Call, email, or visit for the current location of this item. John Deere 2623VT, 40'8", flat bar rolling basket, CAT V hitch. Other websites show the location as Assumption, IL or Monroe, WI, while it may be at any of Sloans 20 stores.
Used very little, 27'; CAT IV HITCH; ROLLING BASKETS JD 2623VT Vertical Tillage Tool, 26.5 Disk Blades 22"X.197 Blades, CatIV Hitch, Rolling Basket Round Bar.
2013 John Deere 2623 33" 7" Vertical Tillage Disk Blades 22"x.197" Cat IV Hitch Active Hydraulic Rolling Basket 15' 8" Transport Width 15' 2" Transport Height