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Deer Proof Gardening: What Vegetables Are Deer Resistant
Deer can be a little lazy about digging up root vegetables, but this doesn't mean they won't eat their aerial foliage. Continue reading for tips onand a list of fruits and vegetables deer won't eat.The sad fact is that there are actually no completely...
Deer Fencing Designs – How To Build A Deer Proof Fence
Any structured fencing needs to be at least 8 feet high, as this is the distance a white tailed deer can jump.Wire lines and deer netting can be lower, but netting should be tilted to prevent the animal from barreling through the material.
How To Keep Deer From Eating Plants – Garden Deer Protection For Plants
With this type of electric fencing, peanut butter is placed along the top of the fence in an effort to lure deer. Not only do they feast on garden veggies, shrubs and trees, but deer also cause damage by trampling plants and rubbingTrying to keep deer...
Roses And Deer – Do Deer Eat Rose Plants And How To Save Them
The deer love peanut butter and will try to lick it off, but when they do so, they get a little shock that sends them in the other direction. When we consider that deer generally live and feed in herds, they can do an astounding amount of damage to our...
Deer Resistant Garden Plans – Creating A Deer Resistant Garden
However, those of us in more rural or under developed areas are quite familiar with the issue. Then consult your local master gardener's orDeer have regional tastes and what works for one gardener may not work for another.
Deer Resistant Plant List – Learn About Plants That Are Deer Resistant
Plant these lovely flowers to discourage deer in your garden:Although deer love to browse on the tips of both evergreen and deciduous shrubs, there are many varieties that they tend to leave alone.Planting a few deer resistant herbs in and around your...
Bulbs Deer Hate: Flower Bulbs That Deter Deer
Whileif they're starving, there are some bulbs deer hate to eat and will only consume in the most desperate conditions. Choose some of these favorites for a deer-resistant yard: Nature provides these properties to keep predators away; it works well with...
Deer Rubbing Tree Bark: Protecting Trees From Deer Rubs
If just one section of the tree's cambium is damaged, it might survive, but deer will often rub most of the way around a tree, causing the plant to slowly starve.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });, a determined...
Deer Eating Fruit Trees: How To Protect Fruit Trees From Deer
Some people decide to create their own repellents, combining some of these ingredients as well as others that strike their fancy with much dissension on whether there is any attributable success.
St. John\'s Wort Plant Care: How To Grow St. John\'s Wort
Ornamental cultivars are well-behaved plants that aren't likely to grow out of control. The blossoms last from midsummer until fall, and they are followed by colorful berries. Other uses include containers,The species plants self-seed and can become weedy,...
Tips On St. John\'s Wort Pruning: When To Cut Back St. John\'s Wort
Read on for information about St. John's wort pruning, including how and when to cut back St. John's wort.St. John's wort is an undemanding shrub that grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9.
St. John\'s Wort Control: Learn How To Control St. John\'s Wort
Information on St. John's wort says it's a noxious weed in some areas.Learning how to control St. John's wort is a long and tedious process, but may be accomplished through significant effort.
Growing Tutsan Shrubs: Tips On Tutsan Care In The Garden
Cut the plant back hard in fall for better spring displays. It is native to western and southern Europe and from the Mediterranean to Iran. It has also been used since ancient times to treat wounds and inflammation.
St. Andrew\'s Cross Plant – Can You Grow St. Andrew\'s Cross In Gardens
A member of the same plant family as) is an upright perennial plant that grows in wooded areas in most states east of the Mississippi River. This is a lovely choice for a semi-shady.
Still in Use: A Hay Rake So Old It Can Be Horse-Drawn
The weld worked perfectly, the rake did its job, and it continues to serve us well. We started a few weeks ago with some of the faster-growing fields, but that was a relatively small project compared with last week , when we put up about 600 small square...
Last Ride of the Silver Sage
Or place it at the feet of a dark-colored shrub such as a(aka ‘Eva') elderberry. This plant deserves better. After several years of rough treatment, my old, lonefinally succumbed recently.
El Segundo
Outwitting Backyard Creatures: Bulbs & Plants They Hate!
In the dead of night, or sometimes in broad daylight, furry creatures help themselves to snacks from the vegetable garden and shrub border. Whether your nemesis is deer, or burrowing rodents that dine on your bulbs and ornamentals, plant these critter-resistant...
El Segundo
Who Ate my Althea? Deer-Resistant Plants for the Midwest
No plant is deer-proof. This will trip them and frighten them away.Any type of noise maker might work. To call a plant deer-proof is a misnomer. And my altheas are thriving once more.Do the research.
El Segundo
Royalty in the Garden : The Crown Imperial
It seems to do best in our roadside flower beds, where it is literally a traffic stopper. Even deer will avoid them. They make an excellent companion for the mid-season tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths.OK, here's the small print.
El Segundo
5 Years of Big Ag: Has It Gotten Better?
The CLF's report aims to address the public health, environment, animal welfare and rural community problems caused by industrial food-animal production. Tags industrial farm-animal production , Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future , Lists , Pew...
5 Ways to Enjoy the Farm Before Dark
Before cozying up at the craft table, head outdoors to respectfully and sustainably collect useful items: pinecones , branches, dried leaves, deadwood, crop residues and berries. The world is big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark.
Antibody Accurately IDs Johne\'s Disease
It also affects sheep , goats , deer and other animals, causing diarrhea, reduced feed intake, weight loss and sometimes death. This is the first discovery of a specific antibody that binds only to Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP),...
Holly Bushes & Deer
Also top-rated for deterring deer are the two "Morris" hollies--John T. Morris and Lydia Morris, tall shrubs named after the benefactors of the Morris Arboretum in Philadelphia.Rated less highly by Rutgers University but still "seldom severely damaged"...
Santa Monica
Extreme birdhouses; designed and built by DG member John Looser
It takes about 1 hour to mount one securely. Some have other fun features including swimming pools (bird baths) in the roof. Sometimes I have to use a farm tractor to lift them in the air.
El Segundo
Deer Versus Plants and Shrubs
They seem to be our herd's favorite summer treats. I guess I'd better buy a few more containers of repellant next time I'm at the garden center. These darned deer are really ticking me off.
Diary of a Class: Fall Vegetable Gardening
Our instructor, Frances Juhlin, an organic market gardener in nearby Murphy, N.C., began by giving us an overview of the week and what we could expect to get out of the class. Sidenote: The Folk School serves delicious food, but if you have specific dietary...
Diary of a Class: Food Gifts, Friendship-and a Trip to Remember
Our walking trip was so lengthy that we missed MorningSong, so I ate a quick breakfast and headed off to class. It was so much fun to watch as many of the dancers were from the area and come weekly to assist in teaching the steps to those of us who are...