket Reinforcement
Ready to use on any farm. Call us at 800-489-3305 Rhinehart Equipment is an authorized Land Pride dealer. Only $625, Buy from the best. Well built attachment. New Land Pride BB1260 Box Blade Scraper.