Need flatbed truck or trailer with loading ramp. I have purchases a farm tractor with attachments in Alabama and need them moved to Southeast Michigan A Farmall 200 tractor with attached cultivators, disk, plow, mower and planter along with spare parts.
Delivery available in Alabama & Georgia. Pine Straw for sale tractor trailer load quantities. For Information Please Call. Eagle Straw & Materials P.O. Box 867 Opelika AL 36803
Large magnet available to clear fields of metal debris. Used by many horse farm Do it yourself or have us do it for you. Used by many horse farms in Central, Kentucky. Great to clean up after fencing or construction.
53' Stepdeck available for hauling beehives, net optional, available immediately Schmetterling Spedition , available for beehive hauling all states, not allergic, nice Volvo Tractor and 53' supply net or I do.
If you are interested in a proposal, please contact. We are located in Central florida. Southern Ag Services We specialize in sprigging services, fertilzer spreading, and heavy tractor work.
One flat bed or large goose neck should be handle it all or two trips with a medium or small goose neck. Need reasonable price to transport listed equipment --- I am not in a hurry sometime before the fall '09 would be OK but do need prior arrangements.
Combine or CDL driver With Experience and clean record.Tractor trailer/have no pup endorsement Have worked TX The same is true for the 75 D Cat rubber track tractor. Have previously ran a truck > Saskatoon for Mc Donald
So whether you need to go just down the road or coast to coast, and need that special added touch for your favorite equine...give us a call. Special care for horses guaranteed! special rates for long distance travel.
30 yr experience with no accidents Would want to commute to all jobs from Houston Tx Was Born/ Raised on Farm , Have prior Op experience on J D 9600>9810, . I also can operate most all farm tractors to include CAT 75 D rubber track with 48' equipment.