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Farm Business: Cane Creek Farm
Many farmers struggle with business planning and finances, so training in these areas will be integral to the incubator program. These are not the most fun jobs on the farm, and we have to discipline ourselves to pay attention.
Colorado\'s Mountain Goat Lodge
Food is a major part of life at Mountain Goat Lodge. Bring to a boil, then turn down heat and simmer for 10 minutes, until the chia seeds have thickened the fruit nicely. Lemon juice 2-3 T.
Guidestone Farm Ventures
In the fall, students from public and private schools and churches stay in cabins and complete farming-style chores. Erin's Organics is her geothermal greenhouse that grows organic herbs, salad greens and tomatoes.
Fiore di Capra: Tucson\'s Goat Dairy And Creamery
Try it: Cheese and other dairy products can be made very successfully at home. Find a local source of fresh milk. “In addition to my dairy goat project, I was also involved in the dairy foods project where we made all sorts of products with the milk...
Farm Business: Ridge To Reef Farm
Not only are we on a small, relatively remote island, we are in an area of the island that is tucked away in the mountains and far away from the ports and supportive services. But when he became shipwrecked on the island of St. Croix while sailing with...
Q&A With Cycle Farm
We have two other bicycles we built up from used parts. However, we've found that in operating a farm, there are some things that exceed this capacity. Why reinvent the wheel? Working by hand allows us the opportunity to be more present and observant...
Farm Business: Freedom Run Farm
They decided to raise their Angus cattle and Katahdin sheep completely on grass and forage because, as Samutin puts it, “We believe that the health of land, animals and our food supply are deeply tied together.” Freedom Run Farm is dedicated to maintaining...
5 Beginning Farmer Tips From Sleeping Frog Farms
“We specifically chose our watershed area when we moved our operation from Tucson to the San Pedro River Valley because of the purity and level of protection of our aquifer,” says co-owner C.J. Marks.
Aquaculture: An Open Frontier In Farm Entrepreneurship
According to Bourne, aquaculture can be done in tanks or in pens situated within oceans and along bodies of freshwater. (Always consider whether you need the advice of an attorney to assist you, and never rely on articles such as this to be personal legal...
Leaping Lamb Farm: A Mountain Farm Getaway
Scottie Jones But while the former owners raised sheep, cows, pigs, geese and chickens, the Jones have pulled back on the livestock front and focus on raising sheep for the meat market.
Farm Startup Advice From McKenzie Inn Bed-and-Breakfast
Farm sounds and smells permeate the air. The McKenzie Inn features three rooms, each with their own special charm and amenities to enjoy reflecting the character of the person that inspired its decor.
Off-Grid Cattle Ranching At Cold Creek Ranch
He has no regrets, though. Its owners, the Schwennesen family, has had roots in this part of the country since 1921, when Otto M. With 10,000 acres located 20 miles east of Clifton, Ariz., in Mogollon Rim Country, Cold Creek Ranch is a working cattle...
Organic Farm Business: The Natural Trading Company
His produce lineup includes a drool-worthy list of fruits and vegetables, including five varieties of kale, 30 varieties of tomatoes and persimmons from 50-plus-year-old trees, which he makes available to the community via farmers' markets and a year-round...
4 Lavender Tips from Los Poblanos Inn
The farm also experimented with raising sugar beet seed in an effort to wean American dependence on imported sugar beets, but in 1976, influential locals Armin and Penny Rembe bought the ranch and worked to restore and preserve its land and buildings.
Q&A With Neva Hydroponics
We sat down with Pat Wohlgemuth to learn more about what they're doing. In a hydroponic solution, you provide the exact nutrients your plants need in precisely the correct ratios. In Canada, some have turned to hydroponic greenhouses as the solution for...
A Peek At Maple Syrup Making From Vermont\'s Sugarbush Farm
Maple-syrup production requires six weeks of nights at just below freezing, with daytime temperatures hitting in the 40- to 50-degree range, to make the sap flow. A mere 3 miles away is Quechee, a small unincorporated village that sits on the Ottauquechee...
3 Almond Tips From Fat Uncle Farms
A gregarious farmer and jack of all trades, Siemens is a wealth of information about this hugely popular and profitable nut. The Siemans reside there in a 1920s ranch house, growing a mix of grains and beans and raising animals in a holistic rotational...
Farm Business: Longest Acres Farm
It's our mission to provide our family, neighbors and greater community with meat from animals that were raised with love and dignity, and I see our lack of need for buying in animals as the fruition of this goal.
This Is Hobby Farming: A Brush With Destiny (And Water Buffalo)
Neither Audrey nor Craig had a scrap of experience. Audrey delivers cheese to my house, my kids know her by first name, she's part of my family. “She's keeping it grassroots. “When we first started, I was working on the ranch three days and doing...
Learn To Grow Organic With RichCrest Farms
“Back in the 70s, it was about stewardship of the land, making the land better than it was. Tags Arizona farm Farming, with the peace of mind it provides, was a natural fit for him.
Farm Business: Welty Mandarins
Since purchasing the farm, the Parkers have begun to offer value-added products made with their oranges, including soaps, lip balms, marmalade and orange honey, in addition to the fruits themselves.
This Is Hobby Farming: The Poultry Farmers
Very few breeds are good for both egg and meat production, but all laying hens make the best chicken soup and stock imaginable!” The Brughs aren't purists about raising their own laying stock by any means, and largely, it seems, this ability to delegate...
4 Tips For Fostering Beauty On A Desert Ranch
A historical ranch turned artist retreat, Triangle L Ranch Bed-and-Breakfast merges local food and culture for an experience no one should miss. I found the Triangle L with a colleague and saw potential.” The gallery/barn is the venue for a variety...
4 Tips for Starting Your Farm Business From Black Mesa Ranch
Despite that, David, with his culinary background, wanted to learn to make cheese and raise their own meat . “Their being onboard from the start made a huge difference in how smoothly the whole process went.
Oregon Farm Bed-and-breakfasts
If your next farm trip leads you to Oregon, consider staying in one of these bed-and-breakfasts to get the full experience. Abbey Road B & B Carlton 503-852-6278 Barking Mad Farm Enterprise 541-26-0360 Bella Vista Hood River 541-386-1545 Clear Creek Inn...
U-pick Market Success
Annie admits that the tours are profitable for the farm, but more importantly “they are also the most fun aspect of our business. In the 19th century a few enterprising Victorian market gardeners near London regularly promoted country outings to their...
This Is Hobby Farming: Rocky Mountain High
Slowly, the couple began to consider how they wanted their lives to look: They realized they wanted a balance between careers they enjoy and time together as a family. The combination of these two businesses allows the couple to have flexible schedules...