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The Lemonade Stand
Horses that live in urban environments have a very different lifestyle from those in rural areas. Later that day when I looked at my scores, I expected to see pretty low marks for “lack of horse control.” Surprisingly, the judge gave me a good score...
Good Food Warriors, Stand Up
Michael Porter/Flickr Let's take a minute and look around this big, wide, beautiful world and recognize the good work that some passionate people are putting into creating a fairer, safer, more just food system.
Build A Mobile Produce Stand
Below are plans for an inexpensive, easy-to-build market stand that will set you apart from the competition. Offer Relief From The Heat: An awning or large umbrella and even free ice water will give customers welcome relief from the hot weather as they...
Tabletop Presentation Stand for Farm Products
Wood glue on each joint is optional, but recommended for added strength and stability. It will give you a little extra table space to work with and a polished, professional appearance that will attract new customers.
Will the Real Cinnamon Please Stand Up?
Most Ceylon cinnamon, not surprisingly, comes from Sri Lanka, known until 1972 as Ceylon.While Cassia cinnamon is most commonly used in the US, Ceylon cinnamon is the one you'll find in Mexican cooking and European baking.
El Segundo
Meadow Cranesbill - Standing the Test of Time
With the recent surge of new cultivars this plant will be with us for many years to come. Such a plant would be a HOT seller for sure. Meadow cranesbill are among the oldest flowers in cultivation in the western world.
El Segundo
Jacob\'s-Ladder, Greek Valerian and Sky Pilot - Welcome to the Genus Polemonium!
If you love blue flowers, then Polemonium are for you! Above are the cultivars 'Brise d'Anjou', 'Snow and Sapphires' and 'Apricot Delight' With the variety that exist, they can be used in the border, woodland garden or rock garden.
El Segundo
Will the Real Christmas Cactus Please Stand Up
This article is aimed to show the reader the difference in a true Christmas cactus and other holiday cacti. (Use these as gifts!)My plant is very lopsided because I did not groom it well but it's happy so who cares!Some people complain that their cactus...
El Segundo
3 Marketing Methods for Your Farmers Market Stand
Make a Website It has never been easier to build and maintain an attractive website for your business as a marketing tool, with web-based templates readily available. Marketing helps this happen.
How Low Of A Temperature Can Peas Stand?
(21 C.) during the day and no lower than 50 F. (-2 C.) If temperatures don't fall below this mark, peas and pea seedlings will be just fine.When temps are between 20 and 28 F. (This is assuming that the cold happens without an insulating blanket of snow.)If...
How to Make Tulips Stand Up in the Vase
Cut tulips are notorious for drooping over once cut and put into a vase. You can also arrange more tulips around the slender vase inside the bigger one. This allows the tulips to absorb water, swelling the stems with water while erect.Place the slender...
Santa Monica
6 Ways to Stand Out at the Farmers Market
Others, such as always standing and greeting customers, are more subtle and personal. I get that a farmer might be tired after a hard week—and I highly recommend taking nights before market to relax for that reason.
How To Make Your CSA Stand Out In The Crowd
This may take some experimenting, but it's important to know what your customers value most. Distributing Your Product Standing out may also be as simple as doing a different type of CSA.
Trees And Water – Wet Soil Trees For Standing Water Areas
If your yard has poor drainage, you need water loving trees. The roots of most wet soil trees are extensive and can possibly cause damage to pipes (though not often foundations). This trait causes them to use up much of the water in their vicinity, which...
Last Barn Standing: The Art of Reviving and Preserving Old Barns
Attached sheds are often a detriment to the barn; they allow water to get between the two structures, while snow can pile up on the attached roof and damage the adjoining wall. This will make it easier to see what you're dealing with and curtail any damage...
5 Ways to Make Your CSA Stand Out in a Crowd
The kids will love the animals. Then let them see the results of those conversations. The foodies will love seeing the plants that produce the tomatoes they get. This makes it even easier for busy people.
Zone 8 Trees For Dry Soil – What Zone 8 Trees Can Stand Drought
This is particularly important if you live in an area classified as arid because if its heat and sandy soil. Chinese flame tree () is small and grows in any sunny spot, even the driest areas.
Harvesting Tools
Having the right set of tools sometimes makes the difference between an enjoyable interlude in the garden or orchard and sweaty hours of backbreaking labor. Three-inch-wide steps with raised ribbing to prevent slippage; heavy-duty bracing to minimize...
How to Stop a Pine Tree From Getting Tall
Tie the twine in a basic knot to secure it. This product uses the chemical naphthaleneacetate and comes in a spray bottle. A pine tree can grow a fork at the spot where you cut it even though you did try to form a new central leader.
Santa Monica
How to Harvest Date Palm Fruit
According to The Food Museum, the date palm is one of the oldest food-producing plants. Fresh dates will stay good for up to a week after harvesting. Only harvest ripe dates, which are dark purple in color with shiny, slightly wrinkled skin.
Santa Monica
6 Antique Tools: Keep or Toss?
When to Toss: A cracked handle or a head that rocks on the handle indicates weakness in the hatchet. When to Toss: According to the American Ladder Institute's website , avoid any ladder that sways, leans, is rickety, or has loose or missing parts.
6 Household Items You Can Upcycle for the Garden
Fasten them on the top with twine or zip ties. Of course, if you have children, you'll have to explain that this ladder isn't for climbing. Use caution with these heavy windows, as they can be difficult to maneuver and would hurt tremendously if the lid...
Selling On The Roadside
City and county planning commissions can advise regarding zoning and licensing requirements. However, only 34 percent drove more than 15 minutes to reach those markets; rural and small town dwellers were loathe to drive even that far.
How to Harvest Pine Nuts
Grow your own pines, or find stands of appropriate pine species on privately owned land -- get the owner's permission before you harvest -- or find wild stands of native, nut-bearing pines on land where it's legal to harvest.Pinyon pines produce a good...
Santa Monica
The Race for the Cherries: Royal Anne, Black Heart, & Wild Black Cherries
This cherry is classified as a white variety due to its beige-to-yellow flesh and has a red blush skin. When cherries split open, they can very quickly develop brown rot, gray mold, and diseases rendering them inedible.Birds know exactly when the cherries...
El Segundo
4 Tips To Start Homebrewing
Homebrewing is growing in popularity with every passing year as part of the greater self-sufficiency movement and among hardcore beer geeks and tinkerers. Jump the hurdles standing in between you and your homebrew hobby.
How to Grow a Jacaranda Tree (Jacaranda mimosifolia)
However, avoid overfertilizing; an overfertilized tree may grow quickly and produce plenty of dark green leaves but few flowers.with ready-to-use 12-4-8 fertilizer granules. Prune dead and diseased branches, branches that are crossing, and branches that...
Santa Monica