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Growing Tutsan Shrubs: Tips On Tutsan Care In The Garden
It prefers shady to semi-shaded locations that mimic its natural positioning at the base of woods but can also thrive in sun.Plant seeds in fall or take hardwood cuttings in a common issue but it is relatively unbothered by insects and other...
St. Andrew\'s Cross Plant – Can You Grow St. Andrew\'s Cross In Gardens
Alternatively, get a head start and plant them indoors a few weeks before the last expected frost. What is St. Andrew's cross? Be patient, as germination takes one to three months.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
5 Years of Big Ag: Has It Gotten Better?
This summer, the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future plans to release a report assessing and analyzing the study's recommendations. “Consumers want to know, and have the right to know, how and where their food is produced and what, if any, risks...
5 Ways to Enjoy the Farm Before Dark
The short, dark days of winter can be tough for us outdoor folk, who sleep easier at night when we're able to be in the fresh air and do some honest physical work. But to avoid the crankiness that you and I have both experienced after being cooped up...
Extreme birdhouses; designed and built by DG member John Looser
Please feel free to comment below. One of the houses weighs over 500 pounds, has 32 dormers, 14 different roofs and 103 bird apartments. This is just a spotlight on one of the many wonderful members here.Thank you for reading this article.
El Segundo
Diary of a Class: Fall Vegetable Gardening
I've since learned that every Tuesday is Contra Dance night at the school and the local folks are invited to participate, increasing the number of available dance partners and making for a nice community event.
Diary of a Class: Food Gifts, Friendship-and a Trip to Remember
It was so nice to see familiar faces! I took them on a tour of the gardens where Karen had worked earlier that year during the Fall Gardening class, the blacksmith shop and the gift shop.
St. John\'s Wort Tea Takes Away Your Heartburn
To prevent burning pain stomach over night, we drink a cup of tea in the evening and save some for the night, in case we're thirsty. I am not a great bread eater, but I like cakes and coffee too, so I also needed to change my diet to prevent heartburn.about...
El Segundo
Diary of a Class: Green Woodturning
The first step was to cut the backside of the platter, smoothing it to create the slight slope characteristic of a plate's underside. It sounded simple enough, but I quickly learned from Dave and Connie that every piece of wood is different and the techniques...
Still in Use: A Hay Rake So Old It Can Be Horse-Drawn
Of course, there are some elements of the 594 that could be a little bit better. They had evidently been deposited there years ago by the previous owner of the farm—further evidence (if any was needed) of the hard work that our rake has performed for...
Innocence and Poetry ~ the White Rose
Listed as hardy to zone 6b and warmer, I have had it in my zone 6a garden for several years now with no problems, but it is in a protected spot. There is a smaller version, 'Maiden's Blush', with all of the same characteristics as 'Great Maiden's Blush',...
El Segundo
The Mighty Oak: Our National Tree
White oak is more resistant to rot, so an informed builder will choose it for outdoor applications such as boat building, exterior siding, and outdoor furniture. Birds such as wild turkey, bobwhite quail, ducks, blue jays, crows, red-headed woodpeckers...
El Segundo
Recipe: Cereal Pancakes
Since research continues to show how important breakfast is for overall nutrition and cognition and the prevention of obesity, the theories these original health-food nuts had on the advantages of eating whole grains, fiber and lighter, more convenient...
The American and Asian Persimmons - Pucker Up for the Fruit of the Gods
They also mixed persimmons with corn meal and processed, ground acorns to make breads, soups and stew. The distinctive alternate, simple elliptical leaves are smooth-edged, with pointed tips and bases up to 3 inches wide and six inches long with a dark...
El Segundo
Antibody Accurately IDs Johne\'s Disease
Other research, conducted by NADC microbiologist Judy Stabel, focused on ensuring that Johne's disease vaccines don't cross-react with tests for bovine tuberculosis, a disease afflicting states where wild deer infect cattle.
Celebrating National Arbor Day
National Arbor Day is April 25 and the day honors the role trees play in our world. John Chapman, aka Johnny Appleseed, might be known for his tree planting and conservation focus in the 1700s, but Julius Sterling Morton should be considered as the Father...
El Segundo
His painting was far from finished, though, so the canvas was stored until the following year.Sargent was prepared for the second season of painting. Because the rose bushes were bare, his hostess tied on artificial flowers for Sargent to paint.
El Segundo
Teardrop In My Eye
Planted along a very long stretch of path were rose bushes as far as the eye could see. There is a whole world of beauty out there just waiting for someone to stop and appreciate it.All Images are courtesy of and used with permission from Robert Ludlow.
El Segundo
The Story of Iris Part 4- What is in a name?
Seed are a mixed bag.They take space in your garden to reach the point of blooming and then you never know if it is going to be a deal or a dud.I want to thank Pajaritomt, Jackieshar, Avmoran, Irisloverdee, Happygarden, and Doss for answering my many...
El Segundo
The Best Time to Harvest St. John\'s Wort
It is a pain reliever and an emotional stabilizer. Later, as Christianity spread, the plant became associated with St. John the Baptist. This is a bit tricky and just takes time and practice to see.
Delosperma, the Hardy Ice-Plants
One group of plants from this region that are proving to be wonderful garden plants are the hardy ice-plants or Delosperma. These all bloom from spring through fall and are rated to zone 5.Above are the hybrids 'Kelaidis' and 'John Proffitt'For gardeners...
El Segundo
Chase Away the Blues with St. John\'s Wort
Grow Borage! Stay Cool in the Heat with Elder Blossoms False Blue Indigo: A Portal to America's History How to Grow Goldenseal without a Forest Healing Power of the Easter Lily « More of the Prescription Gardener» Tags herb , herbs , nervine , prescription...
John C. Campbell Folk School: Diary of a Class-Tinsmithing
On Monday morning, if you desire, you can rise early and enjoy a morning walk through the woods on the chip-bark trails, then help yourself to coffee, tea and the newspaper at Keith House.
How to grow: Corn Earworm (Growing Guide)
One of the best ways to prevent corn earworms are to experiment with varieties and planting dates to find the best combination to escape earworm damage all together. Tips: Vigorous midseason sweet corn varieties with tight husks naturally resist earworm...
Vegan Lasagna Recipe
Help yourself to this delicious dish from Help Yourself Cafe in Key West, Fla. Photo by John Ivanko The lasagna at Help Yourself Cafe is healthy and tasty. Join John Ivanko and Lisa Kivirist as they share recipes and tips for using your garden abundance...
Canadian Bred Roses: The Explorers and Parklands
These hybrid roses are among the most troublesome roses for us northern rose growers due to their susceptibility to black spot disease and their general lack of hardiness. Connell', ‘Marie-Victorin' or ‘Martin Frobisher'.
El Segundo
Create Wildlife Habitats
Gain access to services of: Farm Service Agency Natural Resources Conservation Service Rural Development agencies Building Nest Boxes Learn how a nest box can help manage and nurture wildlife on your farm.