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John Deere Farm Equipment For Sale In Little Rock

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John Deere 8120 Tractor For Sale
Price : CALL

1280 Hours, 18.4R46 rear tires and duals, 14.9R34 front tires, 4 remotes, HID lights, Front weights, 2 cast rear wheel weights, Powershift Transmission, JD Activeseat. See Above1280 Hours, 18.4R46 rear tires and duals, 14.9R34 front tires, 4 remotes,...
$ 3,700 2003 John Deere 4400
Price : CALL

The Tractor has 35 horsepower, 3 cylinder, is 2 wheel drive and can be switched with the flip of a lever to 4 wheel drive. Excellent condition, many attachments. You are watching a 2003 John Deere 4400 compact utility tractor with 8 attachments.
John Deere 4310 tractor (+)
Price : CALL

Must sell!! John Deere 4310 with many attachments, and solid trailer. 4x4 Front-end loader, bush hog, box blade, 7' x18' dual axel trailer w/ hydro-trans, sync shift, and i match quick attach hitch.
1980 John Deere 7721 Combine
Price : CALL

Very well maintained, documents to prove. Owner has retired and is liquidating all machinery I am the second owner and have always serviced annually. Combnine has been kept in a shed all seasons of non use.
John Deere 4100 4x4
Price : CALL

Nice john deere 4100 4x4 compact tractor w/ loader & mower 317 hrs hydro diesel.
7445 John Deere Cotton Stripper
Price : CALL

Direct drive 200 upgrade in 1998. Narrow or wide row cotton stripper with it's original engine and only 1650 hours. Stripper has a cleaner saw drum spray unit. Heavy duty cleaner doffer installed in 2002.
John Deere 6220 tractor with 4 wheel drive
Price : CALL

94.5" Wheel Base: 163"x62"x98" (LxWxH) Weight: 9,678 Pounds Hydraulics: 2,900 psi/25 GPM New Front Tires: Two New Batteries Includes: 8' 4-Way Plow w/New Cutting Edge There's also a 540/1,000 RPM (72 hp) PTO.
Friuli-Venezia Giulia
John Deere 5425 tractor for sale
Price : CALL

Super clean john deere 5425 2wd syncro transmission (9/3) 16.9-30 rear tires 9.5l-15 front tires dual mid svc's dual rear scv's john deere 522 loader 400 hours 2005 john deere 5425 2wd with a john deere 522 loader for sale low hours syncro transmission
St. Francois
2005 John Deere 6420 Tractor
Price : CALL

Cab mounted exaust, block heater, ether aid, beltline lights, front & rear wipers & washers, instructional seat, factory warranty till Feb 2007 285 hours, 90 hp, MFWD, 16 spd,air seat,buddy seat,front fenders,rear fender extn,deluxe exhaust
Thousand Oaks
John Deere 6700 Sprayer For Sale
Price : CALL

6700 sprayer 60 ft booms green star ready above average condition wheel shields single nozzles $45000 1999 6700 sprayer 60ft booms green star ready 2200 hours above average codition $45000
De Kalb
Fort Payne
JD 6601 Combine for sale
Price : CALL

For Sale: John Deere Model 6601 pull-type combine. Available for viewing in Twin Butte, Alberta. Has new tires and was used last season.
Twin Butte
John Deere 510 Backhoe
Price : CALL

To view pictures of this backhoe available. 10,600 hours, engine and rear end overhauled last few years, new front tires, rear OK, Loader 1.5 cu ft, overall weight 20,000 lbs, height of dip stick 13ft 3in.
John Deere 5105 Tractor for sale
Price : CALL

Like new about 200 hours, front end loaded, back hoe, 6 ft bush hog. Great condition. John Deere Model 5105 around 200 hours, comes with back hoe, front end loader and 6 ft bush hog.
1942 John Deere model A restored
Price : CALL

New Rubber all around, Paint and engine work were completed in 1998 before it went into storage I would rather see it go to a good home than sit in the barn for another 5 years. I dont know much about it, other than it ran great and looked great previous...
Little Rock
4-JD5210 Tractors for Sale
Price : CALL

2-1998 John Deere 5210 1-1999 John Deere 5210 and1-2000 5210 for sale 2000 T-section and motor only 1- 1999 John Deere 5210 $7,000.00 1- 2000 John Deere 5210 T-section and motor only $2,500.00
John Deere 930 discbine
Price : CALL

1996, 3 year old rollers(steel on steel), excellent condition. And is field ready.
John Deere Tractor Parts
Price : CALL

Brand New grille for John Deere 990. I will sell for $300 or trade for front grille and head lights for 990 tractor Still in the original JD box and list for over $450 USD LVA800068 or LVA801361.
John Deere 7500 Forage Harvester
Price : CALL

We maintain the machine meticulously. Kernal Processor, RWD, 688 corn head, additional earledge head/Case-IH, clean, owner/operator, 1832 hours on the axle and 1350 +/- on the cutter.
1951 john deere b and 2 row pl.
Price : CALL

Generator, and carberator have all been rebuilt. Very restorable complete 51 b john deere and planter for sale $1500 - some work has been done see detailed description. Tractor is complete and has good sheet metal parts.
John Deere 3400 Telehandler
Price : CALL

This low hr machine is in excellent condition, and includes a Grapple Bucket, Pallet forks, and Boom. Make: John Deere Lift Capacity: 6000 lbs Steering: 4-Wheel + Crab Max Lift: 23 ft Auxiliary Valve: 1 Serial # Z03400X203184 HP: 100 Fuel: Diesel Tires:...
Price : CALL

The Mid & rear PTO work as they should and so does the four wheel drive. 1994 john deere 4x4 755 compact tractor hydrostatic nothing wrong with the tractor. John Deere 755 four wheel drive compact tractor.
John Deere 5830
Price : CALL

Air Compressor and cooler for a JD 5830. If you have a catalog we would like to receive one. 2008 Horseshoe Road Lancaster, PA 17602 visit website. Lancaster Silo, Inc.
John Deere Tractor For Sale
Price : CALL

1953 John Deere A-R - refurbished tractor - in excellent condition with new paint and new rubber all round asking $4500 but open to offers 1953 John Deere A-R in excellent condition with new paint and rubber all round -
Little Rock
John Deere 4430
Price : CALL

1976 John Deere 4430 tractor with 16 foot Blade. 130 HP, dual hydraulics, quad range transmission, clamp on dual wheels. Great small farm tractor. Good condition 1976 4430 John Deere tractor with 16 foot blade.
2006 John Deere 4x4 Diesel Gator
Price : CALL

It is 4 wheel drive with locking differential. For sale - 2006 john deere 4x4 diesel gator - $2900 - fast sale - $2900 - $2900 - $2900 A complete joy on those windy cold rainy days.
John Deere Tractor Canopies
Price : CALL

The Sun Guard universal tractor canopy fits most John Deere tractor models. Durable and affordable, Sun Guard is your John Deere tractor canopy solution. Your canopy will be custom painted in John Deere green.
John Deere 970 w/loader 560hours
Price : CALL

96 JD 970 with 440 loader and backblade. 1996 JD 970 4x4 w/440 loader and backblade Soft cab with heater, trailer and snowblower available $12000 OBO The trailer is in fair shape, it needs a few boards replaced on the beavertail, and I do not know if...
near Traverse City