Other websites show the location as Assumption, IL or Monroe, WI, while it may be at any of Sloan's 20 stores. Call, email, or visit sloans.com for the current location of this item.
KUBOTA ZD1511 60 2017 WE CAN TAKE CARE OF CLEARANCE (BORDER) AND TRANSPORT FOR ALL USA. With over 500 units in stock at all times, no matter if you are a large property owner, a farmer, or a construction company, we are certain to have something that...
We recommend calling us to see if the unit is in stock. 60" deck, 24.8HP. For a full price list on new and used, you can check out our website at www. As part of our agreement with Kubota, we are unable to advertise our prices on independent websites.
PROMO PRICING-SAVE $586! Right now all Kubota Zero Turns are eligible for financing at $0 Down and 0% APR for up to 48 Months! Call 601-795-4521 to find out more about cost and terms.