20 foot John Deere 400 Rotary Hoe Frame is straight average wheels, Call for more info or before coming to look Hoe is still in the shed all reasonable cash offers will be considered Rotary Type: 3 pt
This John Deere rotary hoe is in good shape/ 15ft usable width. Length: 0, Rotary Type: 3 pt Great for breaking off the top layer of hardened soil without loosing moisture. Spiders are in good condition, all spin as they should.
DISK BLADES 22"X.256" SP/ WV 4310:CAT IV HITCH LINK, 2.13"PINS 6040:ROLLING BASKET HARROW - RND 9209:CONVEX SCRAPERS, Round bar rolling basket .256 blades Front gauge wheels Used for Demo's Blades are shined up and ready to go.