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Colourful Ireland, Part 2
A less funny reason is that it all began because the very strict urban rules forbade the house owners to make any modification on the Georgian and historical houses but allowed them more freedom about the door and so they took advantage of this.But why...
El Segundo
Parts of a Sunflower
The dark center is made up of disk flowers that have five brown petals fused together into a tubular shape. The many uses and characteristics of the various plant parts make it an appealing addition to any garden or landscape.Sunflower blooms can be red...
Santa Monica
Ticked Off - Part 1
Fall is one of the times they're really active. She was worried because Dad was so weak. The doctor took his temperature (102.8 degrees F) and some blood tests and sent him straight to the hospital where they put him in the intensive care unit.
Chainsaw Safety, Part I
Always wear a snug fit around an operating chainsaw. You should be able to lift it slightly. There was a time when such work meant grabbing the chainsaw, a fuel can and “the tool” and heading for the job site.
Christmas Traditions - Part 1
Or go julebukking in honor of the Christmas goat . 5 (that's the eve of the feast of St. Nicholas) and leave candy and small gifts in shoes the children set next to the door. To send a homemade holiday greeting , use blank cards and envelopes, photos,...
Garden Photography ~ part 1
Thomson Learning, Inc.;2006. Gardens attract beautiful birds that can capture our imagination and become the setting for a photo opportunity.One of the treasures of photographs is that they capture memories for us to later reflect on, for as long as the...
El Segundo
Vital Signs - Part 2
Check inner eyelid color in natural light. Pale-pink or white membranes indicate anemia, usually caused by a heavy internal parasite load. You'll probably have to probe around to find the correct spot the first few times.
Economical Horsekeeping - Part 1
Mom says next week I can share some horse-care tips for horse keepers on a budget, so stay tuned! And if you have economical horse-keeping tips, please post them. Although your heart goes out to a skinny, sick horse, unless you have enough money to invest...
Christmas Traditions - Part 2
This is part of Operation Santa , a program the U.S. Post Office sponsors this time of year. A pretty neat program, don't you think? Buy or borrow 12 children's books about Christmas and read one to your kids each night, beginning on Dec.
Hutch\'s Arrival (Part 2)
So, my human dad made Hutch an incubator in a big, plastic box. At first they ignored each other but pretty soon they cuddled together to stay warm. She called him Meegosh. As night fell, the rain turned to sleet … « More Mondays with Martok »
Garden Photography ~ part 2
Digital single-lens reflex camera's (DSLR) have become quite popular,especially since they offer the ability to exchange lenses.Dave's Gardens, bird watching enthusiast 'Mrs_Ed' of Whiteside County, Illinois, purchased her DSLR Pentax model (K100D) so...
El Segundo
Acacias: Part 3: Propagation
Make a hole with stick or pencil to take each cutting. The Acacias, and their close cousins, the Peas and the Cassias have handled the frequency of fire by developing a very hard coat on their seed.
El Segundo
Farm Biodiversity, Part 3
A delicate, electric-blue damselfly perched on a salmonberry leaf. Not only does all of this greenery provide food and shelter for the living creatures on our farm (including us), it also offers my family and I gifts of cooling shade, serene beauty and...
Vital Signs - Part 1
That's all! Next week, I'll show you how to use them. There's a fourth for us ruminants, like goats, sheep and cows: rumen movements (how many times our rumens contract per minute).
Staying Cool, Part 2
Wear a hat to deflect the sun's hot rays, and loose-fitting, light-colored, natural fabrics—not dark colors that suck up the sun or synthetics that hold in the heat. It's important for humans to stay hydrated, so carrying a bottle of cold along while...
Edible Vegetable Parts: What Are Some Secondary Edible Parts Of Vegetables
Some of this is a direct result of throwing out food we have been conditioned to think is inedible. I can remember a delicious example of this ideology – watermelon pickles. Read on to learn more.are cultivated for one, sometimes two major purposes,...
The Parts of a Pear
The major parts of the pear are the core, the hypanthium and the stalk.In this pear slice, the core, hypanthium and stalk are clearly visible.The pear's core is the seed-bearing ovary of the fruit.
Santa Monica
Bottle Baby Fever - Part 3
In this position, you can feel the lamb's throat with the heel of your hand and you know if it is swallowing. (They are eating their share of hay [LINK: /crops-and-gardening/hay-feeding-14792.aspx] or pasture [LINK: /crops-and-gardening/grasses-pasture-plants-25470.aspx]...
Dish Flower Patterns: Part I
One area of design we may not notice is on dinnerware. It is a depiction of the, a shrub that grows into a dense thicket with tomato sized hips.First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy chose Franciscan Desert Rose for use in the White House and is on display in...
El Segundo
The \
Http:// A previous article introduced the typical garrigue environment and plants as well as a water-color artist worth to meet. Today we will go for a second stroll in the same area and see what else...
El Segundo
Recipe: Thanksgiving Soup: Part II
Otherwise, the vegetables will be overcooked and soggy and the starches will soak up too much liquid. Don't give up just yet. The Thanksgiving parades are over and the football has begun.
It\'s About Goats - Part 2
Nanny goat originated in the 18th century and billy goat in the 19th century. We won't, for example, drink water with poop in it or eat moldy or musty feed. Scent and taste helps does recognize and bond with their newborn kids, too.
Parts of a Rice Plant
One panicle is usually about 4 to 10 inches long and can contain 75 to 150 or even more spikelets depending on the variety. In poorer countries this is done by swathing or bundling the stalks together and beating them in troughs manually.
Santa Monica
Bottle Baby Fever - Part 1
Mom has bottle baby fever, but don't send her get well cards! It means she's waiting for a bottle baby to be born. While you're waiting for baby to be born, collect the stuff you'll need, like a big crate, a human-baby playpen or a collapsible exercise...
Parts of a Daisy Flower
It contains three flower types, with a intermediate trans floret between the ray and the disc flowers. In some daisies, such as sunflowers (Helianthus annuus), the ray flowers are sterile and don't produce seeds.
Santa Monica
It\'s About Goats - Part 1
Some goats became military mascots, like William de Goat , Sergeant Bill and Nan . « More Mondays with Martok » Tags dairy goats , goat breeds , Martok , meat goats , Sue Weaver There are miniature versions of all these breeds except Nigerian Dwarfs;...
Wool It Be - Part 2
Perhaps our lambs are their descendants. Records show that Governor Winthrop of the Connecticut Colony acquired a flock of Southdown sheep in 1646. By 1643, there were 1,000 sheep in Massachusetts Bay Colony alone.