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My Riding Mower Demonstrates The Value Of A Differential Lock
A tractor can never have too many features. Fortunately, the differential lock can override the essence of the differential, locking the two wheels together so that they are forced to spin as one, as if connected by a common axle.
8 Things To Consider When Buying A Tractor
Some tractors, such as those with hydrostatic transmissions, are driven with foot pedals, and increasing the speed of the tractor is as simple as pushing harder on the pedal, making these types of tractors very easy to drive.
4 Tractor Types To Consider For Your Farm
With special attachments, tractors can even handle digging stumps and drilling fencepost holes—and don't forget the convenience a tractor can add to even simple farm chores. With their wider mower decks, you can mow more land in less time, and additional...
15 Reasons You Need A Tractor
Snow Removal After a snowstorm , a tractor (again, preferably four-wheel-drive), front-end loader and blade, can be essential to dig yourself and your neighbors out, make a path to the barn, do a little road clearing, and even pull a car or two out of...
Is A Walk-Behind Tractor Right For My Farm?
Most implements range in price from $150 to $2,000, though there are a few that exceed that. A walk-behind tractor could be just the right fit. A really cool feature of modern European walk-behind tractors is a reversible set of handlebars, putting the...
A Look in the Rearview Mirror ...
Crayton Guhlke, one of the founders, told me the small, pull-type combines (pictured right) produced cleaner grain than many of today's self-propelled combines. A number of them had automatic leveling devices developed during World War II to keep the...
Run Your Tractor at Full Throttle? Ask the Tortoise
Running an engine at full throttle comes with a price: increased gas consumption. But can you learn a lesson from the slow and steady tortoise? As mentioned earlier, there are plenty of times when you absolutely need the full power of your tractor's engine.
3 Things You Didn\'t Know Your Tractor Can Do
A little ingenuity and extra care can go a long way to extending the work life of your tractor. If you want to save yourself sore muscles and hours of tiring labor, consider implements that attach to the front or rear of your tractor.
Should You Mow Your Lawn Clockwise or Counterclockwise?
Does mowing in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction really matter? But in any case, understanding the basic advantages and disadvantages of clockwise- and counterclockwise-mowing patterns can help you determine the best strategy for every mowing...
Lamborghini Tractors
But he held his tractor business most dear, and even today, in the Ferruccio Lamborghini museum, the tractors he built take center stage. Porsche made a lot of tractors, and even the Ferrari factory later dabbled in this field.
Why I\'m Thankful For The Three-Point Hitch
Although using a three-point hitch can be frustrating, farmers everywhere should be thankful for the advantages offered by this standardized feature. Instead, be thankful that such a powerful, versatile and standardized hitch has been invented.
Change Your Tractor\'s Oil Yourself
Step 6: Tighten the Drain Plug With the filter installed, fix your new crush washer or O-ring on the drain plug and thread it in by hand until it seats. A service manual is ideal for this, but most basic owner's manuals should give you the information...
Use Your Tractor For Grading Your Driveway
Gravel driveways need grading every so often to keep them free of holes. Grading a driveway with your tractor might require a special tool or two, but with practice you can keep your driveway in top shape—and spend extra time on your tractor as well!
Buying New Tires For Old Tractors
Start by calling the one nearest to you to save on shipping. Otherwise, you're going to be fixing that tube constantly. For example, if the size reads 4.00-15, the width is 4 inches and the rim size is 15 inches.
4 Tips for Safe & Efficient Hay Baling
Try to get started early in the afternoon so that you have plenty of time to finish before nightfall—it's no fun trying to put away hay bales in the dark, and if there's still hay on the fields when night comes, it could get wet all over again as dew...
Making (Another) Case for Old Tractors
Is the latest always the greatest? In any case, from the work they do, you'd never guess that between them, they're approximately 110 years old. The Massey might have the looks and the power, but Little Mo still wins out for reliability, at least in my...
Use A Tractor To Remove Stubborn Fence Posts
By doing things in the most productive way, it's possible to get more things accomplished during a day. With barely any effort at all, Little Mo casually lifted the post out of the ground, and a loud gurgling sound came from the hole as the muddy water...
Turn A Piece Of Wood Into The World\'s Simplest Wagon
With these holes, you can use hooks, chains, ropes or wires to attach the board to the hitch of your tractor. Once you've chosen a piece of wood, you'll need to drill holes in two adjacent corners.
Big Advice for Your Small Farm Machines
This is a big job but an important one. Winter Use Maintenance You might intend to keep some machines in use all winter, or perhaps you have a machine such as a snow blower that sees use only during the cold months.
Gear Up For Winter With A To-Do List For Farm Tools
Prepare Your Winter Equipment Heavy snowstorms can cause power outages, so it is smart to have a portable generator to provide power for your house or outbuildings. Also, if you plan to use an ATV during the winter (perhaps for plowing snow), be ready...
5 Seasonal Tractor Maintenance Tasks
Change and evaluate tractor oil. Let the engine cool so oil will be safe to handle. Fully effective coolant should indicate a boiling point above 265 degrees F. Wait until the tractor engine has cooled.
Infographic: Equipment Selections for Spring Farm Maintenance
Think about the task ahead and the tools you need to get the job done. Tags farm equipment , tractor , UTV Use the infographic below to figure out what piece of farm machinery will help you complete your springtime chores.
Farm Storehouse: A Roundup of Products to Help You & Your Operation
Help motorists see your horse when riding at dusk with a reflective collar that won't cause hair loss or rubbing. $64.95 at Etymotic 5. A tractor attachment, a picker's apron, noise-canceling headphones and a reflective horse collar are among items our...
Methods & Tools To Remove Tree Stumps
Tractor Or Backhoe With the right attachments, a strong tractor can do a lot of the work of removing stumps. Their root systems are massive and woven so thoroughly into the ground that removing any stump, even a small one, can be massively difficult.
Effectively Remove Rocks From Your Fields With These 4 Tools
Most hobby farmers must eventually deal with removing rocks from their fields or yards. Tractor Attachments If you need to remove lots of smaller rocks, a variety of tractor attachments are available to help you get the job done.
Use Your Owner\'s Manual for Tractor Maintenance
Treat your small farm tractor right with a comprehensive daily, seasonal and annual maintenance program. It will also identify daily service duties, as well as periodic system servicing where fluids and filters are exchanged.
7 Daily Tractor Maintenance Tasks
Gradual loss of fluids over time can be expected in your small farm tractor; however, if a significant amount of additional coolant is needed, it may indicate other, more serious problems, such as coolant leaking into engine oil, Tammel warns.